Weaving a Tapestry

We Are Unitarian Universalists
We Act

Seven days a week, Unitarian Universalists live our Principles by answering the call for social justice. We have a track record of standing on the side of love for civil rights, LGBTQ equality, immigration reform, environmental sustainability, reproductive justice, racial justice, and more. Local congregations and communities work with interfaith and secular partners to realize their dreams for a better world. Together, we create a force for good more powerful than any of us could be alone.

We Believe

We are people of many paths who are brave, curious, and compassionate thinkers and doers. Diverse in age, ethnicity, gender, and spirituality, we come together to make a difference for our world and ourselves. We have different beliefs, but we share the same values. What unites us are seven core Principles: believing in the worthiness of every person; promoting justice, equity, and compassion; accepting others for who they are; growing through a personal search for truth; honoring the right of all to act according to their conscience; working for justice; and understanding that everything is interconnected.

Our Roots

Our radical history stretches from European religious pioneers to early American revolutionaries, from nineteenth-century Transcendentalists and reformers to twentieth-century Humanists and twenty-first-century visionaries. Unitarians and Universalists are part of a long line of heretics and hopefuls who dared to dream of a better world.

We Gather

Our congregations and communities are places where people of all ages thrive, helping us live with more wisdom, compassion, and soul. When we gather, we worship, reflect, and remind ourselves what matters most in life. Rites of passage mark important times of growth and change. Classes and small groups show us that each of us has something to teach as well as something to learn. Justice projects put our values into practice.

Unitarian Universalists
can also be agnostic, Buddhist,
Christian, Hindu, Humanist,
Jewish, Muslim, Pagan,
and atheist.

Learn More

In more than 1,000 congregations in the United States, in traditional churches and outdoor retreat centers, on college campuses and in the military, even online, Unitarian Universalists are where you are. We welcome your whole self, with all your truths and your doubts, your worries and your hopes. Our faith honors your mind, your heart, and your journey. Find what it means to live your deepest values out loud. Join us on this extraordinary adventure of faith.

For more information, visit uua.org.

The Author
Carey McDonald is the UUA Outreach Director, helping Unitarian Universalist values reach more people and respond to the changing American religious landscape.

24 Farnsworth St., Boston. MA 022 10-1409
© Unitarian Universalist Association

Color photos courtesy of Dea Brayden and Nancy Pierce/UUA
Barton and Emerson photos via Wikimedia Commons
Whitney Young photo by Yoichi Okamoto via Wikimedia Commons

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