Weaving a Tapestry

Tapestry UU Church of Houston’s History as a Welcoming Congregation

Although Tapestry UU Church came into being in 2019, it was initially founded in 1995 as Northwest Community UU Church, and we have long been proud of our congregation’s welcoming attitude to newcomers of all stripes and persuasions. In 2007, NWCUUC undertook and qualified for UUA Certification as a Welcoming Congregation.

In 2013, NWCUUC merged with First and Thoreau UU Churches and became "One church in three locations." All three "campuses" were designated as Welcoming Congregations, and they each formally renewed their certifications in 2014.

In 2020, Tapestry members embarked on the process of annual recertification, with James Glines leading our Welcoming Congregation Certification team. Our goals are to ensure that all our church’s members fully appreciate and live into the requirements of Welcoming Certification, and that our church continues to be formally certified as a Welcoming Congregation.

On January 19, 2022, Tapestry received formal Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) approval of its Welcoming Certification Program. We intend to annually renew our Welcoming Congregation status by implementing the The Five Practices of Welcome Renewal, as described in the UUA’s Welcoming Congregation Program.

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