Weaving a Tapestry

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Living Your Spirituality

Members of the Unitarian Universalist religion as well as many visitors may describe their belief systems in different ways. Some call themselves religious, others use the word spiritual, and some refer to values or principles. Wherever you are on this spectrum, you are welcome!

Tapestry UU Church of Houston welcomes you to explore whether you may grow into your truest self on the pathway of Unitarian Universalist principles and values! If you decide you want to just be friends, that is fine as well! A great way to dive in is to attend our Corner Forum discussion after the service on Sunday. 

Here are some ways that members and friends can live out their values in support of their own growth and that of our community.

Visited a few times? Long-time visitor? New member?

  • Attend a Team FUUN outing - see our calendar for the next event.
  • Volunteer to light and extinguish the chalice.
  • Help place hymnals before service.
  • Hand out the Order of Service on Sunday.
  • Help make coffee in the morning.
  • Sign up to provide refreshments one Sunday.
  • Help clean up in the kitchen after refreshment time.
  • Offer to bring items for the activity cart made available during worship.
  • Offer to bake a casserole for the Caring Team to have on hand for members going through a hard time.
  • Join a small group ministry: Big Questions/Deep Listening, Book Discussion, Cooking, Gardening, Happiness, Role-Playing (coming soon), Spanish, Women-Aligned Spirituality.

Member for 3 to 6 months?

  • Become a children's activity/religious education assistant (requires background check).
  • Sign up for one of the teams that do the work of the church: Caring, Worship, Greeters, Membership, Hospitality/Snack, Religious Education, Stewardship, Security, Marketing, and more.
  • Sign up to be a liturgist - the person that facilitates Sunday worship.
  • Sign up to help with worship technology.
  • Get involved with a committee. You can find a list of them here.
  • Assist with our building committee to make our space beautiful.
  • Ask for information about and attend webinars offered by the UUA Southern Region and other UUA organizations.

Member for 12 months or more?

  • Lead a committee (exception - people who have belonged to a different UU church previously can be considered for leadership roles after a shorter period of time).
  • Plan a SEE Justice event.
  • Serve as a member of the Third Principle Team that nominates for elections and helps with leadership development.
  • Serve as an officer on the Board of Directors.

These are just some of the many ways you can become involved. To get involved seek out our minister. She can point you in the right direction. Or, you can email her at minister@uutapestry.org.

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