Weaving a Tapestry

KewlGeeks Interests

Your Name: 
Birth Date: 
Phone Numbers: 
 Home:    Cell:    Work: 
Number of Children:
Contact Preferences: 
Contact Times: 
InterestsI'll LeadI'll HelpI'll be on the teamWant info. Call me!Comments
Governance - Member of the board - President, President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer, Secretary, At-Large
Past President
Third Principle Team Team (identify and recruit team leaders, and identify and recruit candidates for board member elections)
Delegate to UUA General Assembly - third week of June
Safe Congregation Team
Membership Team (new members, Pathways classes, new member ceremony)
Stewardship Team (care for Tapestry through donations, time and talent)
Canvass Team for the Annual Generous Giving Campaign
Finance Team (works with treasurer, stewardship team and fundraising team)
Fundraising Team ( ways to increase income)
Welcoming Congregation Certification Team (LGBTQ+ Welcoming congregation)
Healthy Communications Team (conflict resolution, behavior covenants)
Communications Team (Internal communications and outreach efforts)
Tapestry Website
Tapestry Social Media
Tapestry Newsletter
Tapestry Photographer
Tapestry Historian
Greeters Team (Welcome members and visitors to church)
Greet members and visitors on Sunday mornings
Send a note to visitors
Hospitality Team
Provide snacks for after church social hour - once every 4-6 weeks
Help prepare coffee and set up for social hour after church
Help clean up Social Hall
Help with meals at Tapestry retreats (once or twice a year)
Help set up for pot luck dinners (monthly)
Caring Team (caring for each other)
Cook and/or deliver a meal
Listen. Phone a friend / send snail mail or email
Give a ride to Sunday Service
Give a ride during the week
Worship Arts Team (Plans the Sunday services)
Liturgist (Lay Leader on a Sunday morning)
Prepare Order of Service / Announcements
Deliver a sermon that someone else wrote
Write and deliver a sermon
Sanctuary Set Up
Audio/Video Set Up
Zoom Administrators
Worship Arts Team - Music
Help plan music for Sunday Worship
Sing in the choir (Enter in comments part(s)/range you prefer to sing)
Play an Instrument(s) (Enter in comments what kind)
Spiritual Practices
Earth-Based Spirituality
Something Else
Religious Exploration Team
RE Team Lead
Youth RE Coordinator (organizes middle and high school youth program)
Be on the RE Team (curriculum, safe practices, RE registration)
Nursery / Pre-K
Youth RE - Middle School and High School age
Chaperone Child-Friendly Outing
Chaperone Youth Rally
Alternate / Substitute Teacher
OWL - Our Whole Lives Sexuality classes
Show a talent or tell a personal story
Something Else
Social Justice Issues and Projects
Economic Justice
Environmental Action
Equality for All
Reproductive Rights
Texas UU Justice Ministry representative
Side with Love campaign representative
Unitarian Universalist Network of Houston representative
Interfaith Ministries representative
UUA Social Justice Initiatives (varies)
Community Service Projects
Postcard campaign
Charitable Giving / Share the Plate
UU the Vote Campaign
Something Else
Special Interests & Fellowship
Mixed Bag Book Club (monthly)
Disc Golf Group (weekly) (meeting virtually, not playing Disc Golf during pandemic)
Game Night (weekly)
Attend a UU Rally or retreat (check UBarU website)
Camping (but not Hiking) Group
Corner Forum (Discussion of sermon topic after church)
Morning Forum (Current Event Topics before church)
Makers TUU (Tapestry UU) (Explores different crafts and takes field trips)
Something Else
Covenant Groups
Happiness is a Choice
Brené Brown Wisdom
Big Questions, Deep Listening
Cooking Covenant Group
CUUPs (Covenant of UU Pagans) - Earth-Based Spirituality
Tapestry Young Adult Group (ages 18-35ish)
Women Aligned Spirituality Group (open registration June, then closed July-May)
Weaving Our Lives Alumni Covenant Groups (closed)
Five Mile Hiking Covenant Group
De-Cluttering Group
Something Else
Special Interest Groups that are suspended due to COVID or haven't started yet
Circle Dinners (potluck dinner for 8 people, to get to know each other) (monthly)
Outdoor Outings
Fiber Arts Group (Knitting, Crocheting, Quilting, etc.) (monthly)
Adult Religious Exploration of Faiths
Movie Night (monthly)
Craft Beer Tasting and Discussion (monthly)
Wine Tasting and Discussion (monthly)
Raspberry Pi Club
Let's us know more about you, if you'd like
I have an interest in:
I have an expertise in:
I am passionate about:
I spend my free time doing this:
I volunteer with this (these) community groups:
Please share other ideas that we haven't considered yet.
What roles at Tapestry are you currently holding?
What roles at Tapestry have you held in the past?

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