Weaving a Tapestry

Cooking Covenant Group

Welcome! The Cooking Covenant Group holds meetings on the first Saturday of every month, from 3:00-4:30 PM. We sometimes meet up at church, and other times at someone's homes. All are welcome to attend. We share our experiences in a non-judgmental way, and we taste! Are you a total newbie with little to no experience? Great, come on by! Are you an expert in the kitchen? Fantastic! Do you only want to participate on certain topics? That's wonderful, we are glad you can stop by!


Kids Make a Meal for YOU!!! July 28 (for Caretakers of kids 18 and under)

by Tracy Cook on 7/15/2024

Howdy, Friends and Neighbors,

I am headed to UBARU for SWUUSI Camp so I won’t be at church this weekend. However, I will be back for our event on July 28!

Next on the Cooking Covenant Group’s plan is Cooking with Kids! Our plan is to put together a Stir-Fry Noodles with Veggies bowl for each of the Caretakers, assembled by the kids. We will be ‘cooking’ with any kids that wish to participate on July 28 at church during fellowship time. They will be preparing something for YOU to eat, either at home or right away. If your kids are under 5, we may need your help with assembling the noodle dish. However, we have also decided the kids should make something for themselves, and we will not need your assistance in that!

I am providing the vegan and gluten-free noodles and the stir-fry sauce. There will be diced chicken breast on the side if you would prefer. Dawn and Elisa have volunteered to provide all of the steamed or blanched veggies. We are still looking for someone who can provide larger plastic bowls for building each serving, and the toppings for the vegan, nut-free, gluten-free chocolate donut for the kids. Some suggestions are (but not limited to): powdered sugar; shredded coconut, chopped walnuts or pecans, slivered almonds, sprinkles, chocolate chips (Whole Foods has a 365-brand that is good for people with food sensitivities)...

You don’t have to have kids, or even enjoy cooking, to support this activity! ❤️

If you wish to provide one or more of the toppings, please contact me on this blog, or send an email to cooking@uutapestry.org.

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Let Your Kids Do the Cooking!

by Tracy Cook on 7/9/2024

Howdy, Friends and Neighbors,

I hope we are getting our homes all put back together after Beryl. That was a MESS. But maybe the Berry Goodness Treats helped soothe you during the storm!

Next on the Cooking Covenant Group’s plan is Cooking with Kids! Our plan is to put together a Stir-Fry Noodles with Veggies bowl for each of the Caretakers, assembled by the kids. We will be ‘cooking’ with any kids that wish to participate on July 28 at church during fellowship time. They will be preparing something for YOU to eat, either at home or right away. If your kids are under 5, we may need your help with assembling the noodle dish. However, we have also decided the kids should make something for themselves, and we will not need your assistance in that! 

I am providing the vegan and gluten-free noodles and the stir-fry sauce. Dawn and Elisa have volunteered to provide all of the steamed or blanched veggies. We are still looking for someone who can provide larger plastic bowls for building each serving, and the toppings for the vegan, nut-free, gluten-free chocolate donut for the kids. Some suggestions are (but not limited to): powdered sugar; shredded coconut, chopped walnuts, chocolate chips (Whole Foods has a 365-brand that is good for people with food sensitivities)...

You don’t have to have kids, or even enjoy cooking, to support this activity! ❤️

If you wish to provide one or more of the toppings, please contact me on this blog, or send an email to cooking@uutapestry.org 

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Cooking with Kids!

by Tracy Cook on 7/1/2024

At the end of this month, Cooking Covenant Group will be helping the kids make something for the significant adult(s) in their lives! On July 28, to coincide with Parents’ Appreciation Day, we will be cooking with the kids. This will happen in the Fellowship Hall after services, around 12:15. We are loosely defining ‘parent’ to include grandparents, aunts and uncles, and foster parents. So if you are currently raising a kid, send them to us to make you a meal! Kids from 0-18 are included in this event, though we ask for your assistance if they are under 5.

We are going to be making noodles with veggies and stir-fry sauce. This is a vegan, gluten-free option. We will also have meats on the side if you would prefer.

If you would like to bring supplies, like steamed veggies or maybe big plastic bowls to build the meal, just let me know by responding to this blog (below) or emailing me at cooking@uutapestry.org. Or, you can text me if that’s a better way for you to communicate!

If you would like to volunteer to help, please also respond to this blog or email me, or text me.

I am really looking forward to this event!

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Berry Goodness: Corrected Information

by Tracy Cook on 6/24/2024

This year on July 7, we will be distributing Berry Goodness Treats for the Congregation.

If you know ahead of time that you will not be in attendance in person on July 7, please contact me (below, or send an email to cooking@uutapestry.org, or send me a text) as soon as possible. We will set aside some treats for you when you can next attend in person.

If you would like to prepare something, please show up on July 6 at 3:00 over at Dawn and Elisa’s home with your goodies all ready to go. Please include a label with your ingredients listed, so people know whether a specific treat can be gobbled by their family members. And I misspoke last week! Do NOT have them packed up beforehand. We will pack all of them together so one person from the household can grab their paper bags as they leave church.

We have around 60 members and friends in good standing. Each person should get a treat, so that would be 60 treats. They can be small, as there will be several treats going to each family! For example, I am making vegan, gluten-free berry crumble. What yummy treat can you bring?! Or, are you just drooling over getting a bag of goodies this year?! Ha!

Same, Friend, same…

If you would like to help package the items, just bring yourself to Dawn and Elisa’s home on July 6 at 3:00. No other materials are needed!

Thank you for supporting us in our endeavors ❤️

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Berry Goodness

by Tracy Cook on 6/17/2024

This year on July 7, we will be distributing Berry Goodness Treats for the Congregation.

If you would like to prepare something, please show up on July 6 at 3:00 over at Dawn and Elisa’s home with your goodies already packaged and ready to go. Please include a label with your ingredients listed, so people know whether a specific treat can be gobbled by their family members.

We have around 60 members and friends in good standing. Each person should get a treat, so that would be 60 treats. They can be small, as there will be several treats going to each family! For example, I am making vegan, gluten-free berry crumble. There was a deal on blackberries and raspberries at Kroger the other day, and another on blueberries at HEB. I do not have a square partitioned baking pan, like I thought. I do have an abundance of mini-cupcake pans, though, so I’m using these. I still may head over to amazon and see what they have for packing the mini-treats up.

If you would like to help package the items, just bring yourself to Dawn and Elisa’s home on July 6 at 3:00. No other materials are needed!

Thank you for supporting us in our endeavors! ❤️

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