Interests | I'll Lead | I'll Help | I'll be on the team | Want info. Call me! | Comments |
Governance - Member of the board - President, President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer, Secretary, At-Large | | | | | |
President | | | | | |
President-Elect | | | | | |
Past President | | | | | |
Secretary | | | | | |
Treasurer | | | | | |
Third Principle Team Team (identify and recruit team leaders, and identify and recruit candidates for board member elections) | | | | | |
Delegate to UUA General Assembly - third week of June | | | | | |
Safe Congregation Team | | | | | |
Membership Team (new members, Pathways classes, new member ceremony) | | | | | |
Stewardship Team (care for Tapestry through donations, time and talent) | | | | | |
Canvass Team for the Annual Generous Giving Campaign | | | | | |
Finance Team (works with treasurer, stewardship team and fundraising team) | | | | | |
Fundraising Team ( ways to increase income) | | | | | |
Welcoming Congregation Certification Team (LGBTQ+ Welcoming congregation) | | | | | |
Healthy Communications Team (conflict resolution, behavior covenants) | | | | | |
Communications Team (Internal communications and outreach efforts) | | | | | |
Tapestry Website | | | | | |
Tapestry Social Media | | | | | |
Tapestry Newsletter | | | | | |
Tapestry Photographer | | | | | |
Tapestry Historian | | | | | |
Marketing | | | | | |
Greeters Team (Welcome members and visitors to church) | | | | | |
Greet members and visitors on Sunday mornings | | | | | |
Send a note to visitors | | | | | |
Hospitality Team | | | | | |
Provide snacks for after church social hour - once every 4-6 weeks | | | | | |
Help prepare coffee and set up for social hour after church | | | | | |
Help clean up Social Hall | | | | | |
Help with meals at Tapestry retreats (once or twice a year) | | | | | |
Help set up for pot luck dinners (monthly) | | | | | |
Caring Team (caring for each other) | | | | | |
Cook and/or deliver a meal | | | | | |
Listen. Phone a friend / send snail mail or email | | | | | |
Give a ride to Sunday Service | | | | | |
Give a ride during the week | | | | | |
Worship Arts Team (Plans the Sunday services) | | | | | |
Liturgist (Lay Leader on a Sunday morning) | | | | | |
Prepare Order of Service / Announcements | | | | | |
Deliver a sermon that someone else wrote | | | | | |
Write and deliver a sermon | | | | | |
Sanctuary Set Up | | | | | |
Audio/Video Set Up | | | | | |
Zoom Administrators | | | | | |
Worship Arts Team - Music | | | | | |
Help plan music for Sunday Worship | | | | | |
Sing in the choir (Enter in comments part(s)/range you prefer to sing) | | | | | |
Play an Instrument(s) (Enter in comments what kind) | | | | | |
Spiritual Practices | | | | | |
Humanist | | | | | |
Atheist | | | | | |
Buddhist | | | | | |
Christian | | | | | |
Jewish | | | | | |
Islam | | | | | |
Meditation | | | | | |
Earth-Based Spirituality | | | | | |
Something Else | |
Religious Exploration Team | | | | | |
RE Team Lead | | | | | |
Youth RE Coordinator (organizes middle and high school youth program) | | | | | |
Be on the RE Team (curriculum, safe practices, RE registration) | | | | | |
Nursery / Pre-K | | | | | |
Elementary | | | | | |
Youth RE - Middle School and High School age | | | | | |
Chaperone Child-Friendly Outing | | | | | |
Chaperone Youth Rally | | | | | |
Alternate / Substitute Teacher | | | | | |
OWL - Our Whole Lives Sexuality classes | | | | | |
Show a talent or tell a personal story | | | | | |
Something Else | |
Social Justice Issues and Projects | | | | | |
Economic Justice | | | | | |
Environmental Action | | | | | |
Equality for All | | | | | |
Reproductive Rights | | | | | |
Texas UU Justice Ministry representative | | | | | |
Side with Love campaign representative | | | | | |
Unitarian Universalist Network of Houston representative | | | | | |
Interfaith Ministries representative | | | | | |
UUA Social Justice Initiatives (varies) | | | | | |
Community Service Projects | | | | | |
Postcard campaign | | | | | |
Charitable Giving / Share the Plate | | | | | |
UU the Vote Campaign | | | | | |
Something Else | |
Special Interests & Fellowship | | | | | |
Mixed Bag Book Club (monthly) | | | | | |
Disc Golf Group (weekly) (meeting virtually, not playing Disc Golf during pandemic) | | | | | |
Game Night (weekly) | | | | | |
Attend a UU Rally or retreat (check UBarU website) | | | | | |
Camping (but not Hiking) Group | | | | | |
Corner Forum (Discussion of sermon topic after church) | | | | | |
Morning Forum (Current Event Topics before church) | | | | | |
Makers TUU (Tapestry UU) (Explores different crafts and takes field trips) | | | | | |
Something Else | |
Covenant Groups | | | | | |
Happiness is a Choice | | | | | |
Brené Brown Wisdom | | | | | |
Big Questions, Deep Listening | | | | | |
Cooking Covenant Group | | | | | |
CUUPs (Covenant of UU Pagans) - Earth-Based Spirituality | | | | | |
Tapestry Young Adult Group (ages 18-35ish) | | | | | |
Women Aligned Spirituality Group (open registration June, then closed July-May) | | | | | |
Weaving Our Lives Alumni Covenant Groups (closed) | | | | | |
Five Mile Hiking Covenant Group | | | | | |
De-Cluttering Group | | | | | |
Something Else | |
Special Interest Groups that are suspended due to COVID or haven't started yet | | | | | |
Circle Dinners (potluck dinner for 8 people, to get to know each other) (monthly) | | | | | |
Outdoor Outings | | | | | |
Fiber Arts Group (Knitting, Crocheting, Quilting, etc.) (monthly) | | | | | |
Adult Religious Exploration of Faiths | | | | | |
Movie Night (monthly) | | | | | |
Craft Beer Tasting and Discussion (monthly) | | | | | |
Wine Tasting and Discussion (monthly) | | | | | |
Raspberry Pi Club | | | | | |
Let's us know more about you, if you'd like | |
I have an interest in: | |
I have an expertise in: | |
I am passionate about: | |
I spend my free time doing this: | |
I volunteer with this (these) community groups: | |
Please share other ideas that we haven't considered yet. | |
What roles at Tapestry are you currently holding? | |
What roles at Tapestry have you held in the past? | |