Weaving a Tapestry

New UU Classes

A set of orientation classes are held quarterly at Tapestry to introduce potential new members (or anyone interested) to our church and Unitarian Universalism. For more information, contact the Membership team by sending an email to membership@uutapestry.org.

Circle of Trees

Circle of Trees is a multi-generational program of eight workshops that nurture deep connection with trees, nature, and all of earth's living creatures. The program uses trees as an entry point to understand and connect with life on earth.

Across many cultures, trees are recognized as a symbol for life on earth—for example, the biblical Tree of Life. Even young children understand trees as sustainers of life, fundamental engines of life on earth as we know it. Trees create and purify the air we breathe. They house and provide resources for myriad creatures, including humans. They bring us peace, joy, and delight.

This program will:

  • Provide a basic understanding of why trees are, literally, “providers of life”
  • Identify threats to trees and the web of life and provide inspiration to take action
  • Explore using methods that are spiritual, non-intellectual, with the hope of fostering deep connection
  • Provide meaningful ways in which participants can actively promote the health of trees and, by extension, the web of life
  • Reinforce the concept of interdependence as expressed in the seventh Unitarian Universalist Principle, “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”
  • Affirm that stewardship of the earth is an explicit act of Unitarian Universalist faith.


  • September 15 - Come into the Circle with Tracy Cook
  • October 20 - Trees, Providers of Life with Jessica Speed
  • November 17 - Trees, Connected to All Life with Justin Changalpet
  • December 15 - Trees, Sanctuary for the Spirit with Todd Mills
  • January 19 - Trees, From Peril to Progress with Melissa Huckabay & Jasmine Pantuso
  • February 16 - Council Among Trees, Part 1 with Dawn Newcomer & Elisa Kaplan
  • March 16 - Council Among Trees, Part 2 with Grace Ngo
  • April 20 - Come be with the Trees with James Moore
Be Still With Me Meditation Events

Be Still With Me is a meditation series offered by Tapestry Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston.
Our Goal: to offer a space for quiet reflection, meditation, and prayer for all ages and through a variety of methods.
Our Belief: meditation and prayer is not a one-size-fits-all experience. Rather, mediation and prayer is an opportunity to explore what helps a person connect. Connect to the nurturing spark within. Connect to the interconnected web that connects us all.
Our Plan: We aim to offer Be Still With Me at least twice per month at our Church or in nature when the weather permits.

Multigenerational (Ages 0-100+ welcome)
Accommodations available
Instructions for new meditators
Guidance for meditation/prayer challenges
These are free event with donations for our interfaith Spiritual Formation program gladly accepted
Visitors must register here https://forms.gle/j7iqbnj6Z9Q2uw5f6

All visitors must register.
Tapestry Members, frequent visitors, and friends do not need to register.
Registration closes 24 hours prior to the event. If you register after the window has closed we will invite you to our next event.

Our evening offerings, whether at the church or Collins Park in Spring, will have designated spaces to practice guided, silent, play, coloring, and walking meditation and prayer. The meditation areas will be available for a full hour of silence from 7pm-8pm. However, you may quietly leave when you are ready. Rev. Alisha Mills, or another experienced meditation facilitator, will remain for the full hour and then gather items at 8pm to close and return home in silence. We will offer quiet play for children with parents nearby in their own chosen stillness activity.

Our morning offerings, will gather at 8:30am for a short fellowship, breakfast, and/or beverages at the main picnic areas just in front of the parking lot. We will transition to a short teaching and answer questions at 8:50 with meditation beginning at 9am. You may feel free to stay the entire hour or leave when you are ready. Rev. Alisha or another experienced meditation facilitator will remain for the full hour then gather meditation items at 10am to return home in silence.

We welcome all people at Tapestry Unitarian Universalist of Houston and look forward to Being Still Together

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