Weaving a Tapestry

Sunday Services Archive

Here you will find a listing of our past services going back to 2005:

 March 9, 2025
Offsite - Stewardship Sunday
Rev. Alisha Mills

We will meet off-site this Sunday and revisit Benevolence Bay with a new addition, Teen Island! Come spend time with us in a salon style format and choose your own adventure. Please see the newsletter for the address and more information.

 March 2, 2025
Rev. Alisha Mills

The first Ramadan began with a man climbing a rocky mountain and retreating into a tiny cave. He sat there, alone, for a month of fasting, meditation, reflection and prayer, as he had many times before. He was trying to distill the mysteries of the universe, compassion and the knowledge of God. Like the man, Tapestry will lead you to understand the value of emptying yourself in order to open to the mystery.

 February 23, 2025
Tahirih Justice Center
Julissa Garza

The Tahirih Justice Center is a national non-profit organization works with immigrant survivors of gender-based violence. Tahirih works to dismantle the laws, practices, and attitudes that leave immigrant survivors vulnerable to abuse. We provide each survivor with the resources they need to secure personal protection and support their agency in their healing journey. By working at both the systemic and individual levels, we seek to have a truly transformative impact on our justice system. We take an interdisciplinary approach to secure justice for survivors. Through free legal and social services, policy advocacy, and community outreach and training, we protect and expand legal rights for immigrant survivors of gender-based violence seeking safety in the U.S. Our Houston office opened in 2009 and provides immigration legal services, social services case management, and leadership development opportunities for survivors, in addition to professional training and technical assistance, community education, and policy advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels. We’ll talk about about Tahirih’s history, mission, and programs, as well as how you can get involved to support Tahirih’s mission to create a world in which all people share equal rights and live in safety and with dignity.

 February 16, 2025
Side with Love Trans People Are Divine
Dawn Newcomer

With each new year, Side with Love offers an intentional holy time of spiritual nourishment, contemplation, and embodiment. A new year can carry with it the weight and grief of the former while inviting us into possibility and prophecy of the new. 30 Days of Love offers a place to steady and stretch as we faithfully journey toward wholeness and collective liberation. We will share their offering for the week in worship and share ways to engage spiritually with their entire 30 days for the congregation.

The theme this year is Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams,. The theme draws inspiration from Robin D.G. Kelley’s Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination, tracing the prophetic affirmations and spiritual work of justice movements as guides to how each of us can call new worlds into being. This week's theme is Trans People are Divine.

Trans and nonbinary people have always been here. Acknowledging this calls us to honor them as vital and irreplaceable members of the human family and essential threads in the divine tapestry of creation. We affirm this not just as a response to oppression, but as a truth that has always existed. Their presence is a testament to the enduring power of transformation and creation, defying the forces that seek to constrain them and teaching us all how to manifest a more liberated future.

 February 9, 2025
Radical Love
James Moore

In a time of increasing polarization and division, we seek a path to reconcile our differences and stand on the side of love. How can we nurture love in an era filled with so much hate? James Moore will explore what it means in our modern society to show Radical Love toward others.

 February 2, 2025
The Kairotic Moment
Daniel Raines

Have you ever had a moment where everything seemed to line up perfectly?
Where you suddenly became aware of the spiritual or personal significance of a specific decision as you were making it?
Daniel refers to these moments as "kairotic moments," named after the Greek god of timing and opportunity, Kairos.
Join him as he describes his own spiritual journey and how he learned to recognize Kairotic moments as they occur.

 January 26, 2025
Side with Love Week
Rev. Alisha Mills

With each new year, Side with Love offers an intentional holy time of spiritual nourishment, contemplation, and embodiment. A new year can carry with it the weight and grief of the former while inviting us into possibility and prophecy of the new. 30 Days of Love offers a place to steady and stretch as we faithfully journey toward wholeness and collective liberation. We will share their offering for the week in worship and share ways to engage spiritually with their entire 30 days for the congregation.

The theme this year is Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams,. The theme draws inspiration from Robin D.G. Kelley’s Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination, tracing the prophetic affirmations and spiritual work of justice movements as guides to how each of us can call new worlds into being. The first week is We Are Home

 January 24, 2025
Template Guest Speaker


 January 23, 2025
Template Rev. Alisha
Template Rev. Alisha


 January 19, 2025
Intentional Multicultural Inclusion for Tapestry UU of Houston
Rev. Alisha Mills

The UUA definition of Multiculturalism: Multiculturalism means nurturing a religious community where people of all races, ethnicities, and cultures see their cultural identities reflected and affirmed in every aspect of congregational life—worship, fellowship, leadership, governance, religious education, social justice, etc. Multiculturalism means that we create religious homes where encounters between people of different cultural identities intersect with Unitarian Universalism to create a fully inclusive community where, in the words of a vision statement adopted by the Unitarian Universalist Association's (UUA) Leadership Council, “all people are welcomed as blessings and the human family lives whole and reconciled.”

What does this look like in Tapestry's worship, fellowship, leadership, governance, religious education, social justice, etc and how do we ensure our multicultural ministry remains intentional and inclusive?

 January 12, 2025
Multiculturalism & Diversity: Our UU Moral Imperative?
Rev. Dan King

After a long interlude of about 6 years, Rev. Dan returns to our Tapestry pulpit to share his thoughts on the topic "Multiculturalism & Diversity: Our UU Moral Imperative?"

He will present personal and theological perspectives on how Unitarian Universalist values are reflected in the recent publication of a guidebook "Working Together" written by Rice professors Dr. Mikki Hebl and Dr. Eden King.
The book is a distillation of over 25 years of shared scholarship which offers practical advice on implementation of DEI policies in the workplace, but perhaps also could be applicable in multiple social contexts including religious communities like our own..

Rev. Dan was a frustrated attorney whose journey toward ministry began with service as a Board member and then president of a small SC fellowship in 1989. He is a graduate of Rice, UT Law, and Starr King School for Ministry (1997).

On his retirement from their pulpits Rev. King was named Emeritus Minister for the First Parish of Kingston (MA) as well as the Thoreau Congregation of Ft. Bend and the First UU Church of Houston.

Dan and his artist spouse Nina have been together for 50 years since their time at UT. They are proud parents of 2 accomplished middle aged native Texans, and grandparents of 2 HISD granddaughters and 2 amazing teenage grandsons.

 January 5, 2025
Essential Sameness
Justin Changalpet

In a world that often looks at what makes us different, we can learn to understand and appreciate each other better. We can do this by looking at the things we all share in our experiences.

Come join us for a sermon about seeing yourself in others.

 December 29, 2024
Burning Bowl Service
Rev. Alisha Mills

Our annual ritual of offering The Burning Bowl is celebrated today at Tapestry. Join us to reflect on the year gone by, cleansing our spirits in the present moment, setting intentions for what is to come, and ceremonially anoint your spirit among friends and family.

 December 24, 2024
Carols & Cocoa
Rev. Alisha Mills

Join us at 6pm for Carols & Cocoa. We will celebrate Christmas Eve together in song and hot chocolate.

 December 22, 2024
Interfaith Celebration of Hope and Gratitude
Rev. Alisha Mills

Join us for a special time of holiday joy and celebration. We love the holidays and want to celebrate by sharing our hope and gratitude for all we have been blessed with in 2024!

 December 15, 2024
Food in America
Otto Pedersen

An observation on how food in the US has declining flavor as part of the continuing efficiencies in commercial growing and distribution. Talk will also concentrate on how ideally a UU Community like Tapestry can overcome these deficiencies.

 December 8, 2024
Love is What it's all About
Patti Henry

Have you ever seen or held a newborn baby?
How about, have you ever been with someone who you watched take their last breath?
Life is so miraculous, isn't it?

 December 1, 2024
Vows of Life
The late Rev. Johnny Peden

Join us for a video sermon from the late Rev. Johnny Peden who was scheduled to preach at Tapestry UU this day. The world lost a wonderful man this year and we honor him by sharing his sermon on Vows of Life.

 November 24, 2024
Bread Communion
Rev. Alisha Mills

Bring the stories of your traditions of sharing and break bread with us. Bring a loaf if you may, enjoy a slide or two from around the congregation as we learn and partake in this blessing of joy.

 November 17, 2024
Navigating the Holidays with our Equity Values
Rev. Alisha Mills

Rev. Alisha shares her understanding of vibrational frequencies and how to use them in order to help us maintain our value of equity as we enter the holiday season. Every person is inherently worthy and has the right to flourish with dignity, love, and compassion (even our more difficult family members).

 November 10, 2024
Managing emotions in difficult times
Linda Irish

We all have seasons of stress, fear, and anxiety. In those times you may feel the weight of making impactful decisions, the pressure to “do the right thing”, or the fear of how your decisions and emotions might impact your future. All these feelings and more can lead to heightened emotional distress.  With the increasing intensity surrounding this current season, it is important to take proactive steps to manage emotional distress and increase mental health awareness.

 November 3, 2024
UU the Vote
Rev. Alisha Mills

We hit the road, we worked the phone banks, we sent postcards, we held a party to power the disability vote, and now it's time to work the polls and pray. Spend your time with us today in prayer and reflection for Democracy is our only hope.

 October 27, 2024
Love and Courage as Fuel for Justice
Dana Ashrawi

Worship with us today to find comfort, healing, and ideas during a time of increasing heartache in Palestine, Israel, and surrounding lands. Dana Fisher Ashrawi is the President of UUs for Justice in the Middle East, has Palestinian and Jewish relatives, has traveled to the region, and finds meaning in helping people to heed the call of justice.

 October 20, 2024
Children's Sabbath 2024 Unleashing Joy!
Rev. Alisha Mills and Levi Mills

Children's Defense Fund's annual Children's Sabbath comes to Tapestry UU of Houston again this year. Come and support the children and youth of our congregation as we lift the voices of children in need. Levi Mills will join Rev. Alisha and offer his first sermon words on Unleashing Joy!

 October 13, 2024
Intentional Antifragility
Andy Savidge

Life will always expose you to risks, uncertainty, chaos, and random shocks. Being able to get better and better as you grow from these types of life stressors takes a growth mindset. Improving the quality of your life takes daily growth actions that create your own physical, mental, and emotional antifragility. Andy Savidge will talk about some of his daily antifragility strategies and actions that help him thrive.

 October 6, 2024
Salon & Picnic off-site - No Zoom
Rev. Alisha Mills

We will be meeting off-site this Sunday due to CJCN Rosh Hashana services. Please see the newsletter for details.

 September 29, 2024
Climate Justice Revival
Rev. Alisha Mills

Throughout religious history, revivals have marked periods of resurgence in people’s commitment to their faith traditions. Classic American tent revivals took people out of the four walls of the church and into the world. They brought the community together and served as a galvanizing force for the future, often during times of great change or anxiety.

In the midst of overlapping climate crises and mounting social injustice, we are in a time of great change and profound anxiety. Taking a note from those who have gone before us, the UUA Climate Justice Revival is meant to be a time to come together and re-commit. As we have framed it in these materials, this may be time to re-imagine a way forward for Climate Justice in your congregation as it relates to a changing world. Though we may not be gathering in a tent or under the stars, we invite you to bring the revival spirit to your worship together.

 September 22, 2024
Rev. Alisha Mills

Celebrate Mabon with us in worship and fellowship!

 September 15, 2024
Panentheism or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Interdependent Web of All Existence
James Moore

For our annual Dirt and Water Communion, James Moore will explore the nature of the interdependent web of all existence, of which we are a part, via a discussion of panentheism. To celebrate the UU tradition of Dirt and Water Communion, congregants are encouraged to bring a bit of dirt and/or water that we will join together to represent our community's diversity and unity.

 September 8, 2024
Safety Sunday
Safety Team

Tapestry's worship service will be dedicated to the spirit of teamwork and preparedness. The Safety Team has been very active this year working with the good folks at CJCN and their preparedness efforts. Join us for an experience that will lift your spirits, remind you of the power of teamwork, and call us into action and readiness.

Tapestry UU of Houston will be including Safety Drills in our Worship and Fellowship on Sunday, September 8, 2024. For those with limitation in their mobility please know we will provide an alternative for you or you may choose to zoom that day.

 September 1, 2024
Why I became a Unitarian Universalist
Lisa Pedersen

A talk about our 4th Principle: A Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning

 August 25, 2024
Rethinking Sin and the Social Contract
Daniel Raines

Social concepts of sin and morality have long been a central part of religious communities, but all too frequently involve shaming members into cooperation or are based on laws so old that the original purpose of those rules is no longer relevant. Join us as Daniel explores a reimagined definition of a modern social contract and its implications for Tapestry's covenant.

 August 18, 2024
Maintaining our Friendliness
Rev. Alisha Mills

Tapestry UU of Houston's theme for August is Unconditional Friendliness. How does an attitude of "unconditional friendliness" help us maintain our relationships with others and ourselves? How do we tap into friendliness when it seems to be so hostile everywhere we look? Join us as we explore ways to embrace unconditional friendliness in potentially hostile relations without faking it.

 August 11, 2024
My Best Friend
Sean Mounie

Blood is thicker than water.

Friends are the family that we choose. Bonds formed by choice are stronger than those established by
DNA. Which means that the relationships you choose are stronger than the ones you inherit.

 August 4, 2024
Radical Compassion
Wallace Craft

Food for thought and a call to action toward compassion. Especially a call to compassion and action to root out the poison of speciesism. Join us as our beloved "Wally" shares his passionate love of animal activism tied together to his new enjoyment of Unitarian Universalist Principles.

 July 28, 2024
Back to School Blessings
Rev. Alisha Mills

Bring your school bag, teacher bag, lunch bag, anything you take with you into the 2024-2025 school year. Tapestry UU of Houston will offer you a blessing to remind you ALL YEAR LONG that we've got you & YOU'VE GOT THIS!

 July 21, 2024
Dharma Day
Rev. Alisha Mills

Tapestry honors Buddha by offering gratitude for the teachings, dharma, given by the Buddha. You will have the chance to center your focus on gratitude and engage in active practices that bring healing to the senses.

 July 14, 2024
CJCN Venue Not Available This Sunday

Due to storm damage at CJCN, this Sunday’s service has been cancelled. Please check your email for more information.

 July 7, 2024
General Assembly 2024 Worship Service
General Assembly 2024

This week we will watch portions of the Weaving our Lives service from General Assembly 2024.

 June 30, 2024
Gratitude for our Tapestry Weavers
Rev. Alisha Mills

This is the last Sunday of the Church calendar year. Rev. Alisha will share updates from General Assembly and celebrate YOU! We love and appreciate our Tapestry Weavers!

 June 23, 2024
Chosen Family
Justin Changalpet

Justin Changalpet shares their thoughts about community, connection and the nature of relationships.

 June 16, 2024
We Are Whole, Even When We Are Broken
David Throop

Guest Speaker, David Throop will be joining Tapestry today to share his inspiring message.

Spring ripens to summer, and we take inventory – what has broken? What must we keep, what must be mended first? Certainly our shame, our regrets, resentments and anger – we can throw those away now, right? Not so fast – our dark moods still serve us still, if only as compost.

David Throop has been a UU since 1978, and a member of Bay Area UU Church (SE Houston) since 1993. He and his wife Kathy have raised 4 children in that church. David does occasional lay-preaching as a spiritual practice.

 June 9, 2024
New Member Sunday
Rev. Alisha Mills

We welcome our newest members in covenant, commitment, and fellowship.

 June 2, 2024
Flower Communion & Brene Brown's Atlas of the Heart Part II
Women Aligned Spirituality Group

Unitarian Universalists’ Flower Communion is an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community.

We ask everyone in the congregation to bring a flower to share. Each person will place a flower on the altar before the service begins, then picks a flower during the service.

This year, Tapestry’s Women Aligned Spirituality Group will speak about their work with the 2nd half of Brene Brown's “Atlas of the Heart”, which explores the world of emotions and their impact on our lives.

 May 26, 2024
The Veteran's Mind
Allan Perkins

This is the last Sunday in our Mental Self-Care themed month. Tapestry's worship service will continue with a special service offered by our very own Allan Perkins dedicated to our Veterans. Allan will share about mental health for Veterans and their families.

Allan T. Perkins, MSgt USAF (Ret.), M Ed, S Ed
MOC Supreme VAVS Chair and Poppa Clown
Chaplain, District 4, TexasVFW
Chaplain, MOC, Grand of Texas

 May 19, 2024
Deeply Listening to Our Mental Health
Rev. Alisha Mills and Erika Calderon

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Erika Calderon and Rev. Alisha share how they listen to their mental health daily needs. Encouraging our congregation to stigma free dialogue about living with the mental health ups and downs we all go through. How can Tapestry hold our covenant promise to listen to one another with empathy, compassion, and respect around mental well-being.

 May 12, 2024
Mothering Self-Compassion
Rev. Alisha Mills

Mothering your own self-compassion and holding your own needs with the same tenderness you might a newborn child. Calling on ancient wisdom and honoring our own inherent dignity and worth on a special day in recognition of our mothers, our mothering of others and ourselves.

 May 5, 2024
The State of Our Church
Geoff Sanders

Tapestry welcomes our Board of Trustees President, Geoff Sanders for a look-back at the past year and a view of the coming year. Tapestry has been doing some wonderful things and has much to hope for in the future.

 April 28, 2024
Miracles Among Us
James Moore

Religious texts from around the world describe miraculous acts of God or gods taking place in eras long ago. But what about today? Where are the miracles of yore? Perhaps the events taking place around us every day are more miraculous than we think. As Peter Mayer sings in Holy Now, "When I was in Sunday school, we would learn about the time Moses split the sea in two, Jesus made the water wine. And I remember feeling sad, miracles don't happen still, but now I can't keep track cause everything's a miracle."

 April 21, 2024
Earth Day - You're going to have to take one for the team.
Rev. Alisha Mills

Earth Day is an important awareness and action time of year. Not just a day, but a global focus that can often span the entire month. Tapestry UU is in the position to start taking some action by looking at our congregational and personal consumption. Join us as Rev. Alisha guides us through a compassionate review and reduction of our consumption patterns.

 April 14, 2024
Rev. Alisha Mills and Debbie Robison

Teacher, author, artist, publisher, and beloved Tapestry UU member, Debbie Robison wants you to help her fulfill her legacy by listening to her story, exploring her art, and remembering her as a caring person who did something beautiful with her life. Join us for our Sunday Worship and experience the transformative blessing that is cultivated by exploring the legacy of our lives. This sermon will be a conversation between Rev. Alisha and Debbie and a display of her art and books.

 April 7, 2024
Rev. Alisha Mills

This Sunday we will explore the NeUUrodiversity of you! The message for all ages will include an interactive FUUN message and so will our sermon. Come, join us as we celebrate NeUUrodiversity at Tapestry!

 March 31, 2024
Women, Spirituality, and Nature
Michelle DeRuen

Michelle will tell her story of how and why her spirituality progressed along a feminine line and the role nature plays in helping to remain centered.

 March 24, 2024
Stewardship - Giving What is Hard to Give (A Salon Discussion)
Rev. Alisha Mills

Tapestry will be meeting off-site for a Salon Style discussion on our stewardship campaign. See our newsletter for updates and address for location.
We will offer the opportunity for the congregation to share what they believe about topics relating to Stewardship, our ministries, and retaining a minister to lead those ministries.
Bring a picnic lunch if you would like to stay after worship and enjoy the outdoors in fellowship with others.

 March 17, 2024
The Wisdom Within
Dawn Newcomer, Tracy Cook & Michelle DeRouen

Come listen as Dawn, Michelle, and Tracy share what feminine wisdom they have gained on their spiritual path.

 March 10, 2024
My journey from religious to spiritual
Annette Mirsch

My journey from religious to spiritual

 March 3, 2024
Tapestry's 5th Birthday
Rev. Alisha Mills

Join us as we celebrate Tapestry UU of Houston's 5th Birthday! We will have a fun puppet show to share our story and learn why our Tapestry is a beacon and a refuge. Chili & Cupcake Cookoff after the service & Geocache with Allan Perkins at 1:30. Join us on this festive Day!

 February 25, 2024
Intentional Loving-Kindness
Rev. Alisha Mills

A practice of intentional loving-kindness can transform suffering within yourself and then our suffering world.

 February 18, 2024
Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
Rev. Alisha Mills

Rev. Alisha will speak about a new Welcoming Congregation Renewal ministry, Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW). ASAW is an annual, international event meant to spread awareness and acceptance of aromantic spectrum identities and the issues we face, as well as making more people aware of our existence while celebrating it. Tapestry will be including this annual event into our annual Welcoming Renewal ministry actions. Join us to learn about 2024 Welcoming Renewal and learning about ASAW.

 February 11, 2024
Radical Empathy and Curiosity
Daniel Raines

Join us as Daniel Raines explores what it looks like to listen to others with radical empathy and curiosity, especially during an era of unprecedented polarization and tribalism.

 February 4, 2024
Year of the Dragon - What Does It Mean to Be Lucky?
Grace Ngo

Join Grace as she shares what it is like to celebrate the Vietnamese Lunar New Year with 2024’s year of the lucky dragon. She will also explore her interpretation and perspective of what it means to be “lucky."

 January 28, 2024
Unmasking for Real
Rev. Alisha Mills

What is masking and unmasking? Rev. Alisha will share about being a neurodiversity affirming community and call to encourage unmasking.

 January 21, 2024
True Freedom
Rev. Alisha Mills

Today is National Religious Freedom Day which affirms the freedom to explore faith from within religious institutions. No matter the route, true freedom is the destination. But, true freedom can only be found when we open ourselves to the whole tapestry of presence and love.

 January 14, 2024
The Blessings of Yeshua: A UU Perspective of Jesus and Social Justice
James Moore

Tapestry UU member James Moore will share his perspective about the history of social justice in the Unitarian Universalist movement as well as his own personal experiences. How have the teachings of Jesus (Yeshua) influenced a multitude of social justice warriors throughout our shared history?

 January 7, 2024
Freedom is Scary
Eric Huckabay

Why isn't everyone a free thinker? What cost comes with our religious freedom, and do we pay it gladly and knowingly? Does our free and responsible search have any boundaries, and if not, who benefits from that lack of boundaries? What do we get if we take the conversation beyond Freedom 101?

 December 31, 2023
Burning Bowl
Justin Changalpet

We will gather as a spiritual community to release anything that no longer serves us. As we write down our burdens, regrets, or negative patterns on slips of paper, we do so with intention and the willingness to break their hold on our lives. With reverence and love, we gather around our chalice, placing these written burdens into the flames. As they are consumed by the fire, we symbolically let go and create space for transformation, healing, and newfound freedom in our hearts and spirits.
Zoom Link

 December 24, 2023
Glaedelig jul - "Merry Christmas"
Otto Pedersen

Stories & Fun with Scandinavian Christmas Traditions

 December 17, 2023
New Members & Friends Sunday
Rev. Alisha Mills

We welcome our newest members in covenant, commitment, and fellowship.

 December 10, 2023
Embracing the Dark
Leslie Aaron

In the middle of this bright and bustling holiday season, we hope you'll join us this Sunday when Leslie Aaron returns to Tapestry and shares her thoughts on learning to embrace the darkness.

 December 3, 2023
Weaving our Tapestry in 2024
Rev. Alisha Mills

The retreat, the get-to-know-you meetings, the worship roundtables, and marketing mindset has been accomplished. What does this mean for 2024? Rev. Alisha will share the visioning and culmination of input with our congregation as we look forward to our future together.

 November 26, 2023
Thanksgiving and the Joy of Gratitude
Allan Perkins

A look at both the history and science of giving thanks and gratitude.

 November 19, 2023
Bread Communion
Rev. Alisha Mills

Join us for Tapestry's Bread Communion Service held annually on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. This is a special time that we can share with each other bread from our homes and abundance. If you would like to share bread that has meaning or symbolism in your life please bring and share your story. Our Tapestry of Love and Action will radiate gratitude as we share stories, blessings, and delight in one another.

 November 12, 2023
Compassion for Self
Rev. Patti Henry

We often talk about compassion for everyone, regardless of gender or race or sexual orientation, but sometimes we forget to include OURSELVES! Reverend Patti Henry shares her ideas on how to direct your compassion toward YOURSELF! A fun sermon you won’t want to miss!

 November 5, 2023
Caregiver Fatigue - The Medicine is in the Poison
Rev. Alisha Mills

Dig deeply into your weary heart and for there you will find a renewed spirit.

 October 29, 2023
Fall Holidays
Allan Perkins

Our minister and many of our Tapestry Members and Friends will be at our Annual Tapestry UBarU Retreat this Sunday, however for those who can't go to the retreat Allan Perkins will speak at CJCN about Fall Holidays, and looking at October and early November with a twist.

 October 22, 2023
Children's Sabbath
Rev. Alisha Mills

The Children's Defense Fund has been lifting the needs of Children for fifty years! On the 3rd weekend in October they call on worship communities to share in their celebration known as Children's Sabbath. They hope people of faith will focus on prayer, spiritual practices, and education to help grow awareness of the challenges facing our nation's children. Rev. Alisha has enjoyed working with children to engage in services for this event for many years. She hopes this year to introduce this to Tapestry!

 October 15, 2023
Justin Changalpet

Join us on Sunday for a thought-provoking sermon exploring the power of perspective. Discover how considering your context can unveil new possibilities and reveal the abundance that already surrounds you. Shift your outlook and open your eyes to the transformative potential within your own life.

 October 8, 2023
Why are we so white?
Rev. Patti Henry

When we think of how far we have come with racism within our lifetimes, it is impressive, but at the same time, we have so so far to go. Please come and hear Reverend Patti Henry talk about changing things.

 October 1, 2023
The Ministry for the Future and Annual Water Communion
Dana Ashrawi

Find out about what it takes to create a ministry for the future in these times of obvious climate change, and also partake in our beloved UU water communion tradition by bringing water from your travels or your tap to mingle the drops as one community.

 September 24, 2023
Being Kind to the Needy
James Moore

Economic inequality has been a growing concern for many people today. In order to address issues of increasing poverty, we can look to various sources around the world throughout our shared human history for guidance.

 September 17, 2023
Actions for Peace
Rev. Alisha Mills

Note: This service will not be held at CJCN, but the neighborhood Clubhouse of Dawn & Elisa located at: 17515 Fairway Oaks Dr, Spring, TX 77379. There will be no Zoom offered.

Join us in this unique experience where we will engage with the United Nation's International Day of Peace, annually on September 21. In a European style Salon Gathering, we will attempt to create an idyllic setting where an exchange of ideas about the UN's Call to Sustainable Actions, can be beautifully peaceful, civil, and honest. Bring a dish to share & your running shoes if you'd like to join a kickball game in the field after the service.

 September 10, 2023
The Magic of Decluttering
Rev. Patti Henry

Is all your stuff in order? If I asked you for a safety pin, would you know where one was in your house? How about some manicuring scissors? A screwdriver? Come hear Rev. Patti Henry share pieces of magic from the practice of decluttering

 September 3, 2023
Contemplative Labor Day
Rev. Alisha Mills

Contemplate the "many contributions workers have made to America's strength, prosperity, and well-being" (US Dept. of Labor) with a contemplative service that holds oppressive systems in the light of our 2nd Principle. We will cultivate our compassion and cast our love toward the working poor.

 August 27, 2023
Spiritual Tides
Rev. Patti Henry

We all depend on water: to stay alive, to grow our crops, to quench our thirst. 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by water— with 96% of it is in the oceans. Which brings me to the miracle of tides. Everyday the vast,great huge oceans are pulled off the beaches 18–36’. And then flow back again. Everyday— no exceptions.This sermon is about our connection to that ebb and flow—since 60% of our bodies are comprised of WATER! Come hear Reverend Patti Henry share her research about how the daily tides impact us.

 August 20, 2023
Linda Irish

Finding hope in the world full of despair.

 August 13, 2023
Honey, It's Getting Hot In Here!
Rev. Alisha Mills

It's National Honey Bee Awareness time! Let's talk about our little frenemies and how we an help them, and us, as it gets hotter and hotter. Guest Beekeeper, Michelle DeRouen, will join us to share her thoughts on regenerative and spiritual practices deeply important to her work.

 August 6, 2023
Back to School Celebration
Rev. Alisha Mills

Teachers, Students, Administrators, and Support Staff! Come One, Come All with your special school bag! (Backpacks, Messenger Bags, Purses, Planners, whatever you use for the school year) You will receive a fully charged energetic celebration to carry with you for an amazing 2023-2024 year!

 July 30, 2023
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
Rev. Patti Henry

Through thought-provoking reflections, uplifting stories, and meaningful insights, this sermon from Rev. Patti Henry will remind us of the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, reinforcing our commitment to justice, love, and understanding. It will encourage us to extend a helping hand to those in need and walk alongside our brothers and sisters in times of both joy and hardship.

 July 23, 2023
A Marketing Mindset for Tapestry
Rev. Alisha Mills

Join Grace Ngo and Rev. Alisha as we explore how easy it is for you to help Tapestry grow!

 July 16, 2023
FUUN Tapestry!
Rev. Alisha Mills

The voice of Tapestry has been heard and we want to bring more FUUN! Join us as we explore ways to empower our youngest voices to bring some inter-generational FUUN!

 July 9, 2023
My Seasonal Commandments - Actions For Well-Being
Andy Savidge

This Sunday July 9th, Andy Savidge will talk about his website: MySeasonalCommandments.com
This is his first personal website and shares the daily seasonal work he's been doing since the Winter of 2021-22.
His daily practice helps to exercise memory and improve skill sets for self-care and well-being.

 July 2, 2023
A Different Way of Looking at Independence Day
Allan Perkins

We will look at the 4th through a new lens.

 June 25, 2023
Separation of Church and School
Rev. Alisha Mills

On June 25, 1962, the United States Supreme Court decided in Engel v. Vitale that a prayer approved by the New York Board of Regents for use in schools violated the First Amendment by constituting an establishment of religion. The following year, in Abington School District v. Schempp, the Court disallowed Bible readings in public schools for similar reasons. This last school year 2022-2023 Texas passed a law that requires an "In God We Trust" sign that was donated to be displayed and HB 763 is in the process to allow a public school board to hire a chaplain. On this anniversary of such important legislation, what are we to do? Share this Facebook story on your social media to spread the word.

 June 18, 2023
Father's Day Full of Pride!
Rev. Alisha Mills

We will share some touching letters to and from gay Dads that show the value of embracing our Pride as a family.

 June 11, 2023
The Power of Maintenance
Rev. Patti Henry

Someone asked me to write a sermon about maintenance, and after I rolled my eyes thinking how boring that would be, I decided to accommodate his request. Lo and behold, it turned out to be more important than I had ever thought possible. I hope you enjoy hearing it as much as I have researching it. See you Sunday!

 June 4, 2023
Emotional Intelligence
Women Aligned Spirituality Group

We want to highlight this year's study of "Atlas of the Heart" in the Women's Aligned Spirituality Group and how the experience has brought us together

 May 28, 2023
Unknown Heroes Around Us
Allan Perkins

Honoring some of our heroes of the past through those with us.

 May 21, 2023
More Than Enough
Rev. Alisha Mills

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and this year's NAMI (National Association on Mental Illness) is More Than Enough #MoreThanEnough. We invite you to intentionally recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every person regardless of our diagnosis, appearance, socioeconomic status, background or ability. You are inherently worthy of more than enough life, love and healing. Showing up, just as you are, for yourself and the people around you is more than enough.

 May 14, 2023
Mothering, Not for the Faint at Heart
Rev. Patti Henry

Our service today will celebrate mothers. It’s for anyone who’s been a mother or had a mother. That includes YOU. Come join us Reverend Patti Henry for this Mothers Day celebration, Sunday May 14th.

 May 7, 2023
Re-Membering with Flower Ceremony
Rev. Alisha Mills

The third of a three-sermon-series for the mid-spring celebrations of Earth Day, Beltane, and the 100th Anniversary of Flower Communion. Last week we wore floral or leaf crowns and this week we again ask you to bring a symbolic expression of your love. Please bring a flower to share in the 100th anniversary of this special ritual. In 1923 the minister of a UU congregation in Prague turned to nature to help his congregation honor their different beliefs in a ritual that expressed their devotion to each other. The reflection will explore the spiritual practice of "re-membering" and the way this practice honors the newness of our union and histories that are important in the mission of Weaving a Tapestry of Love and Action.

 April 30, 2023
Crowns of Flowers and Foliage
Rev. Alisha Mills

"A Crown of Flowers" is an open dialogue about the fertility of our new union. Rev. Alisha will share the "Top 5 Intentions" she created when discerning the choice to pursue this role with Tapestry and ask congregants about their hopes for Tapestry. Everyone is encouraged to wear a crown of flowers or foliage that symbolizes something especially important to you in your spirituality and/or shared love at Tapestry. Our unique crowns weave together into a Tapestry of Love and Action.

Here is a link to my Beltane Pinterest Board with a few options for crowns:
OR - you may find pre-made crowns at Party City or area craft stores.

 April 23, 2023
Planting with Purpose
Rev. Alisha Mills

The first of a three-sermon-series for the mid-spring celebrations of Earth Day, Beltane, and the 100th Anniversary of Flower Communion. Planting with Purpose, is Rev. Alisha's first sermon as a minister for Tapestry. "Planting with Purpose" is a reflection on the intentional preparation we have each made on our separate paths, winding their way to a now joined path with the shared purpose of weaving a Tapestry of Love and Action.

 April 16, 2023
Power of Permaculture
Dawn Newcomer

The world is faced with multiple environmental dilemmas, which are often exacerbated through human interaction. Among other things, our consumption lifestyle has led us down a path of possible extinction, but we can undo what we have done much faster than people realize. The most pressing of these dilemmas include soil erosion, deforestation, and pollution. Permaculture seeks to address these problems by partnering ecosystem interactions through intelligent ecological design.

 April 9, 2023
Easter is More Than Chocolate Bunnies
Rev. Patti Henry

Let’s talk a little bit about Easter — since it IS Easter, the Christian High Holiday, or Holy Day. The traditions we celebrate today like the Easter bunny delivering brightly colored eggs and chocolate bunnies, began in England in the early 1700’s. This service will dig a little deeper. Please join us with Reverend Patti Henry.

 April 2, 2023
Radical Friendship
Rev. Alisha Mills

Your Ministerial Search Committee is pleased to announce that Rev. Alisha Mills has been invited to speak to our congregation this Sunday, 4/2. She is a candidate to serve as Tapestry’s Minister. We hope everyone who is able will attend this important service.

Alisha will be joined by her husband and two young children. Please help us make them feel welcome during the service and afterwards in the social hall.

The MSC has been favorably impressed by Alisha’s experience, qualifications and demeanor, so we invited her to appear in our pulpit as a step in our negotiations. We will be most interested in everyone’s impressions this Sunday. Below is a brief description of Alisha’s background.

Alisha was a UU at Miami Valley UU Fellowship in Dayton, Ohio, went to seminary at a Quaker Seminary in Richmond, Indiana, and was ordained in the United Church of Christ. Most recently she has been serving Plymouth UCC on Louetta Rd., but “I've been feeling pulled back to UU, which is where I started.” Alisha has also been serving as a Chaplin in the Memorial Hermann Health System, and she started and owns a small company, https://www.divergentspirit.com.

 March 26, 2023
Climate Progress
Nan Hildreth

Climate Change Activist Nan Hildreth will be joining us to talk about our climate. Remember, we need the environment, it doesn't need us!

 March 19, 2023
If Jesus was truly Human
Glenda Breeden (Video)

A humorous and serious view of Jesus as a normal human and how a normal human would deal with all the knowledge Jesus had.

 March 12, 2023
The Power of Choice
Rev. Patti Henry

Come learn how to unleash your most powerful tool in this world. Come prepared to laugh and wonder with UU minister, Patti Henry.

 March 5, 2023
Tapestry Turns Four
Tapestry Members

Come and enjoy Tapestry's 4th birthday. We will have lots of fun thoughts and off course CAKE!

 February 26, 2023
The Three Things You Must Do Before You Die
Rev. Patti Henry

We all have a limited time here, so we need to look at what's really important to experience before we give up this body. Come hear a delightful sermon on this by Reverend Patti Henry.

 February 19, 2023
Giving Up Bananas
Grace Ngo

What is healthy living? Food, Sleep, Relationships, come this Sunday and let's explore this topic.

 February 12, 2023
Resilience with Climate Justice
UUA Side With Love


 February 5, 2023
Healing and Decriminalization
UUA Side with Love

Join us for service as we explore the intersections of healing and decriminalization. As Unitarian Universalists, we believe in creating a just and loving world for all. Come together to delve into this important topic, and discover how we can be a part of creating positive change for all

 January 29, 2023
Side with Love from the UUA

As we hold these spiritual themes of democracy and interdependence side by side, we invite you to come together and learn about how Tapestry is honoring our principles.

 January 22, 2023
New Beginnings
Linda Irish

With the start of a new year, what opportunities do we have for change. Gain new Habits, get rid of old ways, or just look for what is happening. Let's explore this question on this Sunday.

 January 15, 2023
UUA Video

With the start of a new year, what opportunities do we have for change. Gain new Habits, get rid of old ways, or just look for what is happening. Let's explore this question on this Sunday.

 January 8, 2023
Peace Is Their Prayer
Rev. Patti Henry

Having just returned from two weeks in Nepal, I was reminded of how committed the Napolis are to peace. Everywhere you go they are praying for peace: in the forest, in the restaurants, on the airplanes, even bartering on the streets. Come hear Reverend Pattie Henry tell the stories to help you remember to make peace your prayer as well.

 January 2, 2023
Rev. Mills Template
Rev. Alisha Mills

Template For Copying

 January 1, 2023
Burning Bowl
Justin Changalpet

We greet the new year with our annual Burning Bowl service! It is good to begin the new year by clearing out old regrets and resentments. We toss those things into the fire and get a fresh start. Join us at CJCN.

 December 25, 2022
Tapestry Holiday Party
Dawn & Elisa

For Sunday, December 25th, Tapestry will not have a service. Instead, on Friday December 23rd at 6pm to 9pm, Dawn and Elisa are hosting a Holiday party for everyone at their newly renovated home. If you wish to attend, please bring food and cheer, and be ready to sing and share holiday joy.

17115 Rustington Dr, Spring TX 77379-4814

 December 18, 2022
Yule/Winter Solstice

Yule is a holiday celebrated by the Germanic people. It is a celebration of the winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year and marks the beginning of the winter season. Yule is a time for feasting and celebrating, and it is believed that the sun is reborn during this time. Join us in celebrating the warmth and light of the season.

 December 11, 2022
Hidden Treasures
Rev. Patti Henry

Life is full of treasures that are inside ourselves and outside ourselves. This season, discover the hidden treasures that are meant for you.

 December 4, 2022
Finding the Sacred
Linda Irish

Finding the sacred during the holiday crazy hustle is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.

 November 27, 2022
Let Your Spirit Soar
Rev. Patti Henry

It's Thanksgiving! The time to connect with all the things you are grateful for -- especially to connect to the miracle of YOU. You have a gift to give the world -- different from everyone else's gift. Your gift is your Spirit: living and giving openly. In the sermon, Reverend Patti Henry shares how to rev up your spirit and learn how to let it soar! Please join us. And Happy Thanksgiving!

 November 20, 2022
Welcome Home, Bread Communion Sunday
Tracy Cook

All members, friends, former members, visitors and guests, please take part in our annual bread communion service at Tapestry Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston. Our cooking covenant group is busy baking bread, while everyone else is cooking traditional holidays recipes (NO PORK or SHELLFISH please, in observance of CJCN’s Jewish faith). After service we will partake in our community potluck so please bring a covered dish or dessert, while we reconnect with each other by playing games, doing crafts and having great conversations.

 November 13, 2022
Not All Veterans are the Same
Allan Perkins

We will be looking at veterans Allan has personally known. All the music is protest songs from the 1960s. Come sing along.

 November 6, 2022
Fueling Our Journey
Rev. Phillip Schulman

Since most of the folks will be at UBarU on November 6, including worship team, we have arranged to have a Zoom service with UU Church of the Hill Country. Rev. Phillip Schulman has kindly extended an invitation to their Nov. 6 service. For those folks who've been around a while, you may remember Rev. Schulman was a wonderful part time minister for us in the past. Here is the Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/98637909568?pwd=ZU9nZmVpbHdjYW1tMGIreWFESHBzQT09. Service will start at 10 AM. Yup get the coffee on early, service starts at 10 AM. We will be joining from UBarU.

 October 30, 2022
Sarah Boudreaux

Please bring a photo of or trinket from a loved one that has moved on from this life this Sunday so we can create our memory altar.

 October 23, 2022
Encouragement to Spiritual Growth in Our Congregations
Chris Lowe

Acceptance of One Another and Encouragement to Spiritual Growth in Our Congregations

 October 16, 2022
Suicide Is Not Painless
Linda irish

Suicide wreaks havoc among the survivors and causes unbearable pain. To be relevant in the world today is to be aware of the pain of other's. Let's work toward suicide prevention.

 October 9, 2022
Come Out Come Out, Wherever You Are!
Linda Irish

Some might ask: Why come out at all? Isn't it safer to hide? Why make yourself vulnerable to other people's judgment and hostility? Our society seems more open than ever, and yet for some, it's as dangerous as ever to be openly gay, lesbian, or transgender. As Unitarian Universalists, we envision a world in which all people are not only safe and welcome, but are celebrated for who they are. When we acknowledge that hiding may be safer, we can see more clearly that coming out is still an act of profound bravery and resistance to oppression. It's a step toward creating the world we envision.

Please come out this Sunday as Linda Irish joins us in person to celebrate National Coming Out Day!

 October 2, 2022
What We Need to Heal
Rev. Viola Abbitt

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, so Rev. Viola Abbitt will be speaking to us this Sunday on this important topic. Come find out more about why it takes more than courage to end this. And, if you're interested in doing more, you can join in the National Network to End Domestic Violence Action Week from the 17th to the 23rd. https://nnedv.org/content/week-action-2022/

 September 25, 2022
An Evangelical Christian and a Unitarian Universalist on a Plane
The Rev. Tandi Rogers

Comparative conversation between a UU and a fundamentalist, that ends well.

 September 18, 2022
The Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person
Justin Changalpet

"We are born helpless and dependent, and only through the love of others will we ever become autonomous selves," sociologist Robert N. Bellah said. The self does not exist outside of community but is a function of our network of relationships. Do you love being in community? Join us for a sermon about our inherent worth as people.

 September 11, 2022
Being Open to Miracles
Rev. Patti Henry

Albert Einstein taught us there are two ways to live: You can live life as if nothing is a miracle, or you can live life as if everything is. Please join us on Sunday as Reverend Patti Henry speaks to us about being open to miracles.

 September 4, 2022
Have we Learned our Lessons?
Allan Perkins

We will preview key points in American Labor history and ask if we have learned the lessons of that history.

 August 28, 2022
Water Communion
Dawn Newcomer

As part of the beginning of a new church year, members and friends of Tapestry are invited to renew their commitment to the Sixth Principle during our Water Communion service. Please bring a small amount of water from your home or summer travels to fill our bowl. We will also have our first in-person joining ceremony since the pandemic started.

 August 21, 2022
Backpack Service
Jenn Boepple

The new school year is here and that means it’s time for the return of children and youth RE! Join us for our back-to-school backpack blessing and a history of how society has shaped our use of backpacks. After the service we will have a parents, volunteer, and youth meeting in the social hall to plan what we will be doing this year for RE!

 August 14, 2022
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Rev. Patti Henry

This sermon is about the Beatitudes: thoughtful and fun. Please come to hear Reverend Patti Henry share with us THIS Sunday!

 August 7, 2022
Building Gateways through Roadblocks to Personal Well-Being and Happiness
Andy Savidge

This Sunday, Andy Savidge will be with us to talk about four significant roadblocks to personal well-being and happiness, and more importantly, his approach to overcoming these roadblocks! Inspired by Randy Partain's original Personal Transformation course, Andy's spiritual practices are focused on overcoming some of the bigger roadblocks he's come to in his life. Join us Sunday for an inspiring journey that highlights some ways of building gateways to well-being and happiness. From that course work and subsequent experiences he's come to better appreciate his own values and difficulties.

 July 31, 2022
The Spiritual Practice of Showing Up
Rev. Erin Walter

From trans rights to reproductive justice, voting rights to the environment, this is a crucial time in Texans' fight for justice. Rev. Erin Walter, Minister & Executive Director of the Texas UU Justice Ministry, joins us to reflect on opportunities and challenges our statewide justice ministry is facing at its 10-year anniversary this year, and to invite us all to deepen our practice of showing up for justice.

 July 24, 2022
Laughter as Healing
Justin Changalpet

Laughter is a powerful force, learn to use it for good.

 July 17, 2022
Jenn Boepple

Join Tapestry member, Jenn Boepple, as she shares why mindfulness meditation is an important part of her daily life and leads us in guided meditation.

 July 10, 2022
The Power of Cheerful People
Rev. Patti Henry

One of my best friends who is very successful in many ways remembers both her dad and mom often saying to her, "Oh, my! You are so cheerful!" And she is. And pleasant to be around. And fun. And through tragedies in her life has remained the source of cheerfulness to others. So in this sermon, Reverend Patti is going to dive deeply into the benefits of being cheerful, what that means and how to get there. You are invited to join us, cheerfully. And if you don't come to the service cheerful, may you leave with a bag of cheer in your back pocket to use as needed.

 July 3, 2022
A Birthday Party for America
Allan Perkins

It's Party time! We didn't say everything is great, but it's time for U.S. to have a birthday Party.

 June 26, 2022
Spiritual Selfies
Linda Irish

This Sunday we welcome Linda Irish to Tapestry in person! Come join us as Linda talks with us about seeing our spiritual selves, recognizing our self worth, and learning to Love your selfie!

 June 19, 2022
Love Is Love
Linda Irish

Linda Irish will be leading us this Sunday about the history and significance of Pride Month and why we still need Pride.
And at the core of it all, the real message is Love Is Love!

 June 12, 2022
If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat
Rev. Patti Henry

Based on John Ortberg’s book by the same title asking, ”what walking on water adventure awaits you if you just get out of the boat?” Come hear Reverend Patti Henry as she explores this topic on June 12. Be sure and mark your calendars!

 June 5, 2022
The Magical Yet
Lisa Pedersen

Join us on Sunday, June 5th as Lisa Pedersen explores the question asked by every child 5 minutes after the start of any road trip, "Are we there yet?"

 May 29, 2022
Memorial Day Service
Allan Perkins

It's Memorial Day Sunday and time to honor those who have served and fallen in the line of service. Before we have our cookouts and vacations, let's pause and remember the reason we're free to do these things. Join us this Sunday as our own Allan Perkins recognizes the Lifelong Service of those that served this country.

 May 22, 2022
Fifth Principle Sunday
Linda Irish

This week's service will be available on Zoom, or Dawn and Elisa's house, due to a function happening at CJCN (see details below.) Immediately after the service there will be a potluck at Dawn & Elisa's house, and at 2 pm our annual meeting will begin. Please be sure you plan to attend this special day. We will need quorum to vote on our new board members and budget. We need UU so that everyone can have a voice!
We'll return to CJCN and Zoom services again next week.

 May 15, 2022
Wonder Women
Linda Irish

Get ready for another great service this week as Linda Irish speaks with us about Wonder Women!

 May 8, 2022
God Has 99 Names
Rev. Patti Henry

What do you call God? Higher energy? Great mystery of life? Come hear Reverend Patti Henry talk to us about the 99 names of God to help you know what you believe just a little bit better. Please join us for this fun and informative service.

 May 1, 2022
Beltane Celebration
CUUPs Group

Come celebrate Beltane with the CUUPs group leading the service this Sunday.

 April 24, 2022
Life As We Know It
Geoff Sanders

Is life on our planet likely to change dramatically in the near future? Many intelligent people are studying this question, and they’re coming up with some innovative responses. Come, let us ponder how we might respond to a changing world.

 April 17, 2022
Flower Communion Sunday
Stewardship Team

It's time to celebrate our Flower Communion together! Please bring a few flowers to share with everyone and hear updates on our annual stewardship drive. Please remember to fill out a pledge card for next year if you haven't already done so. We hope all who can will join us in person for this special Sunday service.

 April 10, 2022
You Do It: Take It Seriously
Allan Perkins

One of NWCUUC's founding members, Allan Perkins will be leading us this week for this special Sunday when we resume services at CJCN. In case you've joined us while we have been zooming, CJCN is at 5400 Fellowship Ln, Spring, TX 77379. Allan's message this week is You Do It: Take It Seriously. Come worship together and enjoy our potluck after service.

 April 3, 2022
Walking Miracles
Linda Irish

Come join us on Zoom this Sunday as we welcome back Linda Irish who will be speaking with us about Walking Miracles. What's your walking miracle story? What's hers? Come find out this Sunday.

 March 27, 2022
Virtual UUSC Sunday 2022
UU Service Committee

Looking for some hope and some grounding in these chaotic times? Please join us for a special virtual UUSC Sunday worship service guided by the Reverends Jacqueline Brett, Ned Wight, and Aisha Ansano. Together we will journey around the world, grounded in courage and gathered in justice, to hear from our UUSC partners. We are encouraging March 27, 2022 as UUSC Sunday which is a single day of learning, support, and action for congregations focused on uplifting UUSC's work.

 March 20, 2022
Sing-A-Long Sunday
Leslie Aaron

We'll be zooming from the Tapestry retreat at U Bar U! Come sing some of your favorite hymns along with us!

 March 13, 2022
Stewardship Drive
Linda Irish

It's another great Sunday ahead with Linda Irish returning to speak with us. Please join us this Sunday on Zoom!

 March 6, 2022
Time, Talent, Treasure - Tapestry Turns 3!
Geoff, Dawn, and Brandon

Time, Talent, Treasure - Tapestry Turns 3!
Come listen to Tapestry's first three presidents share their thoughts on giving their time, talent, and treasure as we begin our annual stewardship drive.

 February 27, 2022
Finding Beauty in Boundaries
Linda Irish

Do you have boundary problems? Have you been told that you need better boundaries? Do you have trouble understanding boundaries or defending your boundaries? Join us for another week with Linda Irish as she continues her exploration of boundaries and the beauty we can find in them.

 February 20, 2022
What's on Your Welcome Mat?
Linda Irish

Knock Knock. Guess who's coming to Tapestry? Join us this Sunday as Linda Irish explores the ways in which we can be welcoming to others. How do we show up? What should we bring? And who will be welcoming us when we arrive?

 February 13, 2022
Finding Courage—Tiger Style!
Grace Ngo

Sometimes, doing something new or different can be incredibly terrifying. It’s the kind of fear that can stop you in your tracks and keep you frozen in fear, paralyzed. In honor of the year of the tiger, I want to focus on overcoming fears and doubt, finding courage, and taking that first step outside our comfort zone.

 February 6, 2022
The Power of Trust
Dawn Newcomer

Tapestry member, Dawn Newcomer, tells her story of following her passion for flying, and how, as a young aviator, trust saved her life and the lives of her passengers.

 January 30, 2022
Buddhism as a Spiritual Practice
Rev. Betty Skwarek

We welcome guest minister, Rev. Betty this week as she explores Buddhism as a spiritual practice. Rev. Betty serves as a member of the Board of Trustees for U-Bar-U, and she leads worship online every Friday evening as part of her work with the Unitarian Universalist Free-Range Ministry.

 January 23, 2022
Reproductive Justice Sunday
Side With Love

30 Days of Love is Side with Love's annual celebration that runs approximately from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in January through Valentine’s Day in February. It is an opportunity to collectively nurture our spirits, deepen our understanding, and take action on our values for collective liberation.

In 2022, the 30 Days of Love series will focus on Side With Love’s four intersectional justice priorities, with opportunities each week for communities and people of all ages to ground, grow, and act together for justice.

This Sunday is Week One: Reproductive, Gender, & LGBTQIA+ Justice. We hope you can join us!

 January 16, 2022
State of the Congregation
Brandon Boepple

Join us Sunday as Tapestry President, Brandon Boepple, presents the second annual "State of the Congregation" address for 2022. Come listen as he details Tapestry's accomplishments during 2021, and the important issues facing Tapestry in the year ahead.

 January 9, 2022
Everyday Courage
Leslie Aaron

When we think about courage, we may conjure up images of knights wielding swords, or someone overcoming great physical adversities, or maybe we think of some folks who are famous for their courage - like Mahatma Gandi or the Dalai Lama, or Harriet Tubman. But what about those smaller acts of courage, ones that we could do? Please join us as our own Leslie Aaron talks about everyday courage this Sunday on Zoom.

 January 2, 2022
Hello 2022!
Leslie Aaron

Special Notice: This Sunday's Service will be on Zoom only!

Please join us thisSunday as we say hello to a new year, and say goodbye to the old one. While many are more than ready to say goodbye to 2021, we are all a little uncertain what 2022 may have in store for us. One thing is for certain, we will continue to connect each week and support each other as we face the future together.

 December 26, 2021
A Traditional Christmas
Allan Perkins

It's Christmas Sunday and Allan Perkins will lead us again this week as we celebrate A Traditional Christmas!

 December 19, 2021
Candles Candles Everywhere!
Allan Perkins

Join us this week as Allan Perkins leads us in an exploration of some winter holidays of different faiths that are celebrated around the world.

 December 12, 2021
Sacred Waiting
Rev. Addae A. Kraba

Much of our lives is spent waiting in some varied form or another for some good thing to happen. A great love, marriage, a birth of a child or transitioning from studying in preparation to launching a career. A time of planning and patience. Advent is the season of waiting in expectation, preparation and spiritual reflection on how we can prepare our hearts and homes for this season of giving in the world as it is today.

 December 5, 2021
Heal. Nourish. Grow.
Grace Ngo

Why does it seem like wounds from our past resurface and bubble up even if years have gone by? Sometimes, we think we've completely healed from certain harmful relationships and trauma, but our past continues to come back to haunt us. What does it mean to truly heal? How can our spiritual practices help with the healing process? Are there ways that individual healing can benefit the community at large?

 November 28, 2021
Indigenous Peoples' Day
Sarah Boudreaux

We hope you will join us this Sunday as our own Sarah Boudreaux leads us in honoring Indigenous Peoples Day.

 November 21, 2021
Health Effects and Climate Change
Rev. Addae A. Kraba

As a result of climate change, global temperatures and the frequency and intensity of heatwaves will continually rise, bringing some localized benefits, such as fewer winter deaths and increased food production in certain areas, but the overall health effects of a changing climate are overwhelmingly negative to community's most vulnerable, the young and the old. Let's explore ways to work toward Unitarian Universalist sixth principal that calls us to the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.

 November 14, 2021
"The Nine" - Veteran's Day Service
Allan Perkins

This week, we hope you'll join us as our own Allan Perkins tells us about "The Nine"
as we honor Veteran's Day. The Nine is a story of extreme service to God and man.

Bring a picture of yourself or your loved ones who have served in the Armed Forces to share.

 November 7, 2021
Linda Irish

Come join us this Sunday for another great message from Linda Irish as she explores the work of Rumi. "I am at rest and remaining". You won't want to miss this!

 October 31, 2021
Adversity as Transformative Force
Erika Calderon

How can we emerge from adversity if only sustained by our beloved community? We are invited to come as we are, as raw and vulnerable as we may be and just be sustained. Our beloved community is here to not only be spectators of our transformation, but to hold us while we evolve while facing adversity. Let’s be brave together.

 October 24, 2021
Emotional Freedom through Healing
Linda Irish

"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives." - Unkown
Come enjoy another wonderful sermon with Linda Irish this Sunday when she will focus on the emotional freedom that comes from healing.

 October 17, 2021
Baby, We Need a Barn Raising!
Rev. Erin Walter

“Baby, We Need a Barn-Raising” -- Pandemic isolation has had a deep impact on mental health and community dynamics. Today we reflect with Rev. Erin Walter on spiritual resources for mental health and our calling to community care. For this service, Rev. Walter draws inspiration from music, Mr. Rogers, womanist theologian Monica Coleman, and more.

 October 10, 2021
There Was This Teacher
Rev. Patti Henry

This Sunday, we hope you join us to find out what lesson Patti Henry has in store for us with her sermon, "There Was This Teacher".

 October 3, 2021
Animal Blessing Service
CUUPs Group

Join us this Sunday with the CUUPs group, bring your furry,feathered, or scaled companion for a blessing of the beasts. We will explore how these animals enrich our lives, while learning about the Gods Apollo and Artemis in their role with life.

 September 26, 2021
Tapestry, Activism and Intersectionality
Leslie Aaron

We invite you to come on back for more from Leslie Aaron this Sunday as we dig even deeper into 8th Principle work, Anti-Racism and Intersectionality and what that might look like for Tapestry.

The 8th Principle affirms and promotes “journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppression in ourselves and our institutions.”

 September 19, 2021
8th Principle
Leslie Aaron

Our final week of the UU Principles Series is for our proposed 8th Principle - Journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions. Please join us Sunday as Leslie Aaron speaks on this important principle.

 September 12, 2021
The 7th Principle
Sarah Boudreaux

Join us this week as our own Sarah Boudreaux discusses the 7th UU Principle - Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

 September 5, 2021
6th Principle
Dana Ashrawi

Join Tapestry's own Dana Ashrawi as we continue our UU Principles Series. This week, she will lead us as we consider the 6th Principle - The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.

 August 29, 2021
5th Principle
Allan Perkins

Join us this Sunday as our exploration of the UU Principles Series continues. This week, our own Allan Perkins will lead us as we consider the 5th Principle - The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.

 August 22, 2021
Life With No Regrets (4th Principle)
Big Questions, Deep Listening Covenant Group

Our 4th installment in our UU Principles Series is brought to us by the Big Questions, Deep Listening Covenant Group. Please join us this Sunday as we explore living life with no regrets as part of our 4th Principle - A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

 August 15, 2021
The People They Are A'Changin - 3rd Principle
Rev. Erin Walter

We are not the same as we were before the pandemic. Even in a seemingly uneventful 17 months --if there ever is such a thing!-- people grow and change. Thankfully, the third principle of Unitarian Universalism, calls us to "acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations," so we are acting faithfully as we grapple with growth and change in these times. UU minister and musician Rev. Erin Walter returns to reflect on the third principle with us this Sunday.

There will be a special "Backpack Blessing" during the Moment for All Ages. We invite all students and educators to bring your backpacks or school supplies (literal or figurative) to be filled with well wishes for the start of the new school year.

 August 8, 2021
2nd Principle - I Have a Dream
Rev. Patti Henry

Join us this Sunday as we continue our UU Principles Series with special guest speaker, Patti Henry for her sermon -
I Have A Dream, A Look at Our Second Principle promoting Justice, Equity, and Compassion for All.

 August 1, 2021
1st Principle
Linda Irish

Join us this Sunday as we begin our UU Principles Series when special guest speaker Linda Irish joins us to discuss the 1st principle - The inherent worth and dignity of every person.

** Linda has asked that we each bring pencil & paper with us for her sermon Sunday. This will be good!!

 July 25, 2021
Freyrfaxi Celebration
CUUPs Group

July starts the harvest with beans, spinach, zucchini, summer cabbages, and other early vegetables. July 25th we are celebrating the early harvest with an Icelandic Freyrfaxi. Please feel free to bring birdseed or wildflower seeds to return to the earth, and some fruit juice or a drink of your choice to celebrate with us.

 July 18, 2021
But Are You Happy?
Elisa Kaplan

It can be difficult to think about giving when you feel you haven’t been getting much from life. It’s painful to think about sharing when you feel depleted of personal resources. But the only way, my dear friends, to save yourself from the hell of unhappiness, and find a personal kingdom of contentedness is in taking the risk of giving, serving, and sharing. Please join us this Sunday as we explore those risks, and consider the rewards of finding happiness in giving.

 July 11, 2021
Plastic Free July
Dawn Newcomer

Please join us Sunday as we hear about ways we can participate in Plastic Free July from our own Dawn Newcomer.

 July 4, 2021
From Independence Day through Lincoln to Us UUs
Allan Perkins

Join us for another inspiring service by our very own Allan Perkins as he takes us on a journey beginning at the first Independence Day, July 4th, 1776 and what it means to us as Unitarian Universalists.

 June 27, 2021
Until Love Wins
UUA GA Service - Led By First Universalist Church of Minneapolis

Don't be late! We're live streaming the service from UUA GA starting at 11am.
Today’s challenging times require a nimble and resilient spirituality. We need a demanding, inspiring faith and a love strong enough that it will not let us go. Join us as we draw the circle wide, gather our strength, and promise to stay in the struggle and joy until love wins.

Musicians, Franco Holder, Aimee K. Bryant, and Dr. Randal Buikema
Religious professionals, Lauren Wyeth, Julica Hermann de la Fuente, and Revs. Arif Mamdani, Karen Hutt, and Jen Crow will lead the service

 June 20, 2021
Hearing the Love in Truth
Randy Partain

We are often encouraged to speak the truth in love, but how often do we hear honest feedback as coming from a place of love and care? As we reflect on words from Randy's ordination about how to ACT in love toward one another, we consider a vital element of our covenant and the journey ahead as a community of faith.

 June 13, 2021
What Happened to Our Heroes?
Randy Partain

You might remember superheroes from childhood that set an example for you to follow. Some of your heroes may have modeled moral and ethical behavior in a way that seemed impeccable. And yet, in more recent movies and television series, we see a lot of superheroes behaving rather unheroically. Instead of offering an example of morality, they seem to reflect the worst of human struggles and shortcomings. What happened to our idea of heroes? And what do changes in our view of heroes teach us about building beloved community?

 June 6, 2021
Taming Your Shame Gremlin
Randy Partain

Have you ever felt proud of something you'd done until another person questioned or criticized it? It's as if we have our own personal shame gremlin lurking in our brains waiting for an opportunity to pounce. Maybe you don't think of it as shame, but most of us engage in a bit of self-sabotage from time to time. Especially when it comes to the things that bring us joy and give our lives a sense of purpose and meaning! As Unitarian Universalists, we have a big vision for our relationships, our communities, and for the world we all share. How can we tame our personal shame gremlins and live into an ambitious and hopeful vision for justice, equity, and compassion?

 May 30, 2021
Honoring Their Legacy
Liz Plowman

Join us for our annual Memorial Day Service as we remember those who gave all and honor their legacy.

 May 23, 2021
The Question Box
Randy Partain

The AMA (or Ask Me Anything) concept first gained popularity on Reddit, but UU's have held our own version of AMAs for longer than Reddit has been around! As one of our hymns suggests, “even to question truly is an answer.” This Sunday, we’ll explore a practice common among many UU congregations: the Question Box service. You'll have a chance to write down a question that you have wondered about, and Randy will answer as many as he can during the service. And your question may become a sermon all its own later on!

 May 16, 2021
Side With Love Sunday

This Side With Love Sunday worship service lifts up those themes: Living our values, Hospitality & inclusion, Educating for Liberation, and Restoration and Reparations. What if to "side with love" meant making bold, faith-full choices?
And, after service today, remember to stay for the annual congregational meeting and vote!

 May 9, 2021
Theology of a Comma
Randy Partain

We might think about punctuation less and less with our evolving habits of texting and tweeting shorthand, but a friend's tattoo of a semicolon got me thinking about how much meaning there can be to these seemingly insignificant marks. For instance, how does the meaning of a teaching change with the placement of a comma? And how can we be intentional about the spiritual framework we use for our lives by paying attention to the details? When it comes to our approach to spirituality, it turns out punctuation matters!

 May 2, 2021

Join us as we celebrate Beltane by honoring the fertility of the ages. Beltane celebrates fertility of life, we want to honor all aspects of that life.

 April 25, 2021
Stewards of a Planet
Randy Partain

It may seem like a challenge to make Earth Day personally relevant. Part of Tapestry's vision statement is that we commit to protecting and enhancing the environment through our time, energy, and resources. But the environment is a pretty big responsibility! How can we approach our responsibility as stewards of nature without feeling overwhelmed? And how can we focus our intentional efforts in the year ahead so that we live with integrity to this vision of caring for the world around us?

 April 18, 2021
U Bar U, the Skies and You
Robyn Stout

In honor of Earth Day this year, please join us this Sunday as Robyn Stout, the Executive Director of U Bar U talks to us about the history and the future of U Bar U, and the nature it is working to preserve.

 April 11, 2021
Stewardship Celebration
Randy Partain

Sometimes, folks think of stewardship as being exclusively about finances. Our stewardship conversations took a much more expansive approach, and we heard so many wonderful stories and ideas about what Tapestry means to you and what you envision going forward! Your commitment to creating a place of belonging, where you are both personally fulfilled and able to mindfully care for others, is simply amazing. We want to honor the vision you are casting, and we want to invite others into that vision, with a service of gratitude and joyful celebration.

 April 4, 2021
Exuberant New Life
Randy Partain

We've been holding our collective breath for awhile. Maybe the last year has felt like hibernation for some of us. A year of social and emotional winter can feel like a long time. Easter reminds us of the promise of new life, and life exuberant! How do we prepare ourselves for spiritual springtime? How do we welcome new life, even as we remain patient? And how do we bloom in such a way that the world around us blossoms into wholeness?

 March 28, 2021
Transgender Day of Visibility
Autumn VanKirk and Dana Ashrawi

Join us this week as we focus on Transgender Day of Visibility. We'll hear from Tapestry's own Autumn VanKirk about her journey and we'll also hear from Dana Ashrawi who will give us an update on what UUs can do to be active allies for Transgender rights and equality.

 March 21, 2021
Keep On Moving
Randy Partain

In a letter to his son, Albert Einstein is said to have written that life is like riding a bicycle, "Only when moving can one comfortably maintain one’s balance." As we celebrate the spring equinox this week, we consider the element of balance in our lives. How do we recognize when we need to invest more effort and when we need to surrender ourselves to things beyond our control? What does it mean in our spiritual lives to keep moving so that we maintain a sense of balance?

 March 14, 2021
Language of the Spirit
Randy Partain

Osho wrote, “Music is the easiest method of meditation. Whoever can let himself dissolve into music
has no need to seek anything else to dissolve into.” What role has music played in your spiritual journey? In this week's service, we begin to explore the deep connection between music and spirituality.

 March 7, 2021
Tapestry Turns Two! Great Inspirations
Randy Partain

Happy Birthday Tapestry! We look back at how far we've come in the past two years and cast vision for what's in store.

 February 28, 2021
Seeing in Color
Randy Partain

In his book "When Colorblindness Isn't the Answer," Rice professor Anthony Pinn suggests that we often see racial and cultural differences as a problem to be solved rather than an opportunity for expansion and growth. Sometimes, people of privilege claim to be "colorblind" as a way of personally resolving the challenge of racial inequities. This approach can protect us from examining our own discomfort, but it may not be the best pathway toward meaningful and sincere multiculturalism. How do we build resilient community that celebrates differences and honors the full spectrum of human colors and identity?

 February 21, 2021
On Giving and Receiving
Leslie Aaron and Dawn Newcomer

Reflections on the Winter Storm Uri

 February 14, 2021
Randy Partain

The proposed Eighth Principle of Unitarian Universalism (which is expressed in Tapestry's own bylaws and congregational covenant) calls us to journey "toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community." Another way of saying this is that we all deserve to be accepted, included, and loved exactly as we are. What does it mean for a community to be "beloved"? And what does love require of us in the context of a community? Maybe a love poem or two can help us find our way on this journey!

 February 7, 2021
Brigid's Day

Imbolc celebrations took the form of a festival in honor of the pagan goddess Brigid, who was evoked in fertility rites and oversaw poetry, crafts and prophecy. Brigid was considered one of the most powerful Celtic gods. The celebration of St. Brigid’s Day on February 1 was put in place by the church to replace Imbolc. On her feast day, an effigy of St. Brigid of Kildare is traditionally washed in the ocean and surrounded by candles to dry, and stalks of wheat are transformed into cross talismans known as Brigid crosses. Come celebrate with us this Goddess and create your own Brigid Cross.

 January 31, 2021
The Antidote to Anxiety
Randy Partain

Anxiety is a part of all our human relationships, but we may feel like we've been getting a supercharged dose of it lately. With continued pandemic concerns, our divided political landscape, plus all of the personal worries that persist through it all, it can feel like there's no cure for our constant stress. How can our spiritual practices provide an antidote to our anxiety? And can we be one another's remedy through how we engage in intentional connection?

 January 24, 2021
State of the Congregation
Dawn Newcomer

Join us Sunday as Tapestry President, Dawn Newcomer, presents the first annual "State of the Congregation" address for 2021. Come listen as she details Tapestry's accomplishments during 2020, and the important issues facing Tapestry in the year ahead.

 January 17, 2021
A Sword that Heals
Randy Partain

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said that nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon which cuts without wounding and ennobles the person who wields it. He also clarified that nonviolence is not just the avoidance of physical action, but also avoiding internal violence of the spirit. As Unitarian Universalists, we aspire to dismantle racism and other oppressions within our communities and within ourselves. It is a spiritual battle fought for the freedom of our own spirits as well as freedom for the world. How do we become skillful at wielding a sword that heals?

 January 10, 2021
Fences and Freedom
Randy Partain

We want a lot of things as a religious community. We want to honor the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and we want to create a safe space for people of all ages to grow in their spirituality and connection with one another. We want to provide opportunities for each person to engage in a free search for truth and meaning, while ensuring that our searches are responsible to one another as we create community together. Our freedom requires boundaries. That may seem like a paradox, but as a community, we can each be the fenceposts that help us all find freedom.

 January 3, 2021
Cutting the Cord
Randy Partain

We have a tradition of using a burning bowl ceremony at the beginning of each year, to release the things we want to let go of in our lives so that we can open space for something new. This year, gathering together for a burning bowl ceremony isn't feasible, but there are still ways that we can viscerally symbolize releasing those things we no longer need in our lives and creating room for a vision of deeper wholeness and well-being. As we cross into a new calendar year, we gather to consider how we grow from pain and release ourselves from the limiting beliefs, experiences, and habits that keep us bound. In so doing, we open the way to freedom, hope, and newness of life.

 December 27, 2020
Self-Care for Caring People
Randy Partain

We hear and read a lot about self-care. So much so that self-care might seem to be another burden or obligation in our schedules! Even when we feel the need for something to alleviate the stress of everything going on in our lives, we might have accepted some damaging myths about self-care. How do we care for ourselves in a way that doesn't just leave us feeling more exhausted or overwhelmed? And what is really at the root of meaningful self-care?

 December 20, 2020
Awakening the Light
Randy Partain

The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year, when daylight is at its weakest. Some of our ancestors may have held rituals and ceremonies to "call back the sun" and reawaken the earth in anticipation of spring. We'll delve into what it means to reawaken light in our lives and in the world around us, and we'll explore the spiritual symbolism of wreaths together. Special thanks to our Spinning Wheel CUUPS chapter for collaboration on this service of connection and hope.

 December 13, 2020
No Feeling is Final: Holding On in Hard Times
Rev. Erin Walter

Pandemic life can be a rollercoaster. Some days we feel almost normal, while other days bring us to our knees. Drawing upon the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke and her own spiritual practice of music-making, UU Rev. Erin Walter will reflect on how we may endure painful uncertainty while also embracing moments of joy and gratitude where we find them.

 December 6, 2020
Randy Partain

Some of us find the holidays particularly emotionally taxing. Some of us have loved ones that require a great deal of care and patience. Some of us find ourselves overwhelmed by constant reminders that there is always more to do if we care about repairing and healing the world around us. We may feel guilt about our inability to attend to every worthy need, or even shame about our own needs. When our compassion wears thin and we feel emotionally threadbare, how can we find replenishment? How can we intentionally honor both our own worthiness and our personal values pf care and compassion?

 November 29, 2020
LGBTQ Mythbusting

Lots of myths and misinformation still abound regarding LGBTQ+ identities. We may not spread all of these myths in Unitarian Universalist communities, but some people in our communities have dealt with these myths, and the grievous harm caused by them, all of their lives. A panel of people from diverse perspectives within the LGBTQ umbrella will share their reactions and responses, with the hope that we can be more welcoming and compassionate as we build a stronger community of radical hospitality. What LGBTQ myths have you been believing?

 November 22, 2020
Leavening Our Spirits
Bread Communion

Focusing on the power of gratitude in our lives, we share one another's bread recipes and exchange stories about why a special bread is meaningful to us. If you have not submitted a recipe, but would still like to bake bread submitted by another Tapestry member, please email recipes@uutapestry.org this week.

 November 15, 2020
Loving Care for Service
Allan Perkins

Please join us this week as we commemorate our veterans with Allan Perkins. We will be looking at the story of a unique time at a unique place where remarkable love was shown to remarkable service.

 November 8, 2020
Where Do We Go from Here?
Randy Partain

We have been through a very contentious and stressful election season. And the strife probably feels far from over. How can we act with purpose in the midst of our anxiety about the future? Who do our Unitarian Unversalist principles call us to be in the midst of turmoil? As people throughout our nation continue to react in various ways to the political landscape, we must do our very best to be vulnerable, caring, and compassionate community with one another, even as we embrace our opportunity to shine as a beacon of hope for others.

 November 1, 2020
Honoring the Dearly Departed
Randy Partain

In this special service, we will have the opportunity to honor those who have left us behind. It can be anyone who has departed from this world: your ancestors, a close family member, a friend, a public figure you admire. You can honor anyone who contributed to your life in a positive way. Please bring a portrait and/or some items or images that represent what this person meant to you.

 October 25, 2020
Changing the Story
Randy Partain

Some of the stories we hear about the LGBTQ community are heartbreaking stories of marginalization and injustice. But there are other stories. Throughout human history, people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual. and non-binary have been world-changers. Sometimes, their achievements are overlooked or dismissed because of their identities. Sometimes, their accomplishments are acknowledged, but their identities are hidden or ignored. This Sunday, we celebrate the complete identities of some truly remarkable people, who also happen to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. Some of their names you'll recognize right away, and some of them you won't be able to forget!

 October 18, 2020
Welcoming Workshop Review
Welcoming Workshop Presenters - James Glines, Raven Glines, Dave Sherwood, and Dawn Newcomer

This week, as part of our ongoing Welcoming Congregation Certification process, we will be presenting some of the highlights from Tapestry's first Welcoming Workshop held last weekend. Come join us as we explore what it means to be welcoming, what steps are required to gain certification, and most importantly, what you can do to help!

 October 11, 2020
Why Come Out When It's Safer to Hide?
Randy Partain

Some might ask: Why come out at all? Isn't it safer to hide? Why make yourself vulnerable to other people's judgment and hostility? Our society seems more open than ever in some ways, and yet for some people it is as dangerous as it ever has been to be openly gay, lesbian, or transgender. As Unitarian Universalists, we envision a world in which all people are not only safe and welcome, but are celebrated for who they are -- a world in which everyone is able to be fully alive. When we acknowledge that hiding may be safer, we can see more clearly that coming out is still an act of profound bravery. An act of resistance to oppression. A step toward creating the world we envision.

 October 4, 2020
Where Is It Safe to Be Me?
Randy Partain

During the month of October, we are focusing on our commitment to being a welcoming community toward people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer. Many of us already strive to be accepting and welcoming toward everybody, and we may wonder why this commitment to be a Welcoming Congregation is so important. Beyond just being a safe space for people to be celebrated for who they are, what does it mean for us to embrace a commitment to radical love? How does our vision for the world call us to create justice in the larger community?

 September 27, 2020
What Can UU Do?
UU the Vote

In these midst of global pandemic, rising authoritarianism, and uprising, lives hang in the balance and the future of democracy is on the line. In response, Unitarian Universalists are answering the call of our faith, building powerful partnerships to mobilize our communities to #VoteLove and #DefeatHate in the 2020 elections. Join UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray, the UU the Vote team, and a lineup of powerful, prophetic UU voices as we explore the intersections of faith, justice, and democracy in this collective virtual service.

The UU the Vote effort will also be the special Share the Plate recipient for this Sunday.

 September 20, 2020
A Center of Focus - Autumnal Equinox
Randy Partain

The Autumnal Equinox may not feel very different from summer in the Houston area. It can still be a time when we consider the need for balance and focus. As the day and night are balanced at the equinox, we need a sense of balance in our communities and our personal lives. Sometimes we think of finding balance as a daunting effort to keep an overwhelming number of plates spinning, like an impressive circus performer. But what if we don't need acrobatic training? What if balance is more about finding a point of convergence -- a center of focus for our collective and individual visions?

 September 13, 2020
Letting Go To Be Set Free
Randy Partain

Our society continues to express collective grief. Although it isn't pleasant to witness, we can strive to understand the suffering underneath the anger, denial, bargaining, and depression we see in others, and that we ourselves feel. In Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths assert that human suffering is caused by attachment, and that letting go of our attachments is a way to end suffering. But releasing attachment can sometimes seem like releasing our sense of growth and meaning. Can there be a way of acceptance that doesn't leave us without vision and purpose? Is it possible that letting go of attachment can set us free to act on a bolder vision for the world?

 September 6, 2020
Creating Sacred Space
Randy Partain

Whether we are engaging in a personal spiritual practice or gathering in community with others through virtual connection, more than ever we need to be conscious and intentional about creating sacred space. There may be special places we have experienced in the past that felt particularly sacred to us, where someone else has put effort into providing a space that exudes welcome and spirituality. How can we enter into a new season with purposeful attention to our physical surroundings? And how will that effort on our part create a more resilient community?

 August 30, 2020
Be the Miracle
Liz Plowman

Too often we as a society look to external powers to change the world – some magical miracle to fix the world’s problems. In actuality, the power lies in each of our own hands, and it is up to us to be the change that we want to see. It is up to each of us to be the miracle.

 August 23, 2020
Water Communion
Randy Partain

Although we are unable to meet in person, we still want to celebrate all that water symbolizes in our lives. Water is often seen as a symbol of purification and healing. For Taoists, water symbolizes wisdom. The ancient Greeks considered water to be a symbol of transformation. Among the first peoples of North America, water was a symbol of life itself. Water has a great deal to offer us as we seek a sense of healing and flexibility in our changing world, and as we seek deeper connection within ourselves and with one another. We invite you to bring a vessel of water and a bowl with you to this virtual service.

 August 16, 2020
A New Normal
Randy Partain

So many people have said that "normal" is just a setting on the washing machine. Many of us take pride in being unique. Maybe we want people to think of us as edgy or cool or independent thinkers. And yet, when it comes to the way we judge or accept others, it often comes down to how well another person fits our personal definition of "normal." When we say, "How could someone believe that?" or "People shouldn't behave that way," so often it's based on our own opinion about what "normal" should look like. How can we draw the circle of welcome wider and still embrace our own sense of individuality? How we grow as a community depends on this question.

 August 9, 2020
All about GA 2020
Geoff Sanders, Tess Bennett, Dave Sherwood, Chris Lowe

Join us this week as our members and delegates who attended share their experiences about the first ever virtual UU General Assembly conference earlier this year. Hear about the votes and about our larger UU faith community.

 August 2, 2020
Climbing the Mountain
Randy Partain

Mountaintop pilgrimages are a common theme in many religious traditions. People go to the mountaintop for different reasons. Sometimes, the mountaintop is the place where we commune with the divine. The mountaintop might also be where we proclaim something to the world. Either way, though, getting to the mountaintop requires a climb. A pilgrimage. Sometimes, that pilgrimage can be figurative—the hard work that we do to get ourselves to a place where we are in touch with the divine and shout a clear vision for the world. Ready to do some climbing?

 July 26, 2020
Cultivating Trust
Randy Partain

In our mutual covenant, we promise to cultivate trust with one another. It seems like an easy thing to say yes to. We all want trusting relationships with people who are purposefully committed to being trustworthy. But what does it really mean to cultivate trust with one another? What are we willing to do to fulfill our piece of this promise that forms the foundation of our relationships as a community? When we have a blueprint to clarify what we can do, cultivating trust doesn't have to be scary or challenging. (And don't worry... we won't be doing any virtual trust falls!)

 July 19, 2020
The Power of Curiosity
Randy Partain

When we were children, we learned a lot about the world through our sense of curiosity. As we grew older, many of us began to think we know all we need to know about other people. We may not consciously think we can read minds or predict the future, but we sometimes act like we can! Recognizing how little we know and reclaiming an intentional curiosity about other people and the world around us might just help us honor our commitment to one another and our commitment to our Unitarian Universalist principles. Are you curious?

 July 12, 2020
The Shape of Our Relationships
Randy Partain

Human relationships are never just between two people. We naturally form triangles and more complex interconnected shapes in our relationships. We talk about triangulation as a reaction to anxiety, but can the natural shape of human connection help us honor our covenants and hold one another accountable with compassion? And how can intentionally building healthier personal relationships transform the world around us toward greater justice?

 July 5, 2020
One Voice
Allan Perkins

For this Independence Day weekend our theme is “One Voice”. How does that concept fit with the country we are living in today?

 June 28, 2020
How Welcoming Do I Have to Be?
Randy Partain

There are a lot of steps in the process of becoming certified by the Unitarian Universalist Association as an LGBTQ+ Welcoming Congregation. Tapestry is just beginning that process, and our entire community will be a part of it. You may think we're already quite welcoming, and you're right! But what does it mean for us to practice radical hospitality as a community? And how are you called to express that welcome?

 June 21, 2020
Summer Solstice
Randy Partain

In collaboration with the Tapestry CUUPS chapter, we celebrate the summer solstice. Ancient communities built stone monuments dedicated to the worship of the sun. Solar cycles guided many aspects of their lives. Their standing stones and temples remain as legacies of their cultures. We consider what intentions we want to guide our lives and what legacy we want to leave behind for future generations.

 June 14, 2020
Fighting Oppression and Finding Hope in Times of COVID-19
Edmar, Grace, Justin, Rebekah, and Dawn

Come listen to voices among us as we speak about these important current events.
June is... the anniversary of the Stonewall and Juneteenth!
June is... A time for grieving, protesting, and speaking out against police brutality!
June is... A time for us to work together to create and find rays of hope in the midst of all the new reality caused by Covid.

 June 7, 2020
I Hope You're Proud of Yourself
Randy Partain

June is Pride Month. Why "Pride," though? Isn't pride one of the seven deadly sins? Doesn't pride cometh before a fall? Why would people who identify as lesbian, gay, or trans embrace a word like "pride"? We explore the history of Pride as a celebration of LGBT identity, and consider the challenge for people in a marginalized social group to honor their dignity, equality, and capability for self-affirmation. And we sincerely ask the question: Are you proud of yourself?

 May 31, 2020
The Healing Power of Laughter
Randy Partain

Human beings have long known that laughter helps us through difficult times. You might even find it challenging to think about smiling without physically smiling. There are so many serious things happening in the world and in our lives, we might forget what a powerful force humor can be. Or maybe we're reluctant to seem irreverent by laughing about important things. Is it possible that a little irreverence can provide a greater sense of well-being and wholeness in our lives and in the world around us?

 May 24, 2020
We Know Them
Allan Perkins

Allan Perkins will again be speaker for Tapestry's annual Memorial Day Service. This year, we will focus on those we lost are not strangers. We hope you'll join us in our remembrance of their service to our country and their connection to us.

 May 17, 2020
Impermanence: Embracing Change and Uncertainty
Hugo Williams

Moments, thoughts, memories and emotions come and go. Days pass by, turn into weeks, then months, then years, then generations. You, and the life you lead in the world itself are both constantly changing because nothing is permanent. The concept of impermanence (called ANITYA in Sanskrit) is at the cornerstone of many eastern religions' teachings and practices. It can even be easily said that it was the very heart of the Buddha's teaching. Let us then appreciate and understand how we can apply this powerful insight into our modern, fast paced and complex lives.

 May 10, 2020
Randy Partain

In many cultures, sacred places are protected by guardian statues. Nio guardians, like the one depicted in this photo by Irene Coll Ingles, are one example. Gargoyles on Gothic cathedrals are another. Unitarian Universalists also have guardians in our communities of faith, but we don't depict them in statuary. Our guardians are a little more mundane than the powerful gods and fierce creatures featured in the art of many religious traditions. In fact, you may even be one! Are you up to the task? Come explore who guards our sacred space -- and who relies on you as a guardian.

 May 3, 2020
Stewardship Celebration Sunday
Randy Partain

We express our enthusiastic vision for our community through the way we invest our time, talent, treasure, and presence. Even in times of uncertainty, we have a powerful sense of who we want to be as a congregation. Today we celebrate that collective identity and the plans we have to deepen that identity in the year ahead. So many exciting ideas have emerged from this year's stewardship campaign, and we're looking forward to another amazing year as we continue to grow together.

 April 26, 2020
Earth Day Ceremony

Join us as we honor Mother Earth with a Native American celebration hosted by the Tapestry CUUPS group. Enjoy drumming and singing as we send out healing energy to Mother Earth.

 April 19, 2020
The Bridge
Randy Partain

As Unitarian Universalists, we are committed to fostering multicultural community. Even in this time of change and transition, there are things we can do to evolve our understanding and develop our multicultural competence. Who do we expect to be bridges for us? And how can we be strong bridges to our deepest selves, so that we build the world that we envision? We are capable of responsibly forging new paths of multicultural community. Let us engage in that learning together.

 April 12, 2020
Ceremony of Healing and Restoration
Randy Partain

Easter is a time when Christians celebrate Jesus' resurrection, symbolizing new life and healing through a restored relationship with the divine. All of us have a need for spiritual healing and restoration, and some may be especially feeling that need during this time. Whether we locate the divine in nature, in a separate spiritual realm, or as a part of what makes us human, we intentionally set our hearts toward reconciliation and healing in this special ceremony.

 April 5, 2020
Recovery and Resilience
Randy Partain

Recently, I played a game called Gris. It had beautiful art, but more importantly, it had a beautiful message about recovering from trauma, discovering our voice, and building personal resilience. Maybe I superimposed some of these lessons onto the game. They weren't overtly stated in any way. And yet, the games we play may hold powerful lessons we can carry forward in our lives. The ways we spend our "down time" can reinforce a compelling vision we hold for our lives and our world.

 March 29, 2020
Staying Home
Randy Partain

In Rumi's poem "A Community of the Spirit" he wrote: Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Some of us may be thinking of our current situation as something of a prison. Some of us may be feeling overwhelmed. What if we are refusing to open a gift, just because it is wrapped in an ugly box? Yes, we need to commiserate with one another. There is no doubt that our circumstances are challenging. But also, what encouragement can we offer one another? What inspiration? What hopeful vision for the world must we prepare for? Join us for a time of reflection on the spirituality of staying home and what it can mean for our community.

 March 22, 2020
Hello, Spring!
Randy Partain

The vernal equinox marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Throughout the world, the rituals that welcome spring are celebrations of life and renewal in the natural world, and within ourselves. We virtually gather together to consider the seeds that we can intentionally plant in our lives, and also to celebrate what is ready to hatch because of the work we have done in the past. We take time to recognize how we can nurture new life in the people around us, and to honor those who have nurtured new life within us.

 March 15, 2020
Sunday Service Cancellation
See Zoom Website

Dear Tapestry Members and Friends,

Because we care deeply about your well-being and because we want to be as proactive as possible in preventing the spread of the virus that causes Covid-19, the Board has decided Tapestry will NOT meet for worship or fellowship at CJCN beginning this coming Sunday morning (March 15). Instead, the Worship Team invites you to worship with the Church of the Larger Fellowship online Sunday at 7 pm CST https://zoom.us/j/224988882.

This decision was based on recommendations from our Unitarian Universalist Association, and in agreement with other area UU congregations. For the near future, we are choosing not to have in-person gatherings of 25 people or more. We would encourage our small groups to consider using an online forum for meeting such as google hangouts as much as possible.

Our first priority as a religious community right now is the health of those who are most at risk for COVID--19, both within our church and in the greater Houston area. While there are only a very small number of documented coronavirus cases in our city and region at the current time, health officials tell us that taking major steps right now is the only way to slow the spread of this virus.

If you feel you are at higher risk, please stay home as much as you can and know you are not alone. All of us here at Tapestry are with you in spirit. Even if you are not concerned about your personal risk of exposure, please be mindful to avoid public gatherings, stay home as much as possible, and wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water. Please urge your family and friends to do the same. This is the best way to prevent this virus from spreading and making more people sick.

This is a time for us all to take care of each other. If you have an urgent need, please call our message line at 281-301-7999 or contact the lay ministry team at caring@uutapestry.org. We invite you to join our Facebook Tapestry Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston Community page if you haven’t already. In the coming days, please check in with others by phone or email. Reach out to anyone who you think might be feeling overly fearful or isolated. And please feel free to contact Randy Partain at minster@uutapestry.org any time if you need to talk. If you have more general questions, comments or concerns, please contact us at board@uutapestry.org.

Stay tuned for further updates on the status of other upcoming church activities.

We are a strong, loving, and resilient community and we will get through all this together.

Your Tapestry Minister and Board

 March 8, 2020
Building Stronger Bonds
Randy Partain

When we embrace our capacity to be aware of ourselves and also inclusive of others, we build stronger bonds with one another. So often, we try to protect ourselves from others, or we defend our own needs to the point that we stop hearing and seeing one another clearly. We're able to do things differently, and be confident in nurturing healthy community. Our Unitarian Universalist values challenge us to do so. How can we measure our multicultural competence? And how can we balance care for ourselves and care for others in beloved community?

 March 1, 2020
Tapestry Turns 1!
Randy Partain

Come celebrate our first anniversary! We'll officially welcome our newest members, take a look back at what we've created together, and cast vision for the year ahead. Tapestry's story is a story about you. And our community's exciting journey is just beginning! After the service, we'll continue the celebration with a potluck and some great activities for all ages.

 February 23, 2020
If Giraffes Made the Rules
Randy Partain

Embracing multiculturalism requires us to confront White privilege. This isn't an issue of individual character. Confronting privilege means challenging an oppressive system through intentional action. But even the word "privilege" can stir up some challenging emotions. Rather than feeling powerless or shameful, we're going to identify meaningful ways that we can intentionally dismantle barriers so that all people "matter" in our congregation and in our society. Our Unitarian Universalist principles call all of us to develop the capacity and the skill to take meaningful and hopeful action.

 February 16, 2020
Exploring Identity
Randy Partain

Cultural philosopher Charles Taylor said that each of us has an original way of being human. If we are not true to ourselves, we miss the point of our life. We miss what being human is for us. Part of embracing multiculturalism is recognizing that our unique way of being human can allow space for other people's unique way of being human. Our Unitarian Universalist values call us to celebrate other people's original way of being human, even as we fully express our own blend of identities. How can we rise to this challenge more consistently? How can we deepen our love for ourselves and others, and thus build greater wholeness in the world around us?

 February 9, 2020
Driving While White: Racism and White Privilege in America
Tom Parker

UUs have a long history of taking a stand against racism. But what about the grey areas we deal with both publicly and privately? Is racism ever justified? How does racism manifest itself in your life? To what extent are you a racist? Join us on Feb. 9th when Tom Parker addresses these and other questions about what UUs can do about racism both in and around them.

 February 2, 2020
Multiple Realities
Randy Partain

Science fiction stories often imagine multiple realities co-existing or colliding in some way. But what if the experience of multiple co-existing realities is real? What if our capability to embrace multiculturalism is rooted in our ability to recognize multiple realities? Our stories may be stories of inclusion or exclusion. Stories of mattering or marginalization. Or all of the above! Telling our stories requires vulnerability. Welcoming stories from others -- stories that are very different from our own -- might require some vulnerability too. Join us as we explore our multiple realities and learn to truly share our diverse stories with one another.

 January 26, 2020
Randy Partain

Our society has been talking more openly about toxic behavior in recent years. Maybe you've ended a relationship with someone at some point in your life because they seemed toxic to you. We can't always disengage easily from people we think of as toxic. They may be in our workplace, in our social organizations, or even in our families. Sometimes, there might even be a hint of toxic people in church communities. What would it feel like to be equipped to fearlessly handle toxic material? Would you believe that our Unitarian Universalist principles provide us with guidance about addressing toxicity? Join us as we explore our capability to create a less toxic world.

 January 19, 2020
Before the First Step
Grace Ngo

Whenever we want to begin anew, it can be terrifying. Fear can paralyze us, and taking that first step is always the hardest, but what exactly causes us to be immobile? Is it the unknown or the fear of failure? Whatever it is, hope is an important part of the process. Join us this week, as our special Guest Speaker, Grace Ngo shares her story of how hope allowed her to open up to new experiences and new relationships.

 January 12, 2020
Randy Partain

Last Sunday, we held our burning bowl ceremony, burning the things we're ready to let go of in order to move in the direction of wholeness and well-being for ourselves and the world around us. What rises from those ashes? What intentional passion can be ignited by our purposeful commitment? Or even, in times of tragedy, when things are taken from us that we aren't ready to let go of, how do we find hope to create something anew? Join us as we explore sources of inspiration and hope.

 January 5, 2020
Burning Bowl
Randy Partain

When we turn the page of a new calendar year, we also often consider the new things we want to create in our lives during the year ahead. Sometimes we make "New Year resolutions," and jokingly predict how many days it will be before we break those promises to ourselves. Whether it's a promise for the year ahead or a commitment to our Unitarian Universalist values, the things we carry from the past can sometimes get in the way of us living fully into a compelling vision for wholeness and well-being. In our burning bowl ceremony, we have an opportunity to release regret, sorrow, or pain from our past and look forward to a brighter future. We can give ourselves a chance to feel some closure, and move on intentionally. What do you want to let go of so that you can live fully into your vision for the year ahead?

 December 29, 2019
Weft and Warp
Men of Tapestry

You may remember, last month's service, when Randy explained "warp" threads are the foundation of a tapestry. The warp is the tightly-held strings upon which an image is built by interwoven "weft" threads. The warp is completely covered in traditional tapestry weaving, yet it is the necessary core of the structure. Sometimes, our spiritual practices are things that no one else sees. They may notice when we're particularly centered (or when we've neglected our practices!), but they may not know the work that we do to show up with authenticity, compassion, integrity, or serenity.

Join us for a second special service in this Introduction Series when we'll learn about four spiritual practices that serve as foundations for some of the men of Tapestry. Hopefully, you'll discover some opportunities to strengthen your own grounding as well!

 December 24, 2019
Christmas Eve Celebration
Randy Partain

Tapestry UU Church of Houston cordially invites you and yours to join us for our First Annual Carols, Candles and Cookies, A Christmas Eve Celebration. Singing in the Sanctuary 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Sweet Treats in the Social Hall 7:00 PM - 9 PM. Please bring snacks and treats to share with others.

 December 22, 2019
Winter Solstice
Randy Partain

So many religious traditions consider the winter solstice sacred. From a time of increasing night, the sun is reborn with a promise of new life to come. Whether it is with candle light or a Yule log or sparkling lights on a tree, the season is full of ways we look for the light of the sun reborn to vanquish whatever unseen anxieties we imagine await us in the darkness. But times of quiet darkness are important for us as well. And we might forget to look in the most obvious place when we find ourselves or the world around us in need of light. In this solstice celebration, we explore what we gain from the darkness, and how we embrace our roles as bringers of light.

 December 15, 2019
Making the List
Randy Partain

One of the common holiday tropes is whether someone has made it onto the Nice List or the Naughty List. People on the Nice List have earned a present for their good behavior, but people on the Naughty List get a lump of coal instead! Even in a time when we focus on generosity and giving, we have a sense that we have to earn our presents. Our Unitarian Universalist principles suggest something different -- that every person has reason to celebrate who we are. This holiday season, how can we more joyfully celebrate who we are? And what simple, intentional action can we engage in to help people around us joyfully celebrate who they are?

 December 8, 2019
Do It Anyway
Judy Bunch

Mother Teresa’s “Do It Anyway” is ageless wisdom. It reflects thoughts that resound through many spiritual practices. Intention is a prime way of life in which to stay in the moment. Judy will share some of the inspirations that have come from this classic.

 December 1, 2019
Brave Sparrow
Randy Partain

Avery Alder once made a "game" called Brave Sparrow. It was a way of building one's capacity to bear witness to quiet beauty and act with bravery. Avery didn't publish Brave Sparrow commercially, but their simple creative idea suggests that we might need a little help sometimes to meaningfully address wonder and mystery in our lives. Can playfulness help us engage in curiosity and courage more intentionally? How can we be more intentional observers and agents of wonder?

 November 24, 2019
Bread Ceremony
Randy Partain

The Unitarian Universalist Bread Ceremony is a celebration of our connection with one another. We each bring unique experiences and gifts to our relationships and communities. This symbolic ceremony of sharing reminds us how deeply we are able to share of ourselves and receive one another gracefully. Prepare a bread that is special to you, or just buy some bread you enjoy, and bring it to share as we celebrate this uniquely Unitarian Universalist service.

 November 17, 2019
Three Minds
Randy Partain

The Enneagram is one approach to understanding human personality, based on the theories of Russian mystic George Gurdjieff. According to this model, people have three basic ways of responding to the world around us: through our intellect, through our emotions, and through our instinctual action. None of these is any better than the others, but each of us may find that we rely on one of these three "minds" more comfortably or naturally. Understanding our own tendencies and understanding the tendencies of others can help us engage more deeply in building our community with respect, compassion, and gratitude for the diverse perspectives that strengthen our interconnection.

 November 10, 2019
Veterans and the Families They Make
Allan Perkins

An emotional, informative, and inspirational look at the families that veterans find themselves in.

 November 3, 2019
Warp and Weft
Randy Partain

"Warp" threads are the foundation of a tapestry. The warp is the tightly-held strings upon which an image is built by interwoven "weft" threads. The warp is completely covered in traditional tapestry weaving, yet it is the necessary core of the structure. Sometimes, our spiritual practices are things that no one else sees. They may notice when we're particularly centered (or when we've neglected our practices!), but they may not know the work that we do to show up with authenticity, compassion, integrity, or serenity. In this special service, three participants in Tapestry's Women's Spirituality Group will share their own "warp" threads -- the spiritual practices that form their foundation. Hopefully, you'll discover some opportunities to strengthen your own grounding as well!

 October 27, 2019
Día de Muertos
Randy Partain

Día de Muertos (or Day of the Dead) is an annual event that unfolds over two days of color and life-affirming joy, when people demonstrate love and respect for ancestors. In towns and cities throughout Mexico, revelers don bright makeup and costumes, hold parades and parties, sing and dance, and make offerings to lost loved ones. As we honor this traditional Mexican feast for the senses, you are invited to bring a picture of a departed loved one.

 October 20, 2019
The Better Devas of Our Nature
Randy Partain

In Hunduism, a deva is rather like what Western religion might call an angel. Some devas represent the forces of nature and some represent moral values, each symbolizing the essence of a focused area of knowledge or creative energy. Whether we believe in such beings or not, it might be interesting to think of the focused, creative devas of various aspects of our lives. How might our "relationship deva" guide us toward deeper connection and vulnerability? Or how might our "professional deva" guide us in our career decisions? How might a "Tapestry deva" guide us in our community building? Together, we'll explore an imaginative spiritual practice as well as our congregational covenant.

 October 13, 2019
Do UU's Pray?
Rev. Patti Henry

UU Lay Minister, Patti Henry, will be joining us once again on October 13. Her sermon, "Do UUs Pray?" will explore the different types of prayer and what to do if you've got no one to pray to. This is a fun sermon you won't want to miss!

 October 6, 2019
Spiritual Time (A Spiritual Practice of Scheduling)
Randy Partain

Living fully into our spiritual identity is not just a matter of what we do, but how we do it. With so many meaningful and worthwhile actions and activities in our calendars, we can forget to take time preparing for how we want to connect all the events of our busy lives with our deepest values. As we enter into a series on spiritual practices, we consider the spirituality of our relationship with time. How might we adopt a more intentional approach to nurturing ourselves inwardly in the midst of nurturing the world outwardly?

 September 29, 2019
Juan Diego Meets the Queen of Heaven
Randy Partain

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, also known as Virgen de Guadalupe, is a Catholic title of the Blessed Virgin Mary associated with a Marian apparition and a venerated image enshrined within the Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. We'll hear the parable of Juan Diego's encounter with the Queen of Heaven and consider how we might be more intentional in how we ascribe power and how we empower others.

 September 22, 2019
Noise, Quiet, (Maybe) Stillness
Hallie Moore

We all complain about our noisy, over-stressed lives. Seems we are right— the decibel level is rising. Can we find the quiet our minds, bodies and hearts need?

 September 15, 2019
Roots of Power
Randy Partain

When we talk about "power," what are we really talking about? And where does power come from? What kinds of power work against our Unitarian Universalist principles, and what kinds of power are in alignment with our principles? We continue our conversation about power by considering the roots of power in our own lives, in our relationships, and in our communities.

 September 8, 2019
Water Ceremony
Randy Partain

In this distinctly Unitarian Universalist liturgical service, we celebrate the places we have been, the places we are going, and the symbolic power of water to carry us, challenge us, and sustain us along the way. Bring your water to pour into our communal bowl as we celebrate our connection with one another and our capacity to nurture one another.

 September 1, 2019
Randy Partain

Have you ever felt powerless? Many people do. Some more frequently than others. Often, though, this feeling of powerlessness isn't true. Sometimes, all it takes is one purposeful action in a meaningful direction to shift a situation. Are you willing to embrace your personal power?

 August 25, 2019
When God was a Woman: The Herstory
Heather Kaminski

"In the beginning there was Isis: Oldest of the Old, She was the Goddess from whom all Becoming Arose. She was the Great Lady, Mistress of the two Lands of Egypt, Mistress of Shelter, Mistress of Heaven, Mistress of the House of Life, Mistress of the word of God.“

Merlin Stone, sculpture, and professor of art and art history writes in her book “When God Was A Woman”, “In the beginning, people prayed to the Creatress of Life, the Mistress of Heaven. At the very dawn of religion, God was a woman." Do you remember?

 August 18, 2019
Being Healers
Randy Partain

Maybe we do not think of ourselves as healers. There are so many ways in which we may feel the need for healing. Perhaps we think that we must be healed before we can heal others. Or perhaps we think that only special people with special gifts or special training have the capacity to heal others. But what if our spiritual tradition implicitly calls us all to be healers? How can we embrace that identity more deeply as Unitarian Universalists?

 August 11, 2019
Our Healing Power
Randy Partain

When we can honestly recognize our old wounds, we can begin to heal. Sometimes we expect that healing to come from outside of ourselves, but we can also be a source for inner healing. We engage in a special experience of personal healing with spiritual practices that can be a regular part of your self-care.

 August 4, 2019
Taking Off Your Armor
Randy Partain

Over time, we all learn to put on emotional armor to protect ourselves. We learn early on that we have vulnerabilities that can be painful. We get wounded in our relationships and figure out what we need to do keep from feeling that kind of pain again. Armor isn't a bad thing, but the thicker our armor, the tougher it is for us to connect, feel love, and offer love to others. In other words, the very things we need to be able to do in authentic community. How can we embrace our vulnerabilities and honor the vulnerabilities of others in mutual safety and connection?

 July 28, 2019
The Ethics of Road Trips
Randy Partain

When we journey with others, our behavior matters. When in a well-defined space like a vehicle on a road trip, it may be clear how our behavior affects everyone in the car with us. When the borders of our relationships are a bit more diffuse, our influence may not be so clear. How can we be more mindful of our contributions to powerful, meaningful relationships with the people with whom we journey in this community? In our city? In our world?

 July 21, 2019
The Power of We
Dana Ashrawi

Who are Unitarian Universalists called to be in this moment? In a time of increasing dehumanization causing great challenge and heartbreak in our world, what does our faith demand from us? At this year’s General Assembly we explored the power, possibility, purpose, struggle and joy of finding the path forward together as Unitarian Universalists. Attendees left inspired, with the tools needed to carry on the work for collective liberation into their own congregations and communities. How we discern and carry out the work is an example of faith formation, AKA religious education.

 July 14, 2019
Greasing the Wheels
Randy Partain

Having a covenant for community is good. Essential even! But sometimes promises made with the best of intentions get broken. Relationships sometimes need to be repaired. How do we restore and rebuild relationship in alignment with Unitarian Universalist principles? What role does accountability play in a healthy, thriving community? Come explore how our purposeful commitments to one another grease the wheels of authentic community.

 July 7, 2019
A Compass for Relationship
Randy Partain

We talk about covenant a lot in UU settings. One reason is that we don't embrace a creed -- a set of established beliefs that everyone must accept to be in community with one another. Instead of creeds, we build covenants -- a set of promises we commit to with one another. Covenants are mutual boundaries that cast vision for the kinds of relationships and communities we want to build. They are compasses that point the way toward deeper authentic connection with one another. Sounds great, right? So why aren't we better at keeping covenants? Come learn how to create and keep covenants that truly help us create the relationships and communities we most deeply desire.

 June 30, 2019
It's a Patriot Party
Allan Perkins

Independence Day is the one patriotic holiday which has been a party from the very beginning. Come celebrate it with us.

 June 23, 2019
Why Should We Notice the Summer Solstice?
Judy Bunch

My title for this service asked why we, as UU’s, should pay attention to the changing of the season. Our 7th principle states: “We the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association covenant to affirm and promote: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” My hope is that we can share a connection to nature and to selves.

 June 16, 2019
Bad Lip Reading
Randy Partain

There's a comedy group that specializes in taking video clips of movies and speeches and recording more humorous lines over the original images. And they do it in such a way that it looks like the person speaking is actually saying the more humorous lines instead of their original quote. This is good for a laugh. But we often do this with human beings around us too. We engage in "bad lip reading" when we assume that we know what other people need better than they understand their own needs. That can make creating justice, equity, and compassion a real challenge. Are there simple ways to clearly hear the needs expressed by others instead of thinking that we have all the answers?

 June 9, 2019
Navigating the Continuum
Randy Partain

It's common for us to think in binary terms. Hot or cold. Winners or losers. Wizards or muggles. We often do this even when it comes to something as diverse as human identity, whether it's gender, ideology, skin color, or who we love. Our brains love to put things in clear-cut categories. And yet, one way we can live with greater integrity to our UU values is to recognize human identity as a continuum rather than a set of toggle switches. How can intentional spiritual practices help us navigate that continuum?

 June 2, 2019
Randy Partain

The 1990 documentary "Paris Is Burning" focuses on drag queens living in New York City and their "house" culture, which provides a sense of community and support for the flamboyant and often socially shunned performers. It also highlights some of the unique terminology of their community dance styles at the time, which found its way into the mainstream even though many people were unaware of its history. How else do we inadvertently adopt elements of marginalized cultures without honoring their origins? And how can we be better stewards of those ideas?

We'll also welcome new members in a special ceremony!

 May 26, 2019
The Flavor of Freedom
Allan Perkins

When we look at those we honor on Memorial Day, many of us think of 'Freedom', 'Patriotism' and their service. We are thankful for the rights of our freedom. But do we know the 'flavor' of freedom?

 May 19, 2019
Belonging and EZosophy
Anne Sermons Gillis

We live in a fast paced culture that either glorifies suffering or tries to stamp it to the ground through positive thinking. When is suffering authentic and when is it the product of cynicism, pride, and our addiction to drama? What unexampled assumptions do we have about life and how do these assumptions create a stressful life? Even though life has difficult periods, it is not hard all the time. How can we extricate ourselves from our self-imposed suffering and live a more joy-filled life?

 May 12, 2019
You Change Everything
Randy Partain, Minister

As we continue to form an intentional vision for Tapestry, we consider how each of us has something valuable to contribute to that vision. As we bring our full selves forward, we change and shape the world around us. As we engage purposefully in our lives, we influence all of our relationships and systems. What we do matters. How can we deepen our sense of belonging through awareness of our transformative and creative power?

 May 5, 2019
The Balance of Belonging
Randy Partain

Do you ever feel like you have to wear a mask? In other words, have you ever hidden part of yourself in order to be acceptable to other people? Has the need for a sense of belonging won out over the need to be seen and appreciated for who you truly are? Many people feel that they can't be completely themselves and also be accepted in a place where they want to belong. Imagine having both of these competing needs met more often! Let's explore the possibility of the balance of belonging.

 April 28, 2019
Flower Celebration
Randy Partain

Bring a flower to share as we honor the unique gifts we bring to community in a uniquely Unitarian celebration! The founder of the Unitarian Church in Czechoslovakia, Rev. Norbert Capek, saw the need to unite the diverse congregants of his church, from varying Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish backgrounds, without alienating those who had left these traditions. For this reason he initiated the Flower Celebration in Prague on 4 June 1923, honoring the universal beauty of nature by having a communion of flowers instead of the Eucharist. Though Unitarian Universalists often refer to the ritual as a Flower Ceremony, Festival, or Communion, Capek's term "Oslava Kvetin" is more accurately translated as "Flower Celebration," a term which continues to be preferred by Czech Unitarians today.

 April 21, 2019
Sherry Stewart

The resurrection story is a universal theme within the Christian faith, but all of us have experienced personal resurrections in times of hardship. We will explore both in our Easter service.

 April 14, 2019
The Energy of Anxiety
Randy Partain

Creating something new in collaboration with other people is exciting! It can also stir up some anxiety. Even though we may know about the effects of anxiety, it can still creep into our vision casting unintentionally. When we manage our anxiety, we're better able to live into our hope for meaningful, authentic community. How can we recognize anxiety when it's affecting our community or our own behavior? And what spiritual practices can help us manage our anxiety better?

 April 7, 2019
What Will They Say?
Randy Partain

It may seem early in Tapestry's development to think about awards and honors. It may seem morbid to think about Tapestry's epitaph. And yet, these are ways that people convey how others have made a difference in the world. As we think about identity and a vision for Tapestry as a community, one way to clarify that vision is to imagine what we hope people will say about us. It's a great way to clarify our personal creative vision too. Come wonder together as we gather with hope and purpose!

 March 31, 2019
Stewardship Celebration
Randy Partain

We gather to celebrate the mutual gifts we offer to one another and the commitment we make to build authentic, meaningful community together. We are creators by nature, and we have the potential to create amazing things, especially when we work together. So how do we turn our commitments of time, talent, and treasure into purposeful and intentional expressions of who we are? Come find out as we celebrate together this Sunday!

 March 24, 2019
First Smooth Stone - "The Giants We Face"
Derrick Elliot

Join us Sunday as we begin discussion on our Five Smooth Stones of a Liberal Religion -
The first Stone can be paraphrased as Growth - Ours, is a living tradition because we're always learning.

 March 17, 2019
Weaving a Tapestry of Love and Hope: Building and Sustaining our Beloved Community
Helen & Dave Sherwood

Stewardship is about wisely identifying and using our resources to build and sustain our work in this church, while caring for each other and ourselves. Being present, donating money, volunteering our time, sharing our talents. We offer these treasured resources to help us fulfill our vision of putting our Unitarian Universalist principles into practice, while promoting balanced giving. We'll be exploring what it means to be good UU stewards without overextending ourselves.

And, it will be FUN, with opportunities to earn door prize tickets. Did we mention there will be door prizes?! You will not want to miss out, I promise!!

 March 10, 2019
Where Are We Going?
Randy Partain

As we begin to form the mission and vision for Tapestry, we must decide where we are going. In planning our path, we must understand that saying yes to some things will mean saying no to others. To enable us to say yes, we must also say no with intention and purpose.

 March 3, 2019
Dismantling Racism and Other Oppressions
Dana Ashrawi

An 8th principle has been proposed for adoption by the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
Dana Fisher Ashrawi will explain the proposal and explore the following questions:
Where did the proposal come from?
Why now?
Why in the UUA?
Why single out racism?
What is beloved community?
What does it mean to be accountable?

 February 24, 2019
Our Blue Planet — Hope in the Age of Despair
Dawn Newcomer

Our Unitarian Universalist 7th Principle is “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” How can we live this principle in the face of Climate Change?

 February 17, 2019
Beyond Whirled Peas
Sherry Stewart

We take a look at our 6th principle and examine what it would take to have a world community that is peaceful, just, and free.

 February 10, 2019
What Would You Do?
Judy Bunch

What if your social outlet that is your passion was banned by the government and participation considered illegal? As UU's our 5th principle addresses that question.

 February 3, 2019
4th Principle - "Fact, Truth and Unitarian Universalism"
Tom Parker

One of the precepts of Unitarian Universalism is that truth is not absolute. It changes over time. How can this be? Join us on February 3rd when Tom Parker explores the relationship between fact, truth and Unitarian Universalism.

 January 27, 2019
Who Did I Just Meet?
Judy Bunch

The third UU principle is Acceptance of one another and encouragement of spiritual growth in our congregations. Let us reflect on the diversity of those around us.

 January 20, 2019
Is It Just Or Is It Just The Way It Is?
Sherry Stewart

In this day and age, do we really have a world that is just, equitable, and compassionate or is what we have ¨just the way it is?¨ We explore the 2nd UU principle of justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.

 January 13, 2019
1st Principle is easy. Not so fast…
Peggy Walton

The first principle of the Unitarian Universalis is "The Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person". We will explore why such a simple principle can be so hard at times and ways to keep your faith, as well as your integrity.

 January 6, 2019
Reflections on Belief and Belonging and On Covenant and Care
Rev. Dr. Joanne Braxton (Streaming)

What binds spirit to matter? When we have a diversity of cherished beliefs and belongings, what connects us in sacred relation within the liberal church? Join us as we explore the power and the possibility of covenant as scaffolding for the growth of the soul. The Rev. Dr. Joanne Braxton will be our special guest in the pulpit (streaming video). She is the CEO and President of the Board of the Braxton Institute, is an ordained minister in the Eastern Virginia Association of the administrator, public speaker and workshop leader, as well as the author and/or editor of several published books, including Black Women Writing Autobiography.

 December 30, 2018
What is Behind the Door for 2019?
Sherry Stewart

Join us as we consider closing the door on 2018 and the possibilities for the new year.

 December 23, 2018
Winter Solstice Service of Music & Reflection
Rev. Randy Partain

Please invite your friends and family...

Most of our winter holidays originate with the solstice celebrations, which recognized human dependence on the sun as well as our symbolic relationship with light and darkness. How do we honor our times of darkness, and how do we release the darkness we don't need to carry with us? Join us for a service of music and reflection.

Tapestry Ensemble will be performing Winter Solstice & Christmas music.

A potluck will follow - so please bring a dish to share and a beverage, as we celebrate this wonderful time of year!

 December 16, 2018
The Power of Uncertainty
Randy Partain

When we think of mystery and wonder, we sometimes think about the grand majesty of nature or the origins of existence. Of all the mystery in the universe, though, sometimes the greatest mystery is within other human beings. We can fool ourselves into thinking that our assumptions and biases are reliable, but how can we set our assumptions aside to truly discover the wonder of the people around us?

 December 9, 2018
The Real Meaning of Christmas: Showing Up
Rev. Patti Henry

Don't do it half way. Your life is worth full-on attention. 'Tis the season for miracles to happen. Show up for yours!

 December 2, 2018
Habits of the Heart
Rev. Dr. Colin Bossen (Delivered by Ben Walker)

This sermon will tend to ways Unitarian Universalist communities can be places of welcome and sanctuary during periods of crisis and transition.

 November 25, 2018
Democracy in Crisis
Rev. Colin Bossen (Delivered by Sherry Stewart)

Democracy across the globe is in crisis. No matter who wins the midterm elections, this will continue to be true. How should Unitarian Universalist
communities respond during times such as these?

 November 18, 2018
Bread Communion
Randy Partain

This multi-generational service is uniquely Unitarian Universalist, and a special one for bringing a friend or relative. All are invited to bring bread that connects to your ancestors or your current family traditions. We will share our bread and stories of our bread with each other after a blessing, and offer gratitude for our beloved community. Our children will be with us throughout this service for all generations, while child care for ages 4 and under will be available in the Mahjong room.

 November 11, 2018
The Four Agreements: Part I
Rev. Patti Henry

On Sunday, our guest speaker, Patti Henry, will look at the first of the Four Agreements, as suggested by Miguel Ruiz in his best-selling book of the same name, that you must make with yourself to have a happy and effective life. This agreement, make your word impeccable, is the most important and difficult of the Four. Come join us for a fun and thoughtful service!

 November 4, 2018
Rules of the Game
Randy Partain

Sometimes things change without our permission, like someone has changed the rules on us mid-game without warning us. This often provokes some anxiety for a lot of us. Sometimes, there are changes we long for, though. Changes we want in our own lives or in the world around us. How do we determine whose rules we have to play by when we want to change the game? And how do we ensure that the changes we strive for truly align with our life-affirming values?

 October 28, 2018
Honoring Our Ancestors
Randy Partain

Whether we celebrate it as Dia de los Muertos, All Saints, Samhain, or by some other name, this time of year is often a time that we think about ancestors and how to honor them. Maybe we think of special items or activities that make us feel close to people we care about who have died. Maybe we look back to more distant ancestors, people we never knew but who shaped our life and circumstances nonetheless. One way we can honor those who came before us is by the legacy we leave behind for the future generations who will call us ancestors. Come delve deeper into how we honor both the departed and generations to come in this special celebration.

 October 21, 2018
A Place for Us
Rev. Carlton E. Smith (Delivered by Sherry Stewart)

A sense of belonging is fundamental to our experience as human beings. Most people are grateful to find a community where they feel at home, or they are seeking one. Unitarian Universalism provides such an environment for many, and yet not all. How do we walk the line between creating cohesive communities and making room for the stranger?

 October 14, 2018
We Make the Road by Walking
Rev. Dr. Colin Bossen

This title comes from a dialogue between the great practitioners of liberation education Paulo Freire and Myles Horton. The sermon will be a chance to reflect upon how we can collectively engage in spiritual practices to nourish us as we struggle for social change. Rev. Dr. Colin Bossen will be with us for his first visit to Tapestry.

 October 7, 2018
At the Center of You
Randy Partain

Many of us have spiritual practices that are a meaningful part of our daily routines, but sometimes those daily routines can get so hectic and stressful that it seems like we don't have time for one more activity, no matter how helpful we think it might be. What would it be like to have a way of deepening our connection with ourselves that didn't require blocking out more time in the calendar?

 September 30, 2018
What Love Looks Like
Randy Partain

Being accepted is a fundamental human need, yet we often struggle with how to welcome others without hiding or giving up some part pf ourselves. The easy answer is to only welcome people who seem to be like us, but our shared principles call us to a greater sense of hospitality. Is there a way to welcome people into our lives and still have the sense of belonging and acceptance we need for ourselves.

 September 23, 2018
Welcoming the Stranger: There’s No Place Like Home!
Rev. Dr. Dan King

This Sunday Rev. Dan King returns to the Tapestry campus to bring his personal reflections about how we can choose to embrace necessary changes in his service “Welcoming the Stranger: There’s No Place Like Home!”

 September 16, 2018
Calendar Priorities: Making Time for Sacred Work?
Rev. Dr. Dan King (read by Tom Parker)

Just as teachers and students settle into structured learning routines during early September, those of us who choose to be involved in religious community are given the opportunity to consciously pledge the time and energy necessary for our own spiritual growth. Our Minister, Rev. Dr. Dan King shares some helpful ideas about how to sustain our good intentions. (Read by Tom Parker)

 September 9, 2018
Water Communion & Ingathering Service
Randy Partain

Bring water from your Summer travels, back yard birth bath, rain gauge, or other places that have a special meaning to you for adding to our communal water in this uniquely Unitarian Universalist service.

 September 2, 2018
Hope to Empower
Randy Partain

Sometimes, we may think of “hope” as unfounded optimism. And we may feel despair when our hopes for our lives or for the world seem unlikely to come true. Is there a way for us to engage our hope that can consistently inspire our creative purpose and empower us to live fully?

 August 26, 2018
In The Permanent Emergency
Carole Courtney

We live in a period of profound cultural, ecological, moral, and political crisis. In this service we will ask: what is the calling of the church during such an unsettled time?

 August 19, 2018
The Way Forward Is With A Broken Heart
Rev. Dr. Colin Bossen

The title of this service comes from Alice Walker’s book of the same name. She offers wisdom about how to move forward during a time of disappointment and heartbreak writing, “healing begins where the wound was made.” No matter the reason why a ministry ended, it often concludes with a sense of disappointment and pain about what has been lost and what might have been. In this service we will contemplate how to move forward despite and because of whatever pain has existed in the past.

 August 12, 2018
Trading Up
Rev. Patti Henry

Are you familiar with the Bigger and Better game? For example, Canadian blogger Kyle MacDonald started with one red paper clip, and after 14 trades, ended up with a two story house. What if we all did that? Traded UP? Come join us and speaker Patti Henry to find out how!

 August 5, 2018
Tapestry at The Point
Rita Cusack

If you've been to The Point, you know what a fun, inspiring and educational five days it is. If you haven't been yet, come learn
why many of our members make it a regular part of their summer schedule. All SWUUSI/The Point alumni will be invited to share their experiences.

 July 29, 2018
Lessons from the UUA National General Assembly: Threads of Joy, Hope, and Courage
Dana Ashrawi

The Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly (UUA GA) is a lively annual event that brings together thousands in our own interdependent web to sing, worship, learn, witness and take faithful action. Dana Ashrawi has ether attended or been a delegate for most of the last 10 years. She gives an in-person interactive impression for all ages on the exciting highlights of this year’s gathering.

 July 22, 2018
Mountain People
Rev. Patti Henry

Small thinking leads to small living. How do we become "mountain minded" and learn to expand our lives becoming all we can be? Come hear our guest speaker, Patti Henry, in this inspiring and fun service!

 July 15, 2018
Carol Burrus (Read by Geoff Sanders)

When did you last feel a sense of wonder and say “Wow!”? Was it some kindness or beauty? Were you blown away by something you learned or saw? Our stories are made up of pieces we put together from our world. What would happen if more of the pieces were things that WOWed us?

 July 8, 2018
Celebrating Our Declaration of INTER-dependence
Rev. Dr. Dan King - Live

Rev. Dan returns from the UUA General Assembly in Kansas City with a renewed sense of the importance of our 7th Principle: “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” He'll share personal reflections of the multiple levels of meaning he finds in that principle for this Independence Day themed sermon.

 July 1, 2018
The USA and My Family
Allan Perkins

In this time of dissension and government cruelty, who is our family and how do we treat the members of this wider family?

 June 24, 2018
World Wonder
Rev. Matt Alspaugh

When the song of the earth resonates in your heart, what do you hear? What feelings rise up from the depths of your being? Is there wonder at the beauty and complexity that surrounds us? Does there come a sense of gratitude? Or perhaps grief and sadness for how we have treated the world? Can there be hope and possibility that we might more deeply apprehend our place on this amazing and precious planet?

 June 17, 2018
Toward Forgiveness & Healing: A Fearless Inventory?
Ralph Krog

Every Fall for thousands of years, Jewish traditions have called for ten days of self-reflection as observant Jews approach the rituals of Yom Kippur, the Day of Forgiveness. The practices of Rosh Hashanah ask each of the faithful to forgive those who sincerely repent for their “trespasses” AND honestly to face the reality of their own imperfections, their trespasses of others, and, where appropriate, to ask for forgiveness and healing of their mutual relationships before God.

In this service, Rev. Dan shares reflections on these universal themes of forgiveness and healing.

 June 10, 2018
The High Price of Free Baseball Tickets
Ralph Krog

How much will you pay for a free lunch? What price is peace of mind.

 June 3, 2018
Annual Meeting
Rev. Dr. Dan King

We'll hear about the state of the church, and elect new nominating committee and board members. Service will be held at Museum District.

 May 27, 2018
What About Justice? What About My Pain?
Randy Partain

We know how important forgiveness is, especially for our own well-being. Yet, it often seems that we have to make a choice between forgiving someone and seeking justice. Between forgiving someone and healing our wounds. Can a road map to forgiveness also lead to justice and healing?

As we transition from our Eldridge location to CJCN, we will meet at the Museum District Campus this Sunday at 10:30 am.

 May 20, 2018
Forgiveness: The Heart of the Matter
Ralph Krog

Why forgive? And we decide to forgive, how do we do it?

As we transition from our Eldridge location to CJCN, we will meet at the Museum District Campus this Sunday at 10:30 am.

 May 13, 2018
Flower Communion
Ralph Krog

In honor of Mother's Day we celebrate our multi-generational Flower Communion and tell the story of its originator, Rev. Norbert Capek. Bring a flower per person to decorate the altar and take home a different blossom when you leave!

 May 6, 2018
The Paradox Power
Rev. Bob Tucker

How much sleep did you get last night? While there are pockets of hope, especially among the young, too much is wrong. It’s creating widespread anxiety. What shall we do about it?

If you are a member of First UU-Copperfield Campus, please be sure to stay after the service to vote on the future location of our campus!

 April 29, 2018
Earth Centered
Ralph Krog

Thomas Jefferson said "all are created equal, all are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Notice he did not say anyone had a right to be happy, but you do have the right to chase happiness. By the way unalienable is nice word for un-sellable. So if Jefferson is right, you cannot sell your soul to devil. You can only rent it to him.

Note — This service will be held at Congregation Jewish Community North to try it out as one of two choices for our next church home.

 April 22, 2018
Active Hope
Ralph Krog

Note: We will have this service at a different location as a trial of future rented space - Celebration Lutheran on KZ Road in Cypress.
Service summary: There are two kinds of hope...hope that requires the likelihood of positive result and hope that is paired with action moving toward a desired outcome. The second is Active Hope. We assert that this is the kind of hope required in today’s uncertain circumstances. We will awake to the realities we face and find individual paths to our collective community’s action. Everyone, no matter what age, will find inspiration as we explore and create our Active Hope together.

 April 15, 2018
Born Again and Again and Again
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

What does it take to find yourself with an entirely new perspective, one that gives energy and purpose to your life? For many of us, daily routines and obligations can feel like they get in the way. But when you look back, how many different "selves" can you count? Our emotional and spiritual lives include many stops on an infinitely variable path. We'll reflect on how many times we have journeyed to a new beginning.

 April 8, 2018
Selling Your Soul to Buy Happiness
Ralph Krog

Thomas Jefferson said "all are created equal, all are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Notice he did not say anyone had a right to be happy, but you do have the right to chase happiness. By the way unalienable is nice word for un-sellable. So if Jefferson is right, you cannot sell your soul to devil. You can only rent it to him. You can always redeem it.

 April 1, 2018
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Some Unitarian Universalists have a Christian orientation, many do not. Both the Unitarian and the Universalist religions sprang out from Christianity. What do we believe about Jesus? About resurrection? About the meaning of Easter? Come find out.

 March 25, 2018
A Question of Life and Death?
Rev. Dr. Dan King

"From Birthing to Living to Dying: The Ultimate Transformations?"

One uninterrupted human lifespan could encompass a range of multiple liminal transformation experiences in our own birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, parenthood, maturity, senescence, decline, and finally, our deaths.

The difficulties some of us encounter at the threshholds of entering or leaving these stages of life (and other times of transitions for ourselves and for those we love), can seem overwhelming; for many of us, there are no mentors or guides to show us how to deal with the essence of our shared mortality.

 March 18, 2018
What Happens When You Stop Complaining
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

What we focus on, we invite. If we focus on what we don't want and don't like, we may find ourselves getting more of it anyway. How often do you complain? Want to find out?

 March 11, 2018
Man & Superman; Woman & Wonder-Woman
Ralph Krog

Humanism says that we don't need or can't rely on God or gods. Okay. So why do we create all these superheroes? Is merely being human enough? We seem to crave more from our myths.

 March 4, 2018
Radical Imagination
Rev. Dr. Dan King

Many observers of the catastrophes of history- wars, Holocaust, and genocides around the world- have lost faith in the concept of an all-seeing, all-caring Divinity. In this service, Rev. Dr. Dan King shares reflections on some of the ways that many of us (including several prominent Unitarian Universalists) have resolved our cognitive dissonance about the necessity of a belief in the existence and centrality of God in living an ethical and meaningful life.

 February 25, 2018
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

One need not have a deity to provide religious experience, one only need to be truly awake. We’ll explore another source of our UU faith: “Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit.”

 February 18, 2018
Words & Deeds 3
Rev. Dan King

In this service, Rev. Dan King shares reflections on how and why the brief life of Rev. Theodore Parker, someone almost forgotten in our time, actually had extraordinary influence in the development of modern Unitarian Universalist theology as well as our progressive ideas about social justice.

 February 11, 2018
An Ordinary Woman
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

A 19th century American Calvinist girl grew up to become a Universalist woman and changed America forever.

 February 4, 2018
Just Out of Reach
Ralph Krog

Have you ever felt there is something important missing in your life? Something you can or can’t put your finger on– something that if you only had it– you would feel complete? Finally and completely whole & content? We’ll also take a peek at our dreams for the year ahead.

 January 28, 2018
UU Prophets, Martyrs, and Heroes
Ralph Krog

We are members of a prophetic faith. And we have the martyrs and heroes to prove it. Advice about working on social justice, Moses never entered the promised land. Susan B Anthony never got to cast a vote. But the promised land would never have been reached, and women would never have gotten the vote unless someone did the hard work that they did.

 January 21, 2018
Owning the Darkness, Welcoming the Light
Rev. Dan King

Much of contemporary Unitarian Universalist theology and common practices show deep roots from both our Jewish We and Christian ancestry. In this week's service, our Campus Minister, Rev. Dan King, reflects with us on how those particular roots inform our mid-Winter consciousness in "Owning the Darkness and Welcoming the Light".

 January 14, 2018
Chanukah Candles and Christmas Stars
Rev. Dr. Dan King

Social anthropologist tell us that societies over the millennia have responded to the natural recurrent rhythms of the earth by creating rituals at the changing of the season. In the Northern hemisphere, as humans perceived the longer nights of winter, we created stories which assure us that life-sustaining light will return. In this service, we will "reflect" on the persistent appeal of some of the common elements of our modern experience of the timeless stories of Chanukah and Christmas.

 January 7, 2018
Circle of Life
Ralph Krog

As the Wheel of Life turns again, we dedicate our children; name new births; new marriages; honor anniversaries, and recall the departed. Please contact the office if you would like your children dedicated in the church today, and provide us with names and ages.

 December 31, 2017
New Year's Eve Service
Ralph Krog

Jesus was a Jew. All of his disciples, the ones he selected, were Jews. So how did the Christian church separate from Judaism and what do we still have in common?

 December 24, 2017
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Ralph Krog

Come join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on the evening of December 24, from 5 PM - 6:30 PM.

 December 17, 2017
Things Commonly Asked Among Us
Rev. Susan Yarbrough

The title of this sermon does not refer to Unitarian Universalists, but rather to all religionists (and atheists) in the world and the questions we have in common, such as “Where did we come from, and why are we here?” Instead of focusing on one religion, let’s look at these common questions as a framework for broadening our own hearts and minds, developing interreligious competence, and working with others to repair the world, even when their answers are different from our own.

 December 10, 2017
Vivaldi's Gloria
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

The Sanctuary Choir presents a special Music Service featuring Vivaldi's baroque masterwork, "Gloria." This celebrated work offers inspiring music that explores the foundation of Christianity through themes of hope, gratitude and peace. Mark Vogel, music director, leads the service.

 December 3, 2017
Islam & UU: Overcoming "Islamophobia"
Rev. Dr. Dan King

Western culture over the past millennium has developed antipathy toward the religion of the Qu'ran. In this service, Rev. Dr. Dan King explores some parallels with Unitarian Universalist theology as well as several of the commonly-held myths and truths about cultural variants and "heresies" associated with self-proclaimed adherents of the religion revealed by the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh).

 November 26, 2017
Evolution of the Divine
Ralph Krog

We have not always thought of the divine, our god(s), or other people's, as we think currently think of the divine. God evolved, or our thoughts about the divine evolved.

 November 19, 2017
Bread Communion
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Please bring some bread to share, perhaps associated with your heritage or has some other special meaning. We will share our bread (and the stories of our bread). This uniquely Unitarian Universalist service is a fun one to bring a friend to.

 November 12, 2017
UU View of Taoism
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We will look at the three jewels of Taoism: humility, moderation and compassion in a UU context and see that "peace is who you are without a story."

 November 5, 2017
No Textbook Required
Susan Yarbrough

More than one theologian has noted that Unitarian Universalists don’t have sacred texts. Instead, each of us studies our own direct experience of transcendence and lets that shape our theology. Uh...okay. But how do we communicate those experiences to each other? And what is transcendence anyway? When we gather on Sunday, let’s reflect together about our First Source, and about the delights and dangers of building our own theology.

 October 29, 2017
Dia de los Muertos
Ralph Krog

Our annual Day of the Dead service. You are invited to bring a photo or memento of a departed loved one to church for our memory table.

 October 22, 2017
Your Own Direct Experience
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Many religions start with a creed, a sacred text, or a singular prophet. The Unitarian Universalist religion starts with your own direct religious experience.

 October 15, 2017
One with the Universe
Ralph Krog

How extreme Zen meditation can lead to sprained ego and brief flashes of addictive euphoria.

 October 8, 2017
Doing the Work of Love
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

For some of us, compassion has always come easy and it is a strength we use in moderation. Others of us suffer from "compassion fatigue" and find ourselves becoming more uncaring than we'd like. And how do we muster compassion for people who really, really don't "deserve" it?

 October 1, 2017
The Contours of Compassion
Susan Yarbrough

We've often heard that love makes the world go'round. More likely, however, it is compassion - a deep stirring of the heart - that leads to small and large actions to walk with others in their joys and sorrows. On Sunday, let's reflect together on the inner sources and outer expressions of our compassion as individuals and as a church body, the limits of compassion, and how to refill our own spiritual wells when compassion fatigue overtakes us.

 September 24, 2017
Compassion: Deep in the Heart
Rev. Dr. Dan King

As our newest addition to the First UU ministry, Rev. Dan K will share reflections on how we might approach others, especially in the context of his own past experiences with Houston and Unitarian Universalism.

 September 17, 2017
What You Seek Is Seeking You
Susan Yarbrough

These words by the 13th-century Persian Muslim poet Rumi remind me of why many of us came to Unitarian Universalism. Not only were we looking for something in it, but we also felt pulled by something toward it. This week, let's think together about what we continue to seek when we gather here every Sunday, and what we offer to those who may be seeking us.

 September 10, 2017
Unitarian Universalists Are Good For Nothing
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Orthodox faith insists the fear of eternal damnation and the promise of heaven are the only motivations to turn inveterate sinners in to good people. Unitarian Universalists have a different take.

 September 3, 2017
Annual Water Communion
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Whoever you are, wherever you've been - the uniquely Unitarian Universalist Water Communion offers you a chance for a Welcoming Community. Feel free to bring a little water from your summertime - either from a vacation spot, or from your kitchen faucet. And prepare to write a sentence about its origins or meaning to you now.

Note from Daniel: You can certainly bring water for water communion, but more importantly, you might
bring the following: non-perishable food items, toiletries, and ‘practical’ clothing, especially for men.

 August 27, 2017
Church Canceled

Church canceled due to Hurricane Harvey. Stay safe folks!

 August 20, 2017
Thinking About the Unthinkable
Ralph Krog

How do we contemplate, and plan for inevitable death and possible disaster and maintain a healthy mind?"

 August 13, 2017
Gotta Get Up to Get Down
Rev. Marisol Cabellero

In these rapidly changing times, we are required to find new ways of remaining engaged and active. Join us to explore what it will take to be "down" with current movements of resistance."

 August 6, 2017
The Principle of Love
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Our Universalist heritage has been long summed up by the decleration "God is Love." Yet our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles do not use the word "love." What is the place of this key concept when we look at the source of our faith?"

 July 30, 2017
Rev. Angela Henderson

Agnostics are often understood as people who admit that they do not know if there is a God or not. Yet, can there be more to agnosticism? Rev. Angela Henderson will share about this spiritual path that is described by Lesley Hazelton as one that "takes a spirited delight in not knowing."

 July 23, 2017
Why Are We So White?
Rev. Patti Henry

The Unitarian Universalist faith has done a great job of opening its doors and welcoming the GBLT community. We have stood firm on the side of love. How can we do the same with the black population, the Hispanic population, and others? How do we truly become the faith of ALL people?

 July 16, 2017
Rev. Angela Henderson

Abraham Lincoln once said "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." To improve character, our religious forebears lifted up virtues to adopt as part of our lives. Maybe these virtues have a place in our time.

 July 9, 2017
Life's Third Act
Rev. Angela Henderson

Generations are now living an average of 34 years longer than our great-parents did. Jane Fonda presents life and spiritual journey after age 60 as "Life's Third Act." This Sunday, we will hear reflections on Life's Third Act from members of the Thoreau Campus.

 July 2, 2017
Fake News, Alternative Facts, and the Truth that Sets Us Free
Rev. Leonora Montgomery

All news sources are reeking with the confusion fed by failures of truth-telling in our political life. How did our culture become so casual about the distinction between truth and lies? It's time to shed our light on Truth.

 June 25, 2017
Rev. Angela Henderson

The Rev. Lewis B. Fisher wrote these words almost a century ago, yet they still apply today: "Universalists are often asked to tell where they stand. The only true answer....is that we do not stand at all, we move. "We'll explore what is worth working for in our lives and what might become of our movement as Unitarian Universalists.

 June 18, 2017
Father's Day
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

What does a UU father figure look like?

 June 11, 2017
Men in Church
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Are most churches ''women's club with a few male officers?'' We'll explore some reasons women outnumber men in church, and why we at First Unitarian may have a greater proportion of men than usual.

 June 4, 2017
Annual Meeting
Ralph Krog

We'll hear about the state of the church, and elect new nominating committee and board members.

 May 28, 2017
Self-Made Man
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We'll explore the construction of gender and reflect on what a woman learned after posing as a man for a year.

 May 21, 2017
Smashing Patriarchy
Rev. Angela Henderson

Generally speaking, religion has a terrible record on Women's Rights, GLBTQ rights, and Racial Justice. Join us this Sunday to discover how our UU faith calls us toward a world of equity and compassion.

 May 14, 2017
Flower Communion
Ralph Krog

In honor of Mother's Day we celebrate our multi-generational Flower Communion and tell the story of its originator, Rev. Norbert Capek. Bring a flower per person to decorate the alter and take home a different blossom when you leave!

 May 7, 2017
Eye of the Hurricane
Ralph Krog

In the midst of our busy lives, some of us enjoy finding the calm in the hurricane's eye.

 April 30, 2017
Rainbows Streaming Through Our Hands
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Our logical minds tend to reduce complexities to easily understood concepts. Yet, the world we live in is more complicated than logic wants to believe. Today we look beyond the black and white of “prayer” or “no prayer” as we consider the rainbow - with the help of poet Edna St. Vincent Millay.

 April 23, 2017
Comfort Me
Rev. Angela Henderson

While prayer is often recommended as a regular practice, we most often feel the desire to pray in times of questioning, confusion, and grief. What are ways to pray that UU's find helpful in times of need?

 April 16, 2017
Easter for UUs
Ralph Krog

Has there been a time– or two?– when you have been “afraid and amazed?” Something in your life is ending. Or has just ended. And things don’t seem to get better right away? And you are “afraid and amazed?”

The Easter story begins with death & fear. But it doesn’t end there.

 April 9, 2017
A UU View of Prayer
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Many of us are uncomfortable with the words "God" and "prayer." Often this rejection comes from outgrowing or having to "unlearn" what our old religious tradition taught us. Can we claim or reclaim this word and practice?

 April 2, 2017
Blame the Shadow
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Our cultural understanding of "evil" changed when psychologists such as Carl Jung began to talk about the "shadow" in human experience. How do we hold to our values of "inherent worth and dignity" alongside our own capacity to demonize and blame?

 March 26, 2017
The Evil of Ordinary People
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Religious Liberals generally don't talk about this much. But sometimes we have to. Most of all, it’s important to acknowledge our own propensity to evil.

 March 19, 2017
Fashion Tips for Emperors
Rev. Angela Henderson

In Chemistry when too much of a substance is added to a solution, there is a reaction, either a flash, a precipitation or a crystallization. In our lives, in our society, when too much evil is present there will be a reaction. But will it be a flash of violence, a rain of sorrow or a crystallization of conscience?

 March 12, 2017
Shadows and Crystals
Ralph Krog

In Chemistry when too much of a substance is added to a solution, there is a reaction, either a flash, a precipitation or a crystallization. In our lives, in our society, when too much evil is present there will be a reaction. But will it be a flash of violence, a rain of sorrow or a crystallization of conscience?

 March 5, 2017
Hearts Broken Open
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

The spiritual journey reminds us not only to be grateful for love, peace, and joy, but also for failure, pain, and loss. We celebrate the wholeness of our being as we reflect on Gratitude today.

 February 26, 2017
Change Your Mind
Rev. Angela Henderson

During the course of one day, countless amounts of information is absorbed by the brain. Our thoughts swirl around introducing new ideas or conjuring up old memories. Learn how to reclaim some of your mental space and change your life by changing your mind.

 February 19, 2017
Thank you very much!
Ralph Krog

Is gratitude a requirement for Happiness? Can you be happy if you are ungrateful?

 February 12, 2017
Loving and Letting Go
Rev. Angela Henderson

Have you ever wanted to help someone so much, but they just wouldn't listen to your incredibly wise advice? When helping might be our first response to another's sorrow, we can learn that love can also be in the letting go.

 February 5, 2017
Mind & Soul Ablaze
Ralph Krog

"Houston, we have a problem" goes the saying. Some of our UU values are under siege. From denigration of Muslims to discrimination against transgender folks to vilifying atheists– the list of problems grows. But our church has a history of being a haven for religious liberals and a beacon for liberal religion. Come learn our history and how we’re saying now "Houston, we have a solution!"

 January 29, 2017
Letting Go of Fear
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

When I was first a summer hospital chaplain, I had an irrational fear of being near dying people. And then I saw a woman die of her own irrational fear. Fear can be a great self-defense mechanism; and, it can kill us. Fear isn’t just about life & death– it’s about wanting, getting, relationships and loss. We’ll explore fear, it’s opposite, and how to get to the other side.

 January 22, 2017
Cycles of Anxiety and Faith
Ralph Krog

Wheels, spirals, doors, corridors; life is like that. Anxiety can be calmed with a little Faith. Ralph Krog, preaching.

 January 15, 2017
A Heaven In Hell
Ralph Krog

If we find ourselves in hell, how do we save ourselves? We build our own heaven … and bring in our family and friends and neighbors and strangers. Copperfield Campus Minister, Ralph Krog, preaching.

 January 8, 2017
Circle of Life
Ralph Krog

As the Wheel of Life turns again, we dedicate our children; name new births; new marriages; honor anniversaries, and recall the departed. Service led by Ralph Krog, Campus Minister.

 January 1, 2017
Brunch and Burning
Susanna Hill

Service has been pushed back to NOON for this very special occasion....
Come and join us at Noon for Brunch and Burning.  Bring a dish and your New's Years Resolution.  We'll have a nosh and a ritual.  Start the New Year off right with great food and fellowship!!
Coffee, Orange juice and Tomato juice provided.

 December 25, 2016

Copperfield Campus will not be open on Sunday, Christmas Day, because we will all be tired from attending the Christmas Eve Service.  
Also at Copperfield there will be no Sunday Worship on New Years Day; however, there will be Brunch and Burning starting at Noon.
There will be a Christmas Day service by Rev. Angela at Museum District at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome.

 December 24, 2016
Christmas Eve
Ralph Krog

Our annual candlelight service at 6:30 p.m. with readings and carols. Service led by Ralph Krog.

 December 18, 2016
Don't Let the Light Go Out
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Music, readings, and reflections on the lights of the season seen through Hannukah, Winter Solstice, and Christmas. Our annual traveling Music Service. We will also receive your special financial year end donation.

Rev. Dr. Daniel O’Connell and the Museum District Sanctuary Choir, directed by Mark Vogel.

 December 11, 2016
Jesus' Unitarian Universalist Values
Rev. Angela Henderson

Did you know Jesus was a heretic? He taught that some values were more important than the rules of his day. Join us this Sunday to hear how the life of Jesus influenced Unitarian Universalism. Rev. Angela Henderson, preaching.

 December 4, 2016
Take Back the Word
Rev. Angela Henderson

The word, “God,” is a powerful word with a lot of baggage. Respecting that this word or idea of God does not work for everyone, we also recognize that it is an essential part of the spiritual life of some among us. Rev. Angela will explore how we can welcome God into our spiritual life in a n authentic way.

 November 27, 2016
A UU View of God
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell


As a colleague reminded me many years ago, we’re not the church that says you have to believe in God. But we’re also not the church that says you can’t believe in a god, or gods, or God Almighty. We’re the church that says– you have options, and we’ll love you no matter your decision. Really. You’re the expert on your own theology– and we’ll help you build that theology. Rev. Dr. Daniel O’Connell, preaching.

 November 20, 2016
Bread Communion
Ralph Krog

Please bring some bread to share, perhaps associated with your heritage or has some other special meaning. We will share our bread (and the stories of our bread). This uniquely Unitarian Universalist service is multi-generational (kids stay with us in the sanctuary), and it’s a fun one to bring a friend to. We will take a special collection for our international UU Partner Churches today.

 November 13, 2016
Trust and Democratic Relationships
Randy Partain

The democratic process is intended to empower people - to give every person a voice and a seat at the table. But without trust for one another, democracy falls far short of its potential. How do we trust others -- and how do we engender trust -- so that the democratic process becomes a more powerful way of relating to one another and building community?

 November 6, 2016
The End of Democracy?
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

What does Unitarian Universalism have to say about the upcoming presidential election? About democracy? How might our UU Principles affect how we vote? We'll look at the hard parts of the 1st and 5th Principles along with a 3 step action plan of how you can advocate your values through voting and advocacy work.

 October 30, 2016
Dia de los Muertos
Rev. Angela Henderson

Our annual Day of the Dead service, a multi-generational service to be celebrated simultaneously at all 3 of our campuses. Bring a photo or memento of a departed loved one to church for our memory table.

 October 23, 2016
Theology of Democracy
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Our fifth principle states that “we affirm and promote the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” How did the idea of democracy become so fundamental that it is one of our seven formative statements? We will consider the theological roots of democracy.

 October 16, 2016
Why We Vote
Rev. Angela Henderson

There are obstacles to our voices and votes being heard. Every year someone brings up the electoral college and now we have Citizens United even further flooding our political process with money and personal agendas. This Sunday,
we are going to take a step back to look at Democracy to remember and maybe even revise the reasons we vote.

 October 9, 2016
Rev. Angela Henderson

The idea of home permeates much of our lives including our dreams for our personal future and our family's future, disputes over land, and the many refugee crises. We long to be at home and feel at home. This Sunday, leave your house and discover home. Rev. Angela Henderson preaching.

 October 2, 2016
Reaching Out
Randy Partain

We see a lot of hostility in our world. Our society encourages us to choose sides and stay safe. Can we accept the challenge of our UU principles to think and act differently -- to boldly welcome people who seem different into our lives? Randy Partain Preaching.

 September 25, 2016
Hospitality: A leap of faith
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

It can feel a bit scary reaching out to strangers, but doing so can make you a better person. We'll hear the top 5 regrets of the dying, what we might do about that, and the connection to hospitality.

 September 18, 2016
Values Into Action
Rev. Angela Henderson

With our religious freedom comes a responsibility to match our actions to the values we profess. This Sunday you will learn more about how our justice ministry helps turn our values turn into action.

 September 11, 2016
Is UU really a Religion
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Why is UU so difficult to explain? Can it really be a religion if it has no single creed, no single belief? What do UUs believe in common? Come find out.

 September 4, 2016
Water Communion
Randy Partain


 August 28, 2016
Measured In Love
Rev. Angela Henderson

How do you measure a life? The Broadway Musical, RENT, reminds us how perspective and perception can make a powerful impact on the value of our lives.

 August 21, 2016
Where The Light Gets In
Rev. Angela Henderson

Healing the world requires us to bear witness to the wounds because, as Rumi once noted, “The wound is where the light enters you.”

 August 14, 2016
Strong Is What We Make Each Other
Randy Partain

If you have a drum, bring it this Sunday!

 August 7, 2016
To Live With Compassion
Rev. Angela Henderson

Drawing on the work of Karen Armstrong, Rev. Angela will share how compassion is hard and challenges us to renew our commitments to ourselves and one another in each and every moment.

 July 31, 2016
Life As Sacred Text
Rev. Angela Henderson

As Unitarian Universalists, we find wisdom in many texts and many places. As persons on a spiritual journey, perhaps our most sacred text of all can be found in ourselves and one another.

 July 24, 2016
Brother Where Art Thou
Rev. Bob Tucker

The power of culture is found in the invisible and to a considerable degree unconscious forces that guide and constrain our behavior. One such force is our culture’s destruction of men.

 July 17, 2016
Fling Off Your Bushel: Let Reproductive Justice Light Shine!
Rev. Chuck Freeman

Vital rays of light leading to the Roe vs Wade decision were sparked at 1st UU Dallas.  In the late 60’s the Women’s Alliance of the church began to study the abortion issue, eventually signing the amicus brief of the landmark case for women’s autonomy that beamed a nationwide beacon of light!

Texas now has among the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation. We UU’s have rested on our laurels in a dormant slumber for too long.  We have overslept the alarm.  It’s time to wake up, stand up and let our lights shine for the sacred trust between a Woman, her Creator, and her Doctor!

 July 10, 2016
Rev. Patti Henry

When a waitress would ask my dad what he would like, he would often answer, "Just a kind word."  And isn't that something we all could use?  Come hear our speaker, author and psychotherapist Patti Henry, speak about our need to give -- and receive -- encouragement.  This is one you won't want to miss!

 July 3, 2016
Rev. Angela Henderson

Our lives together are held up by people, actions, and ideas that have gone before us. People of many paths look to pillars for direction, a foundation and as monuments to the sacred.

 June 26, 2016
Saying Grace, Being Gratitude
Susan Yarbrough

One of the appealing rubrics of Unitarian Universalism is “living into our values.”  Although gratitude is not explicitly mentioned in our principles, it is surely a value that many of us cherish but don’t practice regularly.  This Sunday, let’s think together about how we can do more than simply be sporadically grateful to, for, or about something or someone, and how we can practice gratitude so consistently that we not only live into it but actually become it

 June 19, 2016
Tibetan Buddhism & the Purpose of Life
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Wisdom from the Dalai Lama, particularly around acceptance & resistance.

 June 12, 2016
Seeking Sophia
Rev. Angela Henderson


Grappling with big ideas has enlivened the hearts and minds of people from ancient times to today. The concept of wisdom/sophia was imagined as a woman in some religious traditions, so that people might better understand her. This Sunday we will join our ancestors in seeking Sophia. Presented by Randy Partain.

 June 5, 2016
You Can't Steal the Moon
Randy Partain


You can’t give the moon away, either. We appreciate the moon’s light on a dark night, just as we appreciate words of wisdom when we stumble in our lives. But the moon has no light of its own; the light we see is merely a reflection. What if we are the sun? Randy Partain preaching.

 May 29, 2016
All Strings which are Touched in Love
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Amid the complications of daily life and our efforts to make the world a better place, a deep spirituality calls us to pause to recognize gifts of beauty and miracles of nature for which we can take no credit. May we nurture our sense of the sacred by being open to grace. Sermon by Rev. Bonnie Vegiard.

 May 22, 2016
Is There Room For Grace?
Rev. Angela Henderson

Grace is often understood as the only hope for an utterly sinful humanity. In our liberal religious tradition that shares the principle of "inherent worth and dignity," Rev. Angela Henderson asks us if there is room for the experience of grace in Unitarian Universalism.

 May 15, 2016
Milestones/Annual Meeting
Randy Partain


 May 8, 2016
Flower Communion
Randy Partain

In honor of Mother’s Day we celebrate our multi-generational Flower Communion and tell the story of its originator, Rev. Norbert Capek. 

Bring a flower per person to decorate the altar. And you’ll take home a different one!

 May 1, 2016
A Posture of Renewal
Randy Partain

When we reach out to others to help create wholeness, we extend grace. Sometimes our attitude, or "posture," gets in the way but our intentionality can make grace a more consistent reality. Randy Partain preaching.

 April 24, 2016
Engaged in Faith
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

When we understand our religion to be those values and behaviors that keep us engaged in the world, then “faith” becomes something very different from divisive ideas and judgements. Unitarian Universalists tend to be people engaged in the world in unique and inspiring ways We will wrap up our series on “Advance Justice” with some inspirational stories of faith being lived in our lives outside of church. Presented by Randy Partain.

 April 17, 2016
Staying Woke, Showing up: Unitarian Universalist and Black Lives Matter
Rev. Taves

Rev. Krista Taves will share stories of how our St. Louis, MO congregations sought to support the Black Lives Matter movement, and what we can do now.

 April 10, 2016
Rain without Thunder and Lighting
Randy Partain

Frederick Douglass wrote that wanting justice, but being afraid of conflict was like wanting rain without thunder and lightning, or wanting crops to grow without disturbing the ground. So much injustice that we see in our world is fueled by harmful religious ideas, yet we want to respect a diversity of faith traditions. How can we confront harmful religious ideas while still respecting the people who hold them? How much thunder and lightning can we tolerate for the nourishing rain of justice? Randy Partain preaching.

 April 3, 2016
From Many, One
Rev. Angela Henderson

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the advances in justice brought about by the labor movement. We'll also explore advances on the horizon. Join us for great music and inspiring words from modern day prophets. Randy Partain Presenting.

 March 27, 2016
Spring Equinox
Randy Partain

 March 20, 2016
The Elephant in the Room
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Creating Community can come easily when we share certain assumptions about the world; what happens when we base our judgements on very different values? Can our own ability to understand someone else (maybe in our own family) be a step toward understanding and resolving differences around the world? Randy Partain presenting.

 March 13, 2016
Speaking the Truth in Love
Randy Partain

If you want to create meaningful, authentic community, your communication has to be direct, honest, and respectful. We even have a Healthy Communication process to help us learn this skill, but that's just a first step! Come learn how your intentional communication can help create meaningful, authentic community. Randy Partain preaching.

 March 6, 2016
Discovering Your Tribe
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

You are on a spiritual journey, but you were never meant to go it alone. How can you engage this community to improve your life, touch others, and change the world? Come find out.  Randy Partain presenting.

 February 28, 2016
I Hope You Dance
Rev. Angela Henderson

The best way to learn about yourself is to be in a relationship. Very quickly, we begin to witness our shortcomings and strengths reflecting back to us. We can also experience vulnerability. Find out why community is worth the risk. Sermon by the Rev. Angela Henderson.

 February 21, 2016
Suuperhero Sunday
Randy Partain

Superhero Sunday is when you are called to consider deepening spiritually through demonstrating and celebrating your generosity.  Randy Partain speaking.

 February 14, 2016
Promises Not Worth Keeping
Randy Partain

Sometimes we make promises to ourselves when we have been hurt. We decide how we must be or what we must do to be safe, loved, and accepted. Those promises may get us through painful times, but they can also get in the way of being fully alive. Come learn how giving our word more intentionally opens the way for us to live into our principles more fully. Sermon by Randy Partain.

 February 7, 2016
Soul Friends
Rev. Angela Henderson

 January 31, 2016
Standing on the Side of Love Sunday
Randy Partain

 January 24, 2016
Life Changing Magic
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

What if you could open your clothes closet in the morning, and every item in there brought you joy? Today, we’ll learn a process to discard clutter from our life– from things (like clothes, books, and papers) to relationships– that no longer serve you. Service by the Rev. Dr. Daniel O’Connell.

 January 17, 2016
Justice and Joy
Rev. Angela Henderson

Have you ever noticed that the funniest comedians are ones that challenge us to think about our world in a different way? Even challenging our assumptions?  Presented by Randy Partain.

 January 10, 2016
Your House of Joy
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

The poet Rumi lived in a state of ecstasy and is constantly encouraging his readers to do so as well.  Our moments of joy are most often fleeting. Can we or should we try to hold on to them? What have you put into your house of joy?  Presented by Randy Partain

 January 3, 2016
Circle of Life
Randy Partain

As the Wheel of Life turns again, we dedicate our children; name new births; new marriages; honor anniversaries, and recall the departed. Please contact Randy Partain if you would like your children dedicated in the church today, and provide us with names, ages, and which service you attend. Service led by Randy Partain.

 December 27, 2015
Delighting in Life
Randy Partain

There is so much we allow to fill our time, to invoke our anxiety, to consume our attention. How can we experience joy in the midst of stressful lives? How can we delight in life when life often seems so painful or urgent?

 December 24, 2015
Christmas Eve Service - 6:30 PM
Randy Partain

Join us as we celebrate Christmas Eve with readings, carols, and candlelight. All ages come together to hear the Christmas story and celebrate the continuing meaning of Christmas in our lives today.  After the service we will continue the celebration with a potluck supper, a White Elephant gift exchange and Christmas Carol Karaoke!

 December 20, 2015
Exultation Sunday
Rev. Dr. Daniel O’Connell, Mark Vogel and Bob Fazakerly

You’ll get pointers to get “exultation” (a lively or triumphant joy) via a Sunday service featuring special music, prepared by the Museum District choir, Mark Vogel (Music Director), Bob Fazakerly (Accompanist), and Rev. Dr. Daniel O’Connell. We will also receive your special financial year end donation.
Bring your checkbook or a credit or debit card, and prepare to enjoy!

 December 13, 2015
First They Came ...
Rev. Angela Henderson

Whether it is a Pride Parade or a Million Man March, so many of our most visible examples of advocating for equal rights are led by those who experience inequality directly. Many of us already identify with marginalized groups. Rev. Angela Henderson will encourage us to expand our vision of ultimate concern.

 December 6, 2015
Speaking in Tongues
Randy Partain

Diversity isn’t just about welcoming people into our own way of doing things. The real value of diversity comes with inclusion - ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to be heard. Yet, it’s difficult for us to understand what people are saying when they speak in a language we don’t understand. Randy Partain explores how we can engage our Unitarian Universalist values to create greater understanding and inclusion.

 November 29, 2015
The Wisdom of Diversity
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We want people at church to be like us enough to feel safe, but we also want them to be different enough from us to make things interesting. We love the idea of diversity - but what does it mean to be in a community that is intentional about theological and political diversity? Today, you'll learn about the madness of mobs, the smartness of crowds, and how good you are at the "jelly bean test."  Presented by Randy Partain

 November 22, 2015
Bread Communion
Randy Partain

Please bring some bread to share, perhaps associated with your heritage or has some other special meaning. We will share our bread (and the stories of our bread) with each others. This multi-generational service is a uniquely Unitarian Universalist service, and a fun one to bring a friend to. 

We will take a special collection for our international UU Partner Churches today.

 November 15, 2015
When Love Knocks
Rev. Angela Henderson

What would you do if you lost everything? How might it affect the way you see the world? How would you see yourself? One man decided to set sail on a boat and leave his home for good. Our nation was forever changed. When Love knocks, will you put your fingers in your ears or will you answer?

 November 8, 2015
Randy Partain

It’s often seems we know enough about other people to label them. Labels make it easy for us to put people into categories, like Acceptable or Unacceptable. 

But do we really know as much as we think we do about others? How do our Unitarian Universalist principles challenge us to be more intentional about how we see others?

 November 1, 2015
Dia de los Muertos
Randy Partain

 October 25, 2015
Unexpected Blessings
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

What does it mean to receive a blessing– or not– from a parent (especially a father)? If a child doesn’t receive a blessing, do they receive a curse then, by default? Why is a blessing so important? Presented by Randy Partain.

 October 18, 2015
Sowing Good Deeds
Rev. Angela Henderson

As a movement that declares “Deeds Not Creeds,” Unitarian Universalism values the work of social justice in our daily lives and as a community. We’ll explore how sowing good deeds enriches the lives of those around us and deeply affects the arc of our own lives.

 October 11, 2015
Roots and Branches
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

When we connect with others around us, we create a nurturing atmosphere — like soil for a growing tree — for our own spiritual growth. Unitarian Universalism affirms many paths to growth, but committing to personal and social growth is an important part of being in community.  Presented by Randy Partain.

 October 4, 2015
Nourish Spirituality
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Come learn a five step process to advance your spiritual journey. You’ll be able to easily remember these steps, and begin to take action today, to more fully become the person you say you are and want to be.  Presented by Randy Partain

 September 27, 2015
Practicing Mindfulness
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Einstein once said that our human perception of ourselves as separate from others and the universe is a kind of “optical delusion of the consciousness.” Modern science is underlining ideas that Buddhist teachers have been practicing for centuries. We will explore the practice of mindfulness as a path to becoming our best selves.

 September 20, 2015
Days of Awe
Randy Partain

By now we have passed Rosh Hashanah which was on September 29, 2015. and are on our way to Yom Kippur, which is on October 8, 2015.  What lessons are the for Unitarian Universalists?

 September 13, 2015
Who Needs Church?
Rev. Angela Henderon

Is church an outdated idea that has no relevance for our world today?  Numbers of "nones," unaffiliated with a congregations and "dones," people who say that are done with religion, seems to be growing.  Rev. Angela Henderson will argue that the religion that matters for our time has been long int he making and is in our midst.

 September 6, 2015
Water Communion
Randy Partain


 August 30, 2015
Earth as Source Forever Turning
Leonora Montgomery

Is the earth as we know it a metaphor for stability, for ultimate reliability?  Or is earth today a metaphor for what is missing?
The Rev. Leonora Montgomery is Minister Emerita of the Bay Area UU Church and has served three Unitarian Universalist churches in the Houston area:  Emerson, Bay Area and Thoreau.   She also served as New Congregation Organizer for the English speaking Netherlands UU Fellowship. 
She received a B.A. degree from Wellesley College in 1944, a doctorate in  Religious Studies from Rice Univ. in 1985 and was ordained by Emerson Church in 1987.
She has served on the Southwest UU District Board, the Board of Meadville Lombard Theological School, the UUA Presidents Council, and the Wellesley College Unitarian Universalist Chaplaincy Advisory Board.

 August 23, 2015
This Is Our Earth
Randy Partain

Earth signifies realization, bringing our vision into reality, fruition, culmination, committing to long-term actions that will create true transformation. Earth is our planet... our planet. But what does it mean to have ownership of a planet?

 August 16, 2015
A Noble Harvest for Organized Justice in Texas
Rev. Chuck Freeman

In the late 1880’s the lives of Rev. James Billings and his wife Mary were fully immersed in promoting Universalism in Texas. They founded the Universalist Convention in Texas and All Souls Church in Hico. 
They lamented that people took “much more pains to support their partial, cruel, and sorrow producing faith, while we do much less to support this most blessed faith.” They warned that “organized error will outdistance unorganized truth every time.” However, they firmly believed that “we have a grand future before us for a noble harvest in Texas.” 
The Texas UU Justice Ministry is here to fulfill this promise!  
Rev. Chuck Freeman has been in the ministry since 1977 serving Church of Christ and Unitarian Universalist congregations. He is the founding minister of the Free Souls Church in Round Rock, Texas. Church is a founding member of the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry and its Executive Director.

 August 9, 2015
Entering "Cadillac Desert": The Miracle and Tragedy of Water
Andy Gerhart


 August 2, 2015
You Are Made Of Stars: And Other Songs And Stories
Rev. Meg Barnhouse


 July 26, 2015
America: A Godless Constitution That Protects Religion
Rev. Bob Tucker

With the majority of Americans now believing that America is a Christian nation, the official record needs to be set straight.

 July 19, 2015
The Power of Declarations
Ken Shuman

Is there any power in our words? Do words shaped as declarations have any power to change our future? Is it even possible for people to change?
“In my own life I’ve experienced significant change. In areas of life that I was once resigned and cynical I now have not only hope but transformation.  I am living into the life that I choose for myself rather than into a default future shaped by my past. I hope you will join us this Sunday as I share a piece of my story and the power of declarations.”  - Ken Shuman

 July 12, 2015
Fire of Commitment
Susan Yarbrough

As many Unitarian Universalist churches and fellowships extinguish the chalice at the end of our worship, we talk about carrying the fire of commitment with us. But keeping our individual and collective flames alive is not always easy. 
This Sunday, let’s think together about how we can avoid personal and congregational burnout, stir the embers, encourage each other to spiritual growth, and warm ourselves to the continued work of repairing the world. 
Susan Yarbrough is a member of this First Unitarian - Museum District Campus.  She now lives in Austin and has recently completed her first year of study at Leadville Lombard seminary in Chicago.

 July 5, 2015
The Blues Brothers
Rev. Patti Henry

"We're on a mission from God."  Are we?  What if that's true?  What is your spiritual mission on this planet?  
Come hear psychotherapist and author Patti Henry talk about HER mission to help you find YOUR mission!

 June 28, 2015
When Wishing Is Not Enough
Rev. Angela Henderson

During this Father's Day service, we remember commitments to action that lift and change lives for the better. What about us? What about right now? How can we Commit2Respond?

 June 21, 2015
Recovering Vitality And Connection
Rev. Angela Henderson

Does it feel like sometimes you are a swan living among ducks? 
We’ll examine some Native American Wild Woman archetypes and stories to share how you can nurture authenticity and life in difficult circumstances.

 June 14, 2015
Dancing to a Living Drum
Randy Partain

What can we learn from Paganism about personal empowerment and responsibility, and about developing a meaningful connection to nature? Come find out!

 June 7, 2015
Nature's Deranged Scheme
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Modern day spirituality often draws much inspiration from nature - the cycles of the seasons, regeneration, and balance; but a full view of nature offers as many lessons in decay, excess, and struggle. Nature writer Annie Dillard confronts this full view of nature head-on in her Pulitzer-prize winning book A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. How can this expanded view of nature inform our spiritual lives?

 May 31, 2015
Integrity and Appearance
Randy Partain

We know that our appearance doesn't define us.  Yet, some people are intentional about their appearance because of how they want to be defined. The Sikh and Jain communities make thoughtful decisions about their appearance based on their religious principles. What can we learn from them?

 May 24, 2015
A Sultan and a Queen: Making Way for a Unitarian King.
Rev. Angela Henderson

As Unitarian Universalists, we often drink deeply from the wisdom offered by Sufi poets like Hafiz and Rumi. Sufi's are a mystical dimension of Islam. Less is known about our historic connection with Islam between a Sultan named Suleiman and a Transylvanian Queen named Isabella.

 May 17, 2015
Milestones Sunday & Annual Meeting
Randy Partain

We will celebrate the year’s milestones. This is everything from the milestones of childhood (no more diapers, learning to read, coming of age, driver’s license, high school graduation– to new jobs, retirement, and new grandchildren. We will appreciate our teachers, honor membership– both new & venerable, and say a litany for our lay leaders. Our annual meeting begins at 11:30, where we’ll vote in new lay leaders and governance changes.

 May 10, 2015
Flower Communion
Randy Partain

In honor of Mother’s Day we celebrate our multi-generational Flower Communion and tell the story of its originator, Rev. Norbert Capek.  Bring a flower per person to decorate the altar. And you’ll take home a different one!

 May 3, 2015
Three Jewels of Taoism
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We will look at the three jewels of Taoism: humility, moderation and compassion in a UU context and see that "peace is who you are without a story."

 April 26, 2015
A UU View of Buddhism
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell


 April 19, 2015
An Opening of the Heart
Rev. Angela Henderson

All of us have been hurt at some point in our lives. When we experience pain like that, it is understandable to want to close the windows, pull down the blinds, turn around the "closed" sign, and close up shop for a while. What practices can help us move out from the pain and get back into the business of life once again? We'll learn that and more this Sunday.

 April 12, 2015
The Power of Forgiveness
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

How, when and who do we forgive? Are some things simply unforgivable? How do we treat wounds not healed by time?

 April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday
Randy Partain


 March 29, 2015
Drinking Poison
Randy Partain

It's been said that holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. We know how important it is for us to forgive, and yet we often find it so hard to do. Why do we keep drinking the poison and what is the antidote?

 March 22, 2015
Same You, Different Story
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We tell stories all the time– even if most of them are in our heads. And companies that want to sell us stuff tell stories too. The stories we tell affect our attitudes, our happiness, even our health. We’ll see how editing our own long held stories can increase our well-being and even help with social problems.

 March 15, 2015
Stories that Transform
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

The stories that we tell ourselves, about our personal histories, our American culture, and our world, have a profound effect on how we live our lives in a meaningful way. We sometimes think our stories are the "truth" rather than see them as a lens through which we seek to find more and more truth. Our service is about myth and history, and ever-changing perspectives on truth.

 March 8, 2015
Cooking Our Anger
Randy Partain

Anger is a destructive force in our world and in our lives. How might you transform your anger into a useful tool? Is this even possible?

 March 1, 2015
When The Center Moves
Rev. Angela Henderson

Our service celebrates nature's lessons in transformation and how the effects ripple into our own lives. We’ll explore approaching transformation with intention.

 February 22, 2015
Super Hero Sunday
Randy Partain

If you could pick a super hero power– what would it be? 

We can all be heroes – and there are many ways to do that – even without super powers. Today we celebrate what you and the rest of the church have already accomplished so far, and what we look forward to in the months ahead.

 February 15, 2015
Mary Livermore- Universalist Prophet
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Mary Livermore- Universalist Prophet

 February 8, 2015
Masks, Blindfolds & Multiculturalism
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

How do we stand against hate? We'll take a look at our UU Principles, anti-racism, multiculturalism, and how we can work alone, together, and with others to earn a "world made fair, and all her people one."

 February 1, 2015
Standing on the Side of Love Sunday
Randy Partain

 January 25, 2015
This May Be the Last Time.
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Each of us has so many struggles to live out-how to get an education, find a job, nurture a relationship, figure out how to parent…what can our small effort do to enhance the prophetic struggle for justice in our world? Come hear how an ordinary woman made an ordinary decision to take an extraordinary stand.

 January 18, 2015
The Legacy of Prophetic People
Rev. Angela Henderson

We begin our series on Words & Deeds. As Unitarian Universalists, we accept a certain responsibility to act and use our voices in the service of justice, compassion, and love. We will hear stories of courage and explore what that means for our own spiritual journeys.

 January 11, 2015
Telling Stories and Making Meaning
Randy Partain

Jewish rabbis often told parables, or stories that teach a lesson. The Christian gospels suggest that Jesus followed this story-telling tradition. Can contemporary UUs still find meaning in these old tales, or do we need stories of our own?

 January 4, 2015
Circle of Life
Randy Partain

As the Wheel of Life turns, we dedicate our children; name new births; new marriages; honor anniversaries, and recall the departed. Please contact Randy if you would like your children dedicated in the church today.

 December 28, 2014
UU Christianity
Rev. Angela Henderson

We often look to our history to discover what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist Christian. Rev. Angela Henderson will explore what it might mean for us in our richly diverse theological tradition of today.

 December 24, 2014
Christmas Eve 6:30 p.m.
Randy Partain

Join Randy and tapestry Band as we celebrate Christmas Eve with readings, carols, and candlelight. All ages come together to hear the Christmas story and celebrate the continuing meaning of Christmas in our lives today.

 December 21, 2014
Music Sunday
Dr. Jason Oby, Bob Fazakerly, the Museum Campus Choir, and Rev. Dr. Daniel O’Connell

As we move further in to exploring our theme, Dr. Jason Oby, Bob Fazakerly, the choir, and Rev. Daniel O’Connell have prepared a music service that chronicles the birth narrative of Jesus of Nazareth.

 December 14, 2014
A UU View of Sabbath
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We begin our series on the fourth source of Unitarian Universalism: “Jewish & Christian Teachings.” Maya Angelou writes:
Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.

 December 7, 2014
Humanism and Morality
Randy Partain

The question is still often asked of Humanists: "If you don't believe in God, how can you be moral?" 
Let's explore how a Humanist mindset actually helps us develop a clear sense of morality.

 November 30, 2014
Idolatries of the Mind and Spirit
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

One of the strengths of our Humanist source is its warning against becoming too rigid, too convinced of our own brand of truth. We are empowered to pursue truth wherever it may lead.  How do we also remember to hold that truth lightly enough to allow for continued growth?

 November 23, 2014
Bread Communion

Please bring some bread to share, perhaps associated with your heritage or has some other special meaning. We will share our bread (and the stories of our bread) with each other. This multi-generational service is a uniquely Unitarian Universalist service, and a fun one to bring a friend to. 
We will take a special collection for our international UU Partner Churches today.

 November 16, 2014
Religious Humanism
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell


 November 9, 2014
Facing the Dawn
Rev. Angela Henderson

Humanity often speaks of a longing to experience mystery and wonder through poetry, prose, and many arts. You are invited on this journey of discovery and meaning.

 November 2, 2014
Be Astonished
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Your Own Direct Experience. Many religions start with a creed, a sacred text, or a singular prophet. The Unitarian Universalist religion starts with your own direct religious experience.

 October 26, 2014
Dia de los Muertos
Randy Partain

First Annual Day of the Dead service, a multi-generational service to be celebrated simultaneously at all 3 of our campuses.  Bring a photo or memento of a departed loved one to church for our memory table.

 October 19, 2014
To Touch Inward Springs
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

The Transcendentalists insisted a spiritual life cannot come down through tradition; spirituality can only come from an individual and that individual’s experience. We begin today to consider the first source of our Unitarian Universalist faith-- direct experience of transcending mystery and wonder.

 October 12, 2014
Becoming Complaint Free
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

 October 5, 2014
Abundance:Where Does It Come From?
Rev. Angela Henderson


 September 28, 2014
Showing Up for Life
Randy Partain


 September 21, 2014
Disocvering Abundance
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell


 September 14, 2014
Five Smooth Stones
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

How do you balance your need for individualism versus your need for community?

The foremost Unitarian theologian of the 20th century James Luther Adams, examines the tension between an individual and a community– the promise and the perils– 
Rev. Daniel O’Connell preaching.

 September 7, 2014
What is Our Good News?
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

In Christian terms, the word gospel is used to indicate the “good news” that God has saved us from fear, illness, and death through eternal life. Unitarian Universalist tradition has developed a different idea of what we need to be saved from, and what will ultimately save us. Title and theme requested by member Betty Johnson, who was the top bidder for a sermon naming at Thoreau’s services auction last year.
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard preaching.

 August 31, 2014
Water Communion and Ingathering Service
Randy Partain

We invite you to one of our favorite community-sharing experiences. Bring a little water with you that is symbolic of your spiritual journey over the summer (we’ll also have water available if you forget). The mingling of the water into a common bowl symbolizes the mingling of our lives in the year to come, as we create together our own holy water for our journey.

 August 24, 2014
Truth: Science, Faith, and Non-negotiables
Rev. Angela Henderson

Do you believe humanity is born with basic goodness or original sin? If either were proven or disproven by science, would your faith go deeper or fall apart? We'll explore together different beliefs and how they meet with Truth and science. 

Rev. Angela Henderson preaching.

 August 17, 2014
A Shrewd Awakening
Rev. Chuck Freeman

After the devastating defeat of Barry Goldwater in 1964 conservative strategists hatched a plan that led to the convergence of fundamentalist Christianity and socio-political power in America. The recent highly restrictive abortion bill passed by the Texas legislature is a direct result of this scheme. We have had a rude awakening. Now it’s time for a shrewd awakening!  The Texas UU Justice Ministry is here to answer the alarm. 
Rev. Chuck Freeman, Executive Director, UUJM, preaching.

 August 10, 2014
Grief and Hope for Sacred Earth
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

Eco-spirituality is a way to describe our deep human kinship with all life on the planet. We depend on elements of sunlight, fertile soil, fuel sources, potable water, and clean air. Grief for the planet is a measure of our desire to do something to ensure its survival and healing. Let hope for this sacred Earth keep us moving forward. 

Rev. Kathleen Ellis preaching.

 August 3, 2014
Neurotheology: The God In Our Brains.
Nell Newton

Advances in the neurosciences are giving us the opportunity to look at brain activities in real time! When we combine this with evolutionary biology we can start to examine human activities, including religion, in terms of evolutionary advantage. As we look closer, it now appears that the pursuit of spiritual experience is hard wired into our brains. What does such a discovery mean for modern people who inherit the gods of our ancestors even as we create new ones? How might we use this insight into our nature as we move forward? 
Nell Newton speaking. Nell is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist and a first year student at Meadville Lombard Theological School.

 July 27, 2014
Spiritual Ecology
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

In ancient times the gods we worshiped were gods of nature. Stars, seasons, weather, and life forms were interwoven and interdependent. Today’s gods are more often scientific and technological than divine. Spiritual Ecology brings us back into relationship with creation so that we might care for the earth in sustainable ways. As Dr. Seuss suggest in The Lorax, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” 
Rev. Kathleen Ellis preaching.

 July 20, 2014
The Call of Nature
Susan Yarbrough

Not THAT kind of call!! When we gather on Sunday, let's reflect together about the signs and wonders abundant in nature, and how they often call us to soul-satisfying paid and unpaid work in our efforts to heal the world and practice our Unitarian Universalist principles and values. Susan Yarbrough speaking.

 July 13, 2014
Loved into Being
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

It is love that builds a home, a church...a person. Join us for Rev. Joanna's farewell sermon.

 July 6, 2014
The Light of Truth - Science or Religion?
Rev. Dr. Leonora Montgomery

We have found it useful to separate Science and Religion, lest one overwhelm the other in our lives or our public policies. Let us consider how Science serves Religion, how Religion might serve Science, and where we stand today. 
Rev. Dr. Leonora Montgomery preaching.

 June 29, 2014
Climate Justice, the Sabbatical Year, and Local Resilience
Yaira Robinson

As glaciers melt ever faster and carbon pollution continues to rise, scientists’ predictions about global warming become increasingly dire. Climate change is real, it’s human-caused, and it’s not going away. What can we do, in the face of such a huge and complex problem? Today, we’ll wrestle with the complexity of our climate justice challenges. We’ll also explore teachings about the ancient Jewish practice of the Sabbatical, or Shmita, Year. The Shmita vision offers an alternate model of land-human-animal-God relationships—as well as some serious challenges to the way we do… well, pretty much everything.
Yaira Robinson is the Associate Director of the Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy, where she coordinates Texas Interfaith Power & Light, one of 40 state IPL programs that together offer a “religious response to climate change.” Yaira holds a Master’s in Theological Studies from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and has studied religiously-based environmental and food justice with GreenFaith, Creation Justice Ministries, Hazon, and the Siach network. Once upon a time, she served as Director of Religious Education to First Jefferson and Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Churches. Granddaughter to a Christian minister and daughter to Sufi teachers, she is joyfully and by choice Jewish. She and her two boys, ages 13 and 11, are active members at Congregation Agudas Achim in Austin.

 June 22, 2014
“Because Science”
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

While some religions see scientific knowledge as a threat, Unitarian Universalism delights in the ways it expands our understandings of life, spirit, and self. How can the continuous revelation we find through the scientific method enhance your faith journey?

 June 15, 2014
The Creative Antidote
Rev. Angela Henderson

An exploration of what a consumerist perspective can do to our spirit and our sense of 
empowerment for change and most importantly, what we can do about it. 

Today we launch our summer worship series: “Sacred Earth: Science, Nature, and Spirituality.”  Rev. Angela Henderson, our new Assistant Minister preaching.

 June 8, 2014
Who is the Center of the Universe?
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Life is a long lesson in humility, says James M. Barrie, creator of Peter Pan. Some humility is a good thing - it reminds us of our place in the universe. But too much cripples our efforts to reach our potential. Similarly, a little pride - preferably earned - can be useful motivation. Too much pride? It is the deadliest of the Seven Deadly Sins, since it precedes all the others. We'll examine a variety of viewpoints and offer a liberal religious option.

 June 1, 2014
To Kneel Down in the Grass
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Mary Oliver says: “I don’t know exactly what a prayer is, I do know how…to kneel down in the grass.” Unitarian Universalists, like a lot of people, have a complicated relationship with humility. While we may understand the importance of healthy pride, we also may see the need in our world for more reverence for forces that are larger than we are.

 May 25, 2014
Healthy Pride
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

According to Benjamin Franklin, “Humility is a virtue so difficult to grasp that if I should ever attain to it, I would be proud of myself.” A little pride, taken too far, can be seen as conceit, arrogance, or hubris. Be proud of accomplishments - your own AND those of people around you.

 May 18, 2014
Milestone Sunday and Annual Meeting
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Milestone Sunday and Annual Meeting

 May 11, 2014
Flower Communion
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

In honor of Mother’s Day we celebrate our intergenerational Flower Communion and tell the story of  its originator, Rev. Norbert Capek.
Bring a flower per person to decorate the altar. And take home a different one!

 May 4, 2014
Don’t Turn the Other Cheek!
Rebecca Crystal

From Biblical times to the recent issue of Psychology Today, advice is plentiful on how to curb, control, communicate and choose to use anger’s power. What would be a culturally appropriate, life affirm-ing Unitarian Universalist response to someone else’s anger — and to our own? Is there another response to the fight or flight we were all taught as our choices?
Sermon delivered LIVE by Rebecca Crystal, Student Minister.

 April 27, 2014
The Problem of Anger
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Another one of the seven deadly sins seen from a Unitarian Universalist perspective. Is it ever justified? Is it ever a good response? What about anger that motivates us to improve social justice?  Where is the line between self-less and self-ish? 
Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell.

 April 20, 2014
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Sermon by the Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

 April 13, 2014
Don't Eat the Marshmallow!
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

We live in a world of immediate gratification -- songs immediately downloaded to our phones, books on our Kindles or Nooks in 3 seconds. Hold on and wait! A spiritual practice of patience has been proven to make you healthier, wealthier, and yes, even wiser. Sometimes the way to a better life is to press "pause."  
 Sermon by the Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford.

 April 6, 2014
Shelter from the Storm
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

Home is considered a sanctuary from work/life stress. When a family member is abusive, the rest of the family experiences trauma ... and with help, recovery toward health and wholeness. What's going on? How can we help?
 Sermon by the Rev. Kathleen Ellis, LIVE at Copperfield

 March 30, 2014
Sex—Free and Responsible.
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

While Unitarian Universalists may have a more accepting stance toward many sexual issues than other spiritual traditions, it is important to remember that “free” goes with “responsible” in our tradition as well. Sexuality can be used to create deep wounds. How does our faith call us toward “free and responsible”?
Sermon by Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

 March 23, 2014
"Just Lust."
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Like most of the other 7 deadly sins, Lust is an appetite. Orthodox religion says there should be no sexual relations except with monogamous, heterosexual couples. Unitarian Universalism has a different take. We know lust can be destructive, but is lust sometimes justified? Is there such a thing as justified lust?
Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell.

 March 16, 2014
LUUst: Standing on the Side of Love!
Rebecca Ann Crystal

While most Faiths make rules about what not to do, Unitarian Universalism has guidelines on how to be in right relationship with all sexual orientations and at all ages.  Come push your edges on the new language of Love.
Sermon by Rebecca Crystal, Student Minister

 March 9, 2014
Love Lifted Me
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

When we give, we have the potential for changing another person’s worldview. We also may find that we ourselves have been changed, and changed for the better. Come hear how a group of Disney World fanatics/dressmakers made Rev. Joanna a Universalist.

 March 2, 2014
Loving the Beggar
Rebecca Ann Crystal

When confronted by a request, how do we handle it with love while also being  intelligent with our charity? How do we trust the beggar to do the right thing with our money, and does that matter? From a mite to a million, what exactly is a good donation?

 February 23, 2014
Our History, Our Future
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

This Sunday we pause to celebrate all we've accomplished in the last year, and all we look forward to in the year to come. Celebration is an important part of the life of a congregation, as it is also in our personal and family lives. This Canvass Sunday we will ask for commitment to our continuing life together, and we will ask for it as a celebration of who we have been as well as our vision for our future.

 February 16, 2014
The Scarcity Story
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Why is greed a continual issue in our human existence? Perhaps because we so readily come up with our own story of scarcity. And we believe that story so easily. Let’s consider countering that story! 
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard will be presenting this sermon LIVE at Copperfield Campus

 February 9, 2014
Greed versus Charity
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We begin a new series on an age old problem — one that most of us wrestle with for most of our lives.
Sermon delivered LIVE by the Rev. Daniel O’Connell.

 February 2, 2014
Ordinary Spirituality
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

What feeds your spirit and connects you to the universe? Third in our series. Sermon by Rev. Kathleen Ellis

 January 26, 2014
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

The deadly sin is actually “acedia” or spiritual torpor. We say we can’t change the world, or truly love our neighbor, or live up to the standards we espouse. But virtue (like vice) has a level of depth. It isn’t all or nothing.

 January 19, 2014
Taking the Second Step
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Lao-Tzu said, "A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step." The first step is important, but equally important, and in some ways more difficult, is the second step. And the 17th step. And the 56th step. And all those steps that are needed, one right after another, to get us to our goal. We've come to expect immediate gratification - how do we make ordinary diligence a central virtue in our lives?

 January 12, 2014
Envy: the Zero Sum Game
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We all want to be recognized as exceptional by people around us. Frequently, we are not! Sometimes we think we will never amount to who we thing we ought to be. How to deal with automatic negative thinking.

 January 5, 2014
Circle of Life
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

As the Wheel of Life turns again, and midwinter yields to spring, we honor life's milestones that we've passed along the way.
Please contact Rev. Joanna at joanna@firstuu.org if you would like your children dedicated in the church today and provide us with names, ages, and which service you attend (9:30 or 11:30).

 December 29, 2013
Envy: the Secret Gift?
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Understanding jealousy and envy. Can they ever be good for you? And can a small dose of envy bring out your secret dream? How Kindness can be the antidote to Envy.

 December 24, 2013
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Please join us at 6:30 PM for this joyful service featuring well-loved carols, readings, and a special Christmas message for the whole family.

 December 22, 2013
The Magis’ Journey Toward Giving
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

The Magis traveled for weeks in order to give their gifts to a beloved babe. Do we remember that true giving of ourselves may take way more time and effort than we sometimes are willing to give? Often true kindness is counter-intuitive unless we give it priority in our lives.

 December 15, 2013
Envy: the Shameful Passion
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

There are self-help groups for most of the other 7 “deadly sins,” but not for Envy. We begin a series on the ‘deadly sin’ of envy and the ‘heavenly virtue’ of kindness with acknowledgment of occasional personal & class envy and give a nod to the emotional tumult that can arise with extended families at this time of year.

 December 8, 2013
Frozen Peas for Dinner
Rebecca Ann Crystal

Ask a group of Unitarian Universalists about their eating habits and you will get recipes, stories of family dinners – and guilt.  With all of the advice from our doctors, the news, magazines, and of course, our parents, what’s a good UU to do?  Is serving Frozen Peas ever a good choice?
Rebecca Crystal is the student minister for First Unitarian. She joins us LIVE this Sunday in the pulpit with Rev. Joanna.

 December 1, 2013
What will you give up?
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

We live in a world of “more, more, more,” – more activities to cram into our schedule, more things to buy, more things on the Internet that we feel we must read. It can be tempting to add in “just one more” thing, but there’s always a price. Unitarian Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote, “Joy, temperance, and repose, slam the door on the doctor's nose” – is this useless advice from a bygone era, or instructions for better living today?

 November 24, 2013
Bread Communion
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Please bring some bread to share, perhaps associated with your heritage. This is a multi-generational service, so we will be a little more informal. It is a uniquely Unitarian service, and a fun one to bring a friend to. We will take a special collection for our international UU Partner Churches today.

 November 17, 2013
Enough is Enough
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

As we approach the Thanksgiving season, we also enter into a new church theme. Now, we begin a seven month series on the "deadly sins" and "heavenly virtues" of contemporary culture and old religion. As many of us prepare for an American style Thanksgiving, we'll reflect on the tension between Gluttony and Temperance.

 November 10, 2013
Live As If the Small Stuff Matters
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

Not everyone can – or wants to -- radically change their life. Most of us still have bills to pay, family responsibilities, and lives that we enjoy. How do we find the small commitments that will transform our lives and the world around us?
Rev. Kathleen will be presenting this sermon LIVE AND IN PERSON.  Don't miss out!

 November 3, 2013
Live As If You Can Change the World
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Our Transcendentalist forebears were dissatisfied with the religion they grew up with. They searched for new ways to experience the spiritual, and to practice religion. They even spawned an American literary revolution. Which of their gleanings still shine through today?

 October 27, 2013
Live As If You’re on a Mission from God
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Our religion encourages us to search for meaning and to have a fully examined faith. But are our beliefs as important as what empowers and strengthens us to fulfill our potential? Perhaps there is a value in assuming a greater purpose – and living into believing it.

 October 20, 2013
Live As If …
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

We begin our next series on the theme of “Generativity vs. Stagnation.” What would it look like, if you were able to stop trying to be who you think you’re “supposed” to be and began fully living out who you are?

 October 13, 2013
Sacred Space
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

From the broken, God-shaped hole in our hearts, many of us find ourselves strangely open to the sacred. Many of us long to fill the heart-brokenness with a Sacred Space.

 October 6, 2013
Never Enough
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

A few weeks back, we looked at the idea that UUs are good for nothing, and that we are not good in general. Today, we want to add UUs are shameless, too.  It’s no shame to be human. We do not believe in original sin. But despite that, we have all grown up with some degree of other people telling or showing us that we are not good enough. We’ll explore a liberal religious journey of liberation.

 September 29, 2013
These Strange And Foolish Walls
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

 September 22, 2013
When I Fall In Love, It Will Be Forever
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

 September 15, 2013
Unitarian Universalists Are Good For Nothing.
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Orthodox faith insists the fear of eternal damnation and the promise of heaven are the only motivations to turn inveterate sinners into good people. This doesn’t work on UUs. This is a good Sunday to bring a newcomer to get a sense of who we are and what we’re all about.

 September 8, 2013
A UU Leap to Faith?
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Dogmatic religion tends to conspire against independent thinking. By its very nature, it’s more interested in certainty, not freedom. But, by grounding ourselves in freedom, reason, and pluralism, we gain new insights not only for ourselves but to share with other people. Another good Sunday to bring a newcomer to get a sense of who we are and what we’re all about.

 September 1, 2013
Water Communion
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

From our far-flung travels, to “stay-cations”, to just regular life, we come together. For this annual ritual of Homecoming, please bring water from your journey.

 August 25, 2013
America's Second Kitchen
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

Let’s focus on restaurant workers who cook and serve our food. Even with tips, a minimum wage of $2.13 that has
not risen in a decade leaves millions in poverty. Some unscrupulous employers cheat workers out of the tip pool,
too. Who are the people behind the scenes of our happy practice of dining out?

 August 18, 2013
Give me your tired, your poor, your . . . harmed.
Susan Yarbrough

Welcoming and deeply listening to those who come to us after being tortured and persecuted in other countries, this sermon is based on the in-court experiences of retired judge Susan Yarbrough and her new book Bench-Pressed, about the blessings and lessons of hearing immigration asylum cases.

 August 11, 2013
A Conspiracy for Justice
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Where is the religion, the spiritual, in the movement for justice? In 1945, a group of young Universalist ministers, calling themselves “The Humiliati,” began meeting. Driven by the idea that growth and renewal of the spirit must precede social action, this small group of visionaries changed Universalism and its influence is still felt in Unitarian Universalism today.

 August 4, 2013
Independence for Everyone
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

Many of our ancestors came here undocumented; today they would be denied entry. Who do we have yet to serve? Why don't "they" just come here legally?

 July 28, 2013
A Day with Oprah -- Well, Sort of...
Rev. Patti Henry

Our speaker, author and psychotherapist Patti Henry, will share a delightful sermon with us about what it's like to be invited to be in Oprah's AUDIENCE.  A surprising call from Harpo Studio's audience coordinator (yes, there is such a job) sent Patti up to Chicago on a wild adventure.  This sermon addresses what to do when life throws you a curve that doesn't seem fair.  Come join us for a fun and thought-provoking time!

 July 21, 2013
Justice from Jail
Rev. Bob Tucker

This 50th anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's letter from the Birmingham jail recalls King's passionate stance for justice and necessities of his movement.

 July 14, 2013
Unique Power of Men
Rev. Leonora Montgomery

Women seek equality with men in the workplace. Women with partners are asking for equality in the care of children and domestic tasks unless they can afford to hire this help. These changes call for new corporate models and a redistribution of domestic tasks. Men are puzzled, sometimes angry, and some are brought to a halt, unsure how they can best help. What is fair? It’s time to expand the conversation.

 July 7, 2013
Justice: How Do We Do It?
Jim Klein

Micah 6:8 (and surrounding verses) 
We are overwhelmed by the news and are witness to so many injustices. How do we, as individuals and communities, transform Houston and the world by “doing” justice?

 June 30, 2013
What Strengthens Us
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

To run a marathon, or compete in a pentathlon, it’s necessary to train, eat well, sleep, and become stronger. To live our lives as a people embodying our deepest beliefs requires strengthening, too. What strengthens our souls?

 June 23, 2013
Authentic Power
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

Edward Everett Hale wrote: "I am only one. But still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.  And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
But what is "the something" that I can do?

 June 16, 2013
To Be a Dad
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

What does it mean, to be a modern dad ... or indeed, to be a man?  Today's father may often find himself standing on shifting sands of expectation. Please join us for this special Fathers' Day service

 June 9, 2013
What I Learned About Us in My Time as Religious Educator
Natalie Brown

Along with our personal efforts at change, we are transformed by what we encounter. Community and transcendent experiences are two powerful environmental transformers for those who seek out church. Their quality and vitality depend on all of us.

 June 2, 2013
Transforming Habits
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Habits are good– they make routine things semi-automatic so we can be more productive. Habits are bad– they thwart our stated intentions about who we want to be or what we want to do. The “stickiness” of habits make them hard to change. How can we more closely walk our talk?

 May 26, 2013
Life Story
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

Whether or not we set out to transform ourselves, the story of our lives changes over time and we end up transformed. If that is so, perhaps we can choose transformation, one change at a time.

 May 19, 2013
Annual Meeting
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

 May 12, 2013
Flower Communion
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

 May 5, 2013
Change or Die
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

This is the first service in our series on Transformation.
Imagine that your doctor calls you up one day and tells you, “I’ve got good news and bad news. Bad news is that you’re going to die within a month. Good news is that if you significantly change your lifestyle right now and for the next month and beyond, you’ll live a long and happy life.”  Could you make the change?

 April 28, 2013
Rational People, Irrational Choices
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Last in our series on Suffering and Hope.  We are rational people who make irrational choices.  Whether it is on spending, saving, procrastinating or taking leaps of faith, we rational people let our emotions sway all kinds of decisions.

 April 21, 2013
A Broken Hallelujah
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

We search for meaning, even along the most painful, messy parts of our journey.  Strands of suffering and hope are woven together to create the tapestry that is our life. Experience Hallelujah in word and song with Rev. Joanna and musician Jen Rathbun.

 April 14, 2013
A Good Death
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

We don’t always get to choose the circumstances of our dying. Most of the time we don’t even think about death until it comes. When loved ones die, how can grief turn again toward hope? How does life’s suffering and hope inform eventual death?

 April 7, 2013
Learning to Fail
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Since we likely fail more often than we succeed - at least if we are taking appropriate risks - it is important to learn to do this well. In the first of our series on Suffering and Hope we look at the fear of failure and lessons learned.

 March 31, 2013
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

 March 24, 2013
Family of Origin, Family of Choice
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

Many UUs find themselves making choices when forming their own families that are very different from the families they came from. We celebrate the diversity of families and the power of choice and we acknowledge that there are unique challenges in making these choices.

 March 17, 2013
Gimme Those Old Fashioned UU Family Values!
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Integrity. Compassion. Self-reliance. These principles that shaped our theological heritage are the same ones we form as parents and as the village that supports our families in all their varied forms.
Pundits and preachers have tried to paint "family values" as the exclusive domain of the religiously conservative. Come explore the family values that we hold dear.

 March 10, 2013
Lessons for Getting Along
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We can change behavior we dislike by changing our response to that behavior. A look at how exotic animal training can shape our family relationships for the better.

 March 3, 2013
Keep the 95%
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Celebration Sunday is when we are called to consider deepening spiritually through demonstrating and celebrating our generosity. Join us for this fun day!

 February 24, 2013
Where Love Comes From
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Love is wonderful - except when it’s terrible. Much of our music, daydreams and preoccupations revolve around love, approval and appreciation.
If we don't find fulfillment in a relationship, can we bring it?

 February 17, 2013
Weaving a New Web
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

As individuals each of us comes into a church with as many questions as answers, including "Do I belong? Can I find a safe harbor in which to explore my own life struggles? How can I, and my family, make a meaningful difference through our involvement here?"
Bring your whole, unique self into our church, but expect your beliefs and assumptions to be challenged. In what ways are we better together?

 February 10, 2013
What Happened to Codependence?
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

In the 90s, the answer to every psychological issues was "codependence." How do we deal with the complex reality that both individuality and community are central to our well-being?

 February 3, 2013
Evil: Racism
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We’ll look at racism, antiracism, what’s next and how to respond.

 January 27, 2013
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Religious liberals generally don’t talk about this much. But sometimes we have to. Most of all, it’s important to acknowledge our own propensity to evil.

 January 20, 2013
The Problem of Evil
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

The first of three services on a liberal religious concept of Evil and how we might respond.

 January 13, 2013
God: A Pilgrimage
Rev. Leonora Montgomery

A journey from belief to disbelief to something else.

 January 6, 2013
The Circle of Life Service
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

As the Wheel of Life turns again and midwinter must eventually yield to spring, we dedicate our children; name new births; new marriages; we honor anniversaries and recall the departed.
Please contact the Rev. Joanna Crawford at minister@nwcuuc.org if you would like your child(ren) dedicated in the church and provide her with names and ages.

 December 30, 2012
Science & God
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

What if science and religion don’t conflict? What if they are different windows into Mystery?

 December 24, 2012
Christmas Eve
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Share Christmas Eve with us; bring your family and friends. There will be a homily, carols, readings and the glow of candlelight.

 December 23, 2012
An Evolving God
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

If humanity has evolved, has a collective imagination of God moved from primitivism to a higher ethical elevation? Another way for UUs to think about the concept of “God.”

 December 16, 2012
A UU View of God
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We’re not a religion that says there is no God; and we’re not a religion that says you must believe in a particular God. What do UUs believe about God?

 December 9, 2012
Choose to Bless the World
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Each of us has gifts beyond measure. We live in a culture that promotes the right to hoard those gifts for our own benefit. But what if the secret to blessing ourselves is to bless others, to plant trees from which we will never eat?

 December 2, 2012
Bless You!
Rev. Kathleen Ellis

The special needs of my brother and cousin planted early seeds of compassion within me. Grateful for countless unearned blessings of life, I learned from friends and strangers who help heal the wounded among us. Did you know you are a blessing, too? How do you offer your blessings?

 November 25, 2012
Blessed Are They
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

While religious community has a history of passing along blessings, the other side of blessing is that the denial of blessing can be a curse. Today we consider the impact of the presence or lack of religious blessings in our lives. How do our spiritual lenses affect the way we find blessings?

 November 18, 2012
Bread Communion
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Our communities join together this Sunday before Thanksgiving to celebrate the gifts of bread as a symbol of human diversity and blessing to each other. We invite you to join us and bring a bread that is special to you, perhaps as a symbol of your heritage, or any other special meaning. Bring also the story of the bread, as we will share our bread and our stories. Service led by the ministers.

 November 11, 2012
(Un)expected Blessings
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

What does that mean? What does it mean to receive a blessing– or not– from a parent (especially a father)? If a child doesn’t receive a blessing, do they receive a curse then, by default? Why is a blessing so important? Rev. Daniel O’Connell, preaching.

 November 4, 2012
Unity and Diversity in the 21st Century
Rev. Mark Kiyimba, UU Minister form Uganda

Reverend Kiyimba is founder of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Uganda. He will be speaking on the struggles for gay and lesbian rights in Africa, Uganda in particular.

 October 28, 2012
Soul Force
Joanna Crawford

When is it important to move from acceptance to resistance? When we determine the moral requirement to resist, is there a way both both effective and true to our values? We will take lessons from nonviolent protests. Being prepared for this kind of resistance takes regular spiritual preparation and discipline.

 October 21, 2012
Make Believe
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Some things that we resist, we should learn to accept (a family member’s annoying but non-destructive habit). Other things that we accept, we should learn to resist (social injustice). We can learn something from how children "pretend."

 October 14, 2012
Dalai Lama and UUs
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

Senior Minister Reverend Dr. Daniel O'Connell will be preaching live in 3D at Northwest UU this Sunday.
This sermon is a Fall Fundraiser Service Auction Award Winner. Our senior minister was asked to preach on what wisdom Unitarian Universalists might glean from the Dalai Lama’s work.

 October 7, 2012
Mistakes were Made
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard

How difficult is it for you to admit to making a mistake? How often do you see others openly admit to both error and responsibility? We have developed a culture of self-justification that in the end, makes it difficult to accept both ourselves and others as fallible human beings. What does this mean for our spiritual lives?

 September 30, 2012
Vision: Glimmer in the Dark
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

How do we see past and present darkness?

 September 23, 2012
Vision: UU 202
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

How do we talk to people about our religion who've never heard of us?

 September 16, 2012
Vision: My Spiritual Journey
Joanna Crawford

Where do we find light during the dark night of the soul?

 September 9, 2012
How We Do Church Now
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

We are excited to present our first multi-site transition sermon from Reverend Daniel O'Connell, Senior Minister, First Unitarian Church of Houston! This Sunday is also the start of our RE program under the local leadership of our first RE Director, Adriana Wilkerson. We invite you to join us!
Connect, Grow, Serve.
We begin my third year in Houston with assembling three churches into one program. We have women and men of integrity and experience who are deciding it would be good to work together to build something greater than anyone can build alone.
After a quarter century of plateau in growth for UUs in Houston, we are aiming for depth rather than breadth. We aim for simplicity rather than complexity. We give up trying to do everything in order to concentrate on doing fewer things very well.
We are fashioning a new way of doing church, building on strengths and moving forward in innovative ways. We are using technology – from lights to screens to video to sound to new software and hardware – in new, collaborative ways that promise to revolutionize how church gets done behind the scenes.
We have a brand new ministry position: campus minister Rev. Bonnie Vegiard at Thoreau and Joanna Crawford at Northwest Community. We are working with two new religious educators.
One of the more exciting prospects is changing the way Sunday service preparation is traditionally done. No longer will staff be in silos geographically and by specialty area. Instead, we have four ministers on three campuses who will be collaborating on the Sunday Service and, those same ministers along with three religious educators, will be collaborating on adult faith formation (Growth Groups). As far as we know, this has never been done the way we’re doing it!
We want to make it as straightforward as possible for new folks to know our
expectations. We want everyone to know (without having to look it up!) what the path is toward a depth-oriented Unitarian Universalism? How can it be explained simply and effectively?
Think about it this way. If you’re at a really good party, you might start out in the foyer, work your way into the living room and finally into the kitchen.
So it is with church: connect, grow, serve. Connect by coming to church. Grow in spiritual depth by joining a Growth Group. And serve by working in one of the seven core ministries of the church.
We’ll have more opportunities for your involvement as we walk through the church year together. It is an exciting time to be a UU in Houston!
– Daniel

 September 2, 2012
The World Cathedral
Rev. Ruth Seeliger

A “cathedra” is a seat of authority.  Where that seat is housed is a “Cathedral”.  Since there are many religious “cathedras”, and therefore, many Cathedral “houses” for those seats  - and conflicting pronouncements of authority from those many “seats” within the “houses” - how can there be a World Cathedral?  (Hint: It’s not the Vatican!) 
Ruth will explore with us the perspective of a broad and full experience of a Cathedral found in the most surprising places.  Be with us as she takes us on that journey.

 August 26, 2012
Ever Changing, Ever the Same
Joanna Crawford

Water is ever changing, as it takes different forms, and yet it never ceases being water. As we change forms, both as individuals and as a congregation, we learn about what are -- to use the phrase coined by Theodore Parker -- the transient and the permanent in our being.
The Water Communion is an annual liturgical ritual at NWCUUC and most UU churches. We invite you to bring water from your travels to combine with the waters brought by other members, symbolizing our return to our church community.

 August 19, 2012
Are Extraordinary Relationships Possible?
Dr. Ken Shuman

Why is it that well-meaning, principled, nice people end up in relationships that fall apart?  How can such “good” people get caught up in conflict, and end up bitter towards individuals that they once loved?  It seems that relationships often confound and confuse people, but why? What is it that’s missing in the lives of people when they get bogged down in relationships?  Are extraordinary relationships even possible?  Join us as we discuss these questions and offer several guiding principles that move a person towards extraordinary relationships.

 August 12, 2012
Virtual Impressions of Justice General Assembly
Rev. Paul Beedle

General Assembly (GA) is our annual national meeting of Unitarian Universalist congregations held each June. This year's GA was dubbed "Justice GA."
What made it different? Rev. Paul gives a view from home.

 August 5, 2012
Mohsen Mirza

The financial conditions have improved considerably in the past 50 years yet the level of happiness has remained static during this time.
There is a general agreement that material benefits beyond a certain level do not improve the quality of life. The broader objective of Ethics is to improve well-being of individuals and communities in general. The talk will aim to highlight some of the basic theories of ethics and implications of ethics on some of the current issues.

 July 29, 2012
Axioms of Wisdom
Charles Anstead

Wisdom is a learning which tends to take years for some and moments for others. Nevertheless, wisdom is a trait most of us seek as we rationalize the world we live in and pass these lessons along. Chase will reveal insights of wisdom that will open your eyes to new ways of looking at the world that surrounds us.

 July 22, 2012
Eight Spheres of Spirituality
Tracy Cook, Adriana Gil-Wilkerson and Susanna Hill

Multigenerational and Interactive service.

 July 15, 2012
Rollin' with the Flow
Don Levit

Based on Charlie Rich's tune with the same title, Don Levit will talk about how "I ain't ever growing old, so I keep on rollin' with the flow."

 We will discover together how Don attempts to maintain his zest for life, at any age!

 July 8, 2012
Seeds of Social Justice - The Prophet Jesus
Jim Klein

During this session, we will see how another Jewish prophet, son of a carpenter, took the message of previous prophets and distilled them into a short prayer. Although tradition calls it the Lord’s Prayer, many modern theologians have begun calling it the Disciples Prayer. Even though it is in the New Testament, it is not really a Christian prayer, for there were no Christians at the time it was originally spoken, and the traditional author, Jesus, was Jewish. There are no creeds nor doctrine contained in its words, it is a call for living in peaceful community so that everyone has enough, the spirit of Shalom.

 July 1, 2012
Seeds of Social Justice - The Prophet Micah
Jim Klein

Although Micah is among the minor prophets of Israel, his message has as much relevance today as it did 2500 years ago. During this two week sermon series, we will explore his message and how it resonates with the great social movements of the last century, including Civil Rights and occupy Wall Street, and how it is the foundation for the ministry of Jesus, another Jewish prophet. In session 1, we will cover the book of Micah itself, where he speaks of the importance of community, the abuse of power in accumulating wealth, and the corruption among political and religious leaders. With a famous message of peace (…beat their swords into plowshares) and a simple statement about how to get along (…do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God), we will set the stage for the words of another prophet born in Bethlehem.

 June 24, 2012
Kicking Open the Closet Door: Coming Out, Community, and Culture
Danny Bothwell And Brian Carlson

The coming out process is one that most people will never experience.
As difficult and trying as it can be, it opens the door to a sense of community and culture.  This intense bond based on shared experience is something we can aspire to share with each other, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.  This sermon explores finding the experiences that unite us all using the LGBTQ community as an example.

 June 17, 2012
Evolving Fatherhood
Jim Klein

Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day both had their roots in protest and remembrance. Mothers’ day was a reaction to the sons lost in the Civil War; Fathers’ day was a reaction to the loss of fathers in a mining accident in West Virginia. Today’s message will examine the evolving role of fathers, as well as some current social justice issues that affect fatherhood.

 June 10, 2012
Beloved Communitas
Joanna Crawford

We are the people of the in-between, individuals traveling between spiritual planes and a community for a world in process. As we travel through our individual transformations of faith, how do we act together in the greater realm of possibility?

 June 3, 2012

Dreams are a gateway into reality; they can have an effect on your life as well. Dreams can let you know good things are to come, or they can even help you decide what you want to do with your life.
Come to the YRUU service on June 3rd as we talk about dreams! Hope to see you there!

 May 27, 2012
They Tell Their Story
Allan Perkins

The sermon will be interspersed with the stories of several veterans, and family members, from the Civil War to the wars in Iraq.  These compelling stories will be tied together to tell the story of respect for those who defend our freedoms in a new and unique way.

 May 20, 2012
Religious Education Bridging Ceremony and the Honoring of Graduating Seniors service
Rob Zamora and Cheryl Perry

 May 13, 2012
Leadership and Followership Rev. Paul Beedle
Rev. Paul R. Beedle

We often speak of leadership without recognizing its complementary discipline, followership, which Rev. Paul will explore in this sermon.

 May 6, 2012
Catastrophic Dogma
RE Theater

RE Theater presents:
Catastrophic Dogma 
A classic tale of conflict and an enduring message of hope
Written, produced and performed by the 2011-2012 All-age RE class of Northwest Community UU Church.

 April 29, 2012
Change the World, Change Your Life
Joanna Crawford

What kind of person do you want to be, and what can you do to become that person?
We'll explore the roadmap to personal transformation and where you can find shortcuts for the journey ... and along the way, you just might change the world.

 April 22, 2012
Open a Door
Rev. Patti Henry

Or give a hug.  Or as the amazing choreographer Pina Bausch said, "All I can tell you is you have to get wilder." 
Psychotherapist and author Patti Henry will be joining us to encourage us all to do just that: get a little wilder.  Come join us for a wonderful sermon about reawakening and restoration!

 April 15, 2012
Freedom & Unity in Tension
Dr. Ken Shuman

Within every person there are two basic life searches. 
There is a search for individuality – this is a search for freedom to be completely myself. 
At the same time there is a search for unity & community – this is a search for belonging & togetherness. 
But how do we keep our search for freedom from becoming indifferent individualism? How do we keep our search for unity from becoming oppressive conformity? Is it possible to be really free and really together both at the same time? Can we be both uncoerced and unfragmented? Join us as we discuss Freedom & Unity in Tension.

 April 8, 2012
Resurrecting the Spiritual New Year
William Cook, Susanna Hill and Rob Zamora

The Resurrection of a spiritual new year: At this time of year we can see the evidence of life budding new again. 
Ancient people viewed the sun's ressurection in Spring after "dying" in Winter as a confirmation that life would renew as the cycle of the earth turned.
The Jesus narrative from Christianity parallels this idea with adherents receiving "new life" from the death and resurrection of Jesus.
How can we as UUs find meaning from these two different religions to help us resurrect a spiritual practice that heals us personally and sends us out to do good works and heal the world?

 April 1, 2012
You Can't Live On Hope Alone--------But You Can't Live Without It
Rabbi Jack Segal

"You can live 20 days without food;
3 days without water;
but you can't live 5 minutes without hope."
Rabbi Segal discusses the importance of positive thinking, the idea that-------you've got to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. Research has indicated that those who go through life with a positive attitude enjoy physical lives far better  than those who live with negative attitudes.

 March 25, 2012
Bread and Circuses
Joanna Crawford

We live in a culture of panem et circenses, "bread and circuses." How do we see the reality of the world we live in, and how do serve a mission that calls us to put love into action? Join us as we discuss moving away from an instinct of "just us" to "justice for all."

 March 18, 2012
Understanding Homelessness
Tony DiNuzzo

Homelessness has always been with us.  But our time is unique, and the common image of the homeless has changed.  The recent corruption of home mortgage trading that resulted in the default of homeowners has left thousands of ordinary people homeless. 
The most fortunate of these cohabit with relatives and friends.  Others, less fortunate, live in their cars, sleeping at night in the parking lots of Walmart stores. According to Jack Lander, author of ‘Homelessness’" – “less well known is the ousting of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered persons from their homes due to having 'comeout'.”   Some of these stories need to be told.  This service will provide, from a UU perspective, a poignant look at ‘homelessness’, to look beyond the need for a ‘house’ and the importance of belonging.

 March 11, 2012
An Unashamed Workman (not what they used to be)
Allan Perkins

Timothy I and II are letters where Paul, and old man, mentors Timothy, a young man and new church leader.  Timothy II 2:15 was one of my favorite verses, when I was a young man leading a small group overseas. Of all the verses I memorized as a child and teen, it is one of my favorites. This verse has particular lessons for we UUs.

 March 4, 2012
Real Men Wear Pink
Adam Robinson

Cy-Fair ISD was rocked not long ago by the tragic suicide of Asher Brown. 
At that same time there was much attention turned toward other tragic deaths by bullying that happened all over the country. 
Join us dressed in your finest pink shirt,dress, hat, or whatever to show your support of the GLBT community.  Let's look at the ways we as a church and individuals can come out, no matter our orientation,  and let everyone know that "It Gets Better".

 February 26, 2012
The Grateful Whale
Rev. Paul R. Beedle

A reflection on good deeds and the interdependent web of life.

 February 19, 2012
Who Really Are Our Neighbors?
Brian Ferguson, Minister, San Marcos Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Unitarian Universalists like good questions, possibly even more than good answers. Most people in North American culture are familiar with Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan. What many people forget is the question that prompted Jesus to tell the parable. The question was “And who is my neighbor?”   This question from nearly 2000 years ago is still a good one. This worship service will consider in our seemingly super connected world what the idea of neighbor means to us as individuals and as a Liberal Religious community.

 February 12, 2012
Faith in Tension
Dr. Ken Shuman

“Faith is as much about questions as it is about answers.  It is possible to be a believer and a listener at the same time, to be both fervent & searching, to honor the truth of one’s own convictions and the mystery of the convictions of others.”  Krista Tippett in Speaking of Faith.

 February 5, 2012
Why Can't They Just...?
Margaret Anderson

…be more logical? 
…prevent the problem now instead of waiting to repair its effects? 
…see that there’s a pattern here? 
When people frustrate us, when we can’t fathom their decisions and actions, temperament differences often play a role.  Groups can have temperaments too. Explore the group personalities of different religions, what they say about our roles in society, and how we can communicate better with those who differ from us.

 January 29, 2012
The Golden Mortar of Faith
Joanna Crawford

"Faith" means different things to different people. Where do we find
the root of our faith, personally and religiously? In what do we giveour confidence and trust?Joanna Fontaine Crawford is a longtime member of NWCUUC. She graduatedfrom Houston Graduate School of Theology with a Master of Divinitydegree in December 2011 and currently serves Northwoods UU Church andthe Church of the Larger Fellowship as Intern Minister.

 January 22, 2012
Peace on Earth: Is It Time?
Rev. Patti Henry

Inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr., the words of Jesus, surviving cancer treatment, and the Mayan calendar, this sermon will inspire you!  Please join us to hear Patti Henry in her first sermon at NWCUUC since her cancer adventure began last March.  With VERY short hair, she will be sharing some of her thoughts: ever urging us closer to peace on earth.

 January 15, 2012
Unity and 99 Other Names for God: A Unitarian Universalist perscpective on Islam
Cynthia Talbot

 January 8, 2012
The Two-Way Street of Inherent Dignity
Rob Zamora

Using stories plucked from current events and some from personal experience, Robert Zamora gives examples of why our first principle is an important aspect of our faith.

 January 1, 2012
Brunch and Burning
Susanna Hill and Beyra Anstead

Service has been pushed back to NOON for this very special occasion....
Come and join us at Noon for Brunch and Burning.  Bring a dish and your New's Years Resolution.  We'll have a nosh and a ritual.  Start the New Year off right with great food and fellowship!!
Coffee, Orange juice and Tomato juice provided.

 December 25, 2011
Coffee and Conversation: Moderated by Allen Perkins
Coffee and Conversation

 December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve Service
Jen Rathbun and Friends

Coexist with us for the Christmas Eve candlelight service, where music and stories from a variety of religions and ideals will come together. This wonderful service will start at 6:30 pm, December 24th.

 December 18, 2011
Moravian Love Feast
Gerry Carr

This annual service celebrates the Christmas season with carols, readings, candles and atraditional Moravian Love Feast.
This ritual is a shared communion of rolls and sweet coffee,served by members of the congregation. It is based upon the Agape feast and themeals of the early churches described in the Bible in the Acts of the Apostles, which werepartaken in unity and love.
A Lovefeast seeks to strengthen the bonds and the spirit of harmony,goodwill, and congeniality, as well as to forgive past disputes and instead love oneanother.  
Gerry Carr is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Galveston County.

 December 11, 2011
Five Smooth Stones
Rev. Dr. Daniel O'Connell

The foremost Unitarian theologian of the 20th century was James Luther Adams. We’ll examine the tension between an individual and a religious community– the promise and the perils– and why it is so relevant today

 December 4, 2011
The Story Within the Story: Light From the East
Rev. Bob Tucker

Why would one of Jesus’ early biographers begin his story with such fanciful images of a star wandering around the heavens and foreigners suddenly appearing out of nowhere bringing gifts for a new born child, narratives that are patently false and easily dismissed? Yet, this story endures, being persistently repeated in picture and pageant at this time of the year, so that for Christian and non-Christian alike the story is imprinted on the mind. What gives this story continuing prominence and power is its placement in the helpful category of ‘not factual, but true.’

 November 27, 2011
Bread Communion
Pam Cox and Allan Perkins

Whether you were with your family or not for Thanksgiving, finish out this holiday weekend with us.
Join us in breaking bread during our annual Bread Communion.

 November 20, 2011
The Universals in Religion
Dr. Ken Vincent

In addition to the fact that God (aka Ultimate Reality) is really big and God likes change, the five things that I find to be “universals” in world religion are:   1)  Spiritually transformative experiences, 2)  Prayer/Meditation, 3)  The Golden Rule, 4) Faith healing, and 5) Miracle stories.
Dr. Ken R. Vincent is a writer and religious experience researcher who is retired from teaching psychology at Houston Community College. Ken has over 150 publications in the areas of psychology and religion.

 November 13, 2011
Joshua, General of Israel; an example for all our lives
Allan Perkins

This is our annual Veterans Day service, honoring those who sustain our right to worship as we choose.  However, we are doing things a bit different, and looking at inspiring examples of military members – from Joshua to the modern day—who teach us a better way of life.
There will be surprises you did not expect.

 November 6, 2011
Three Keys to Life Mastery
Charles Anstead

Of all the elements by which to master one's life, three keys are critical to life-long success - gratitude, love, and acceptance. When we learn to be grateful, love, and accept all that surrounds us, we begin to master our life. Discover how to use these three keys to unlock the mystery and begin to master your life.

 October 30, 2011
Season of Samhain
Susanna Hill and Tracy Cook

We have moved into the season that many world traditions have considered the close of one year and the beginning of the next. It is a time of harvest, not only of the physical fruits of our labor, but of ideas as well. Come and listen to a story about one young woman's experiences, and consider how many of her lessons are just as applicable today as they were at the first telling.

 October 23, 2011
Stories and Being Where We Truly Live
Lucia Bettler

Stories are important in our lives, our history, and our connections. This service weaves together tales of Halloween, ancestors, saints, and loved ones, to sum up being where we truly live.

 October 16, 2011
A Brief Overview of Zoroastrianism
Sarosh Manekshaw

This talk will present a brief introduction to Zoroastrianism.  It will talk about the prophet, Zarathushtra, about his theology and doctrines.  Cosmology and Escatology in Zoroastrianism will be discussed.  Some of the impacts of Zoroastrianism on Christianity will also be pointed out.

 October 9, 2011
UU Yom Kippur
Laura Emerson

At this time of year, our Jewish friends are celebrating Yom Kippur, a season of forgiveness – both asking for it and offering it. 
Every religion addresses this important psychological milestone, and in interestingly different ways.  Let’s explore these approaches and then choose – and act on -  our own. 
The service will conclude with a ceremony in which you will have the opportunity to privately ask for and grant forgiveness yourself.

 October 2, 2011
The Continuous Spiritual Journey of Aging
Tony DiNuzzo

It is well documented that with advancing age, one has a tendency to re-evaluate one’s life, possibly to fulfil the need to explore new meaning or in preparation for the 'final hour.' Does having a strong faith or spiritual belief provide a needed level of comfort during this re-evaluation life stage? This service will explore coming to terms with the process of aging and exploring our life's journey, the role of faith, and the need for spiritual guidance.

 September 25, 2011
And Still We Pray
Joanna Crawford

"We become part of all we pray for, and it a part of us."  The Reverend Forrest Church
We have, as we say, different beliefs about the nature and existence of God, but many of us still have a longing to connect with something outside ourselves. What do we, as rational beings who cringe at the idea of receiving divine favor, do with this longing?  Our Universalist theological forebears give us insight into a Unitarian Universalist "way to pray."

 September 18, 2011
Yin/Yang of YHWH (God's feminine side- would you believe it's 100% Bibical?)
Ken Vincent

Spirit and Wisdom are feminine in Hebrew and Aramaic, but when the Bible was translated into Latin, the Holy Spirit got a sex change!  God in the New Testament is referred to as Spirit and Wisdom (feminine) as well as Father and Word (masculine). 
Dr. Ken R. Vincent is a writer and religious experience researcher who is retired from teaching psychology at Houston Community College.  Ken has over 150 publications in the areas of psychology and religion.

 September 11, 2011
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
Dr. Ken Shuman

A much neglected aspect in our culture is that of peacemaking, of non violent resistance to evil, of the futility and self-destructive nature of hatred and vengeance. 
In a world filled with violence, war & retaliation, how can we be peacemakers?  How can we be peacemakers in our own homes, neighborhoods and workplaces?  How do we muster the courage to stand against injustice?

 September 4, 2011
General Assembly 2011 Closing Ceremony
The Reverends Scott Tayler and Kaaren Anderson

Join us for the largest annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists (UUs) joining in worship. This powerful, communal worship experience took place on Sunday morning, June 26, 2011. The offering was donated to Mecklenburg Ministries. Mecklenburg Ministries promotes interfaith relationships, fosters racial and ethnic understanding, and inspires collaboration to address social issues. They envision a community that lives by the highest values and core virtues of its rich faith traditions and respects the dignity of every person.
The Reverends Scott Tayler and Kaaren Anderson preached “Living Outside the Box.” We’ve been encouraged to think outside the box but the greater challenge is to live outside it. Amber Fetner, Music Director, UU Fellowship of Athens, GA, conducted the 2011 GA Choir.

 August 28, 2011
Water Communion
Team Lector

This annual UU tradition, the Water Communion, is how our congregation marks the end of summer journeys, both geographic and spiritual, and the beginning of a new season of learning and growth. Bring a small amount of water that represents a special place that you have been to or wish to visit, whether it is from another place or from your kitchen sink, all waters are welcome.

 August 21, 2011
Coming Home
Jim Klein

How do you describe “Home?”
Is it where you grew up? Is it where you are now? Is it a physical place or a spiritual place? What does home look like?
With no guarantee of answering these questions, let’s explore the topic in sermon and forum.

 August 14, 2011
The Genius of Our Faith
Rev. Paul R. Beedle

What is distinctive about liberal religion? Our understanding of spiritual growth. Come hear why.

 August 7, 2011
The Music and Sprit of John Lennon
Tony DiNuzzo

John Lennon made some outrageous, often controversial quotes and comments about religion. Who can forget the outcry of Lennon stating the Beatles were 'more popular than Jesus.' But what was this all about? How was John Lennon’s 'sprirtual message' misinterpreted - or was it? He is a vivid example of an attitude toward faith that has gained power in the decades since his death. Lennon was "spiritual," but not "religious" before that stance became all too common. Through the power of his songs and quotes, this service will explore Lennon's life, defined by symbolic moments and raw feelings of love, peace - a man who was almost too honest about his doubts and his beliefs.

 July 31, 2011
Doubting Our Doubts: Moving Toward Theological Freedom
Rev. Bob Tucker

We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote
A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
A culture of open mindedness and respect
Addressing Mystery, Divinity, the Sacred in many ways

 July 24, 2011
Fact, Truth, and the 4th principle
Tom Parker

Its been said that the Bible is not always factual but it is truthful, an observation that has much broader application than just the Bible. Join us July 24 when Tom Parker leads a talk-back on fact, truth, and the 4th principle.

 July 17, 2011
Our Sevenfold Human Constitution
Fali Engineer

If we are made in the image of the Creator, our ultimate destiny should be to comprehend Him at all levels of our being. This comprehension will be through and by the evolution of our own consciousness, for which an intimate knowledge of our human constitution is paramount. The talk will explain the seven principles that make up our constitution in the light of the Ancient Wisdom known as theosophy, and how they are meant to fulfill the purpose of our existence - an increasing unfolding of our divinity in thought, speech and action.

 July 10, 2011
Heretic Camp: A Multigenerational Adventure Experience
Tracy Cook and Company

The word heretic has its root in the Greek verb meaning "to choose." A Heretic, then, is a person who maintains the right to choose for themselves what to think and what to believe. Universalists and Unitarians have a proud history of being Heretics and claiming a right to religious freedom -- freedom of thought and freedom of conscience. Not all heretics are Unitarian Universalists, but we have many that we’re proud of! Legend has it that this campsite is full of hidden treasures, guarded by the ghosts of our heretical ancestors. Join us as we explore Heretic Camp and search out these treasures, choosing our steps along the way…

 July 3, 2011
Discussion Topic: What True Freedom Means
Coffee and Conversation Moderated by Jim Klein

On this Independence Day weekend, we gather for coffee and coversation.  Jim Klein will moderate a discussion on what true freedom means to each us.

 June 26, 2011
Coming Out of a Closet - Common Ground
Jim Klein/Dana Ashrawi

This service explores how a person can stand on the side of love in support of hidden identities in honor of the national observance of Take Your Gay Teen to Church/Temple/Synagogue Weekend.

 June 19, 2011
Charles Anstead

 June 12, 2011
A Bee Hive: Grace and Universalism
Rob Zamora

Self described financial guru Dave Ramsey often uses the phrase, "Better than I deserve." when asked how he's doing.
I think I get it and after this Sunday, you can too.

 June 5, 2011
The Meaning of Life

Please join YRUU, Young Religious Unitarian Universalists, our high school youth group, as they present their unique perspective on "The Meaning of Life".  It's about finding your own meaning rather than yielding to the persistent loud voices.

 May 29, 2011
Divine Peace
Allan Perkins

Please join us as Allan Perkins presents an old fashion Memorial Day Weekend service from yester-year.

 May 22, 2011
So You Say You Want a Revolution?
Rev. Patti Henry

 May 15, 2011
Strength in Problems
Krishna Sastry of the Art of Living

 May 8, 2011
Love, Laughter and Coffeemate with Bad Ethel
Bad Ethel

Sometimes we take life too seriously and we need a not-so-serious break.
Come join Bad Ethel for a morning of uniquely UU music, amusing anecdotes and just plain silliness. Stimulative beverage optional.

 May 1, 2011
Roots, The Heart of Life
Lucia Bettler

"Being Grounded"  is something we are often told to be.
But we are not always sure how to accomplish this.
Join Lucia at the flowering time of Beltaine and Maypoles as we explore the ways we can flourish in our lives as well as be rooted in what is essential.
Bring a flower for the altar !

 April 24, 2011
Easter Flowers: A Day of Communion and Community
Joanna Crawford

Unitarian Universalists have a rich history in our celebration of Easter, often combining it with the specifically Unitarian tradition of the Flower Communion, which, in the words of Norbert Capek, honors "our common cause, our belonging together as one spiritual community, as brethren."
Please bring flowers to church this Sunday -- from a florist, from your garden, from a store -- as we celebrate the vision "that one spirit, the spirit of love, unites us."

 April 17, 2011
LIVING in an Era of Environmental Challenge
Rev. Phil Schulman

Is it possible to embrace, enjoy and appreciate living in a time of nuclear meltdowns, gulf oil spills, and climate change?  If not denial or martyrdom, then what?  Come fill your tank with faith, joy, courage and grace!

 April 10, 2011
Justice Is Aid with Dignity
Tracy Cook

On April 10, 2011, Justice Sunday, we will stand shoulder to shoulder with UU congregations nationwide to put our principles into practice. This year's Justice Sunday culminates our efforts to gain a deeper understanding of how human rights bring the invisible survivors of disasters into the light.
Disaster survivors are not treated equally — and that inequality persists unless you apply the lens of justice.
Our worship and social action will spotlight issues affecting people both close to home and around the world. With the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, we will offer meaningful advocacy and action, so together we have a stronger voice and deeper impact toward advancing human rights

 April 3, 2011
Our Sacred Connection to Food
Cheryl Perry

We have a spiritual connection to the food we eat.  Globalization and consumerism  have caused our disconnect.  We will explore the ways in which people of the world use food as religious ritual and how we can make wise choices which bring us back to our sacred connection to the earth.

 March 27, 2011
Magnificize your Day - Live with Gratitude, Love and Acceptance!
Charles Anstead

The magic to magnificize your day (make your day magnificent) is not happenstance - it's created by our thoughts and actions through gratitude, love and acceptance of the world within us and around us. Magnificize your day and inspire others to do the same!

 March 20, 2011
A Theology of Joy
Rev. Phil Schulman

With our historical emphasis on reason and discussion, many of us to place our faith in our own abilty to figure out the good and bad of life.  Emphasis on getting it right often ends up being a block to happiness and fulfillment.  If we are unhappy there is bound to be a reason.  But do we need reasons to be happy? Might the key to joyful living be beyond reason? Come hear of reasonable and outrageous paths to joy.

 March 13, 2011
Poetry and Prose Service
Dana Ashrawi

This service fosters connections within our church community as various members share their favorite poetry or prose piece, an original creation or a classic that resonates.

 March 6, 2011
UU Principles Re-examined (Your mileage may vary!)
Alok Kalia, MD

One of the tenets of Unitarian Universalism is that revelation is ongoing, that religions and humans are meant to grow and change. I have now been the member of a UU congregation for twelve years, covenanted to affirm and promote our principles. But do the principles mean the same to me today as they did a dozen years ago, or has the passage of time changed my interpretation of the sentiments they express?

 February 27, 2011
Remember, Your Life Belongs to You
Rev. Patti Henry

So how ya gonna live it?  In anger, in fear, in pride?  Or in kindness, in joy, in love?  Please join us for a fun, uplifting, thought provoking sermon by psychotherapist and author, Patti Henry, as she encourages us to "claim our lives as our own."

 February 20, 2011
“Baby You’re a FIREWORK”
Joanna Crawford

Do you know you’re a FIREWORK? Everything that is in you adds up to something so special that the world is waiting for. Your identity, age, appearance, sexuality, your taste in music, clothes, movies, and books – these are all a part of you and they bring light into the world.
February 20 is Bring Your Gay Teen to Church Day in Houston. Different denominations across Houston will extend a special welcome to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning teens and their parents. Ministerial candidate and coordinator of this ecumenical event, Joanna Fontaine Crawford, will speak at NWCUUC on this historic day.

 February 13, 2011
Love, Sex, God and Power
Rev. Phil Schulman

What do these 4 things have in common?  Regardless if you are married, coupled, barely coupled or flying solo, this could be the gift / challenge of a lifetime!  Come and get it!

 February 6, 2011
The Power of Music
Bil Cusack and Tracy Cook

Most everyone has a life-long relationship with music: Our favorite songs, music that brings back our youth, a melody that can make us cry, music that brings us closer to the Mystery of Life...
This Sunday, several members of the congregation will present music that touches us in different ways, along with personal stories of musical encounters. Join us.

 January 30, 2011
The Quickening: a time of possibility...
Lucia Bettler

Candlemas is called by some Imbolc or St. Brigid's Day. This holiday was traditionally observed as an Irish festival heralding the approach of spring on February 1. Lucia Bettler is an enthusiastic participant to interfaith women's transformational practices and is a leader of Brigid's Place, a connective community for meditation and conversation started by women Christ Church Cathedral.

 January 23, 2011
Finding Re-Source for Renewal
Rev. Phil Schulman

January is a time that many of us attempt to make a clean start.  As religious liberals we can draw upon many sources for renewal. What is the source of our creativity, and how can we begin creating new experiences, new landscapes for ourselves, our families, communities and our world?

 January 16, 2011
Unitarian Roots and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Rev. Phil Schulman

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., found sources of inspiration in the writings of Unitarian minister Rev. Theodore Parker from the days of the struggle against slavery. UUs today find a great source of inspiration in the work and words of Dr. King. What keys to the future do they hold?

 January 9, 2011
Faith in Action Spiritual Practice: American-Nepali Student & Women's Educational Relief
Earle Canfield

ANSWER, the American-Nepali Student & Women's Educational Relief organization, has been a favorite cause of Houston area UU congregations. Earle Canfield will give an update on the successes of this unique program. ANSWER is dedicated to helping low-caste and impoverished people of Nepal address problems of poverty through education.

 January 2, 2011
Housekeeping of the (Church's) Soul
Bil Cusack

The first Sunday of the year we traditionally look at our own beliefs and practices. This year we will look at ourselves through the extension of our church. Let's begin the new year together!

 December 26, 2010
Discussion Circle

A discussion will be held on spiritual topics of interest to attendees.

 December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Join us at 7 p.m. for the Christmas Eve service at the Kids Club.

 December 19, 2010
The Best Give Ever!
Rev. Phil Schulman

It might sound trite, but we bet this will surprise you. We will reflect on the question, "What's the best gift you could ever receive?" Our reflections won't stay on the surface!
In addition, we will have the swearing in of our new board and a declaration of thanks to those who have served.

 December 12, 2010
Chidren's R.E. Presentation

The children and youth of our congregation will make a special holiday presentation.

 December 5, 2010
Losing My Religion
Dr Ken Shuman

After twenty years as a professional pastor I lost my religion. It’s not that I forgot where I put it or anything. I knew exactly where it was. And it’s not that I set out to get rid of my religion. It just wasn’t working for me anymore. In the midst of questioning God and searching for answers to the big questions, religion just wasn’t providing the answers.
Some want to equate losing religion with losing faith. I haven’t lost my faith. I believe very passionately in God and in his mission. I’m seeking to walk humbly with God and to align my life with God’s dream for the world. I’m deeply committed to pursuing God in the way of Jesus. I want to be honest however and say that I’ve put all of my beliefs under a microscope. I’ve questioned everything. Even in my questioning, however, I couldn’t let go of God, and he/she wouldn’t let go of me. Is it possible to give up religion and yet have a deep spirituality?

 November 21, 2010
Guilt, the Inherited Guest at Our Table
Rev. Phil Schulman

Families will be invited to take a Guest at Your Table box home, to learn about and participate in the work of our UU Service Committee.  Sermon:  Moving from guilt to thanksgiving celebration, and striving to be part of the solution. Is it possible that we could make guilt a thing of our past, and still keep moving toward greater integrity and fulfillment of our deepest values?

 November 14, 2010
Rediscovering your inner Magnificence
Charles Anstead

Rediscovering your inner Magnificence

 November 7, 2010
Semper Reformanda!
Joanna Fontaine Crawford, Seminary Student

Though our theological roots go back to the early church, Unitarian Universalism itself is a new religion, formed during the consolidation of the two religions and developed over the last 50 years.  This is a transformational religion that will change your life.  Bring your lifejackets and safety helmets – it’s a thrilling ride ahead.

 October 31, 2010
Celebrating the Season
Rita Cusack

Join us as we celebrate the lessons of the season through song and story. This will be a multigenerational service. We also encourage you to come in costume if you are so moved! For this service we will be meeting at the Copperfield Kids Club, 15806 Longenbaugh Drive, just west of Highway 6.

 October 24, 2010
Tolerance and Understanding
Lucia Bettler

Lucia will share thoughts emerging from her recent experience visiting Israel.

 October 17, 2010
The New Prophetic Ministry, Part 2
Rev. Phil Schulman

For too long people have assumed that being a UU requires faith in a progressive political agenda and not much else.  This assumption ignores two things: 1 - A significant minority of UUs have always been politically conservative. 2 - Unitarian, Universalist and UU values, beliefs and theological traditions have been the source of our emphasis on social justice.  Learn more about how the return to liberal religion has changed the way we do social justice.

 October 10, 2010
The New Prophetic Imperative, Part 1
Rev. Phil Schulman

For too long people have assumed that being a UU requires faith in a progressive political agenda and not much else. This assumption ignores two things: 1 - A significant minority of UUs have always been politically conservative. 2 - Unitarian, Universalist and UU values, beliefs and theological traditions have been the source of our emphasis on social justice. Learn more about how the return to liberal religion has changed the way we do social justice.

 October 3, 2010
Nourishing the Soul
Rev. Patti Henry

Want some Greek salad with tomatoes from my garden?  How about a big helping of Mama's lasagna?  Anyone for homemade apple pie?  Would you like ice cream with that?  We nourish our bodies -- how about our souls?  Our days have a built-in structure to nourish our bodies called breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but how many of us have that same spiritual structure in place? The Muslims pray 5 times a day -- how about you?  Come hear psychotherapist and author Patti Henry as she shares some ideas of how to not only nourish your body each day, but how to nourish your soul as well.

 September 26, 2010
Spiritual Practice in a Theologically Diverse Congregation
Rev. Phil Schulman

What makes a practice "spiritual?" Which spiritual practices can UUs engage in as individuals, as a congregation and as a denomination?

 September 19, 2010
Welcome the Mosque
Rev. Phil Schulman

In keeping with September's theme,"One light, many windows," Phil will extrapolate UU Priniciples onto current events.

 September 12, 2010
The Illimitable Mind
Joanna Fontaine Crawford

With his metaphor of the Cathedral of the World, the Rev. Forrest Church drew a picture of the treasure we inherited as Unitarian Universalists – unlimited ways of understanding and experiencing divine reality. As UUs, it is our theological privilege and responsibility to “go deep,” not merely picking and choosing concepts that appeal to us, but to develop a fully examined faith.

 September 5, 2010
Sharing the Spirit of Southwest Summer UU Institute

A team of NWCUUC members who attended this year's Southwest Summer UU Institute, SWUUSI, will recreate some of the mystery and wonder of this experience. NWCUUC has one of the highest congregational percentages attending this multi-generational summer camp. Find out why.

 August 29, 2010
Beth Hammer

What happens when our ambition and greed overshadow our common purpose? What is the cost of seeking results over relationship? Join us for a story that illustrates that while we may get distracted by our ambitions and greed, no success is very enjoyable without love and warm spirit of community.

 August 22, 2010
What is sacred to US?
Rev. Phil Schulman

Sure there is a lot of power in choosing, but UU is so not "anything goes." What are the core values of our movement? What is at the heart of what we believe, and practice?
Our annual Water Ceremony will also take place during this service!

 August 15, 2010
Returning to Our Core Values
Rev. Phil Schulman

Where do we find our real selves? The power beneath the liberal religious approach is the real growth that can happen when we become more conscious of what we believe and value. But who are we anyway ...to be deciding what is valuable, sacred, worthy of devotion? Is this the worship of personality? Hopefully not. Come to the intersection of divinity and humanity.

 August 8, 2010

Speaker from The Art of Living

 August 1, 2010
Our Greatest Challenge
UUA GA Video

Peter Morales, UUA President - recorded sermon from our national General Assembly

We experience transcendence by loving and being loved. You and I are profoundly relational creatures. We are hard wired to need one another. People who are coming to our congregations every Sunday for the first time—and there are thousands every week—long to experience a loving connection to a religious community. So, how are we doing at responding to this need, to feeding the spiritually hungry and housing the religiously homeless?"

Come view this sermon delivered by thr national President of the Unitarian Universalist Association as recorded at our faith's national conference.

 July 25, 2010
Heretic Camp: A Multigenerational Adventure Experience

The word heretic has its root in the Greek verb meaning "to choose." A Heretic, then, is a person who maintains the right to choose for themselves what to think and what to believe. Universalists and Unitarians have a proud history of being Heretics and claiming a right to religious freedom -- freedom of thought and freedom of conscience. Not all heretics are Unitarian Universalists, but we have many that we’re proud of! Legend has it that this campsite is full of hidden treasures, guarded by the ghosts of our heretical ancestors. Join us as we explore Heretic Camp and search out these treasures, choosing our steps along the way…

 July 18, 2010
Live Free
Rev. Phil Schulman

Faith of the free. What is the purpose of non-creedal religion? What is faith, and how does it support freedom? Can intellect imprison? What is freedom?

 July 11, 2010
Coming Out
Joanna Fontaine Crawford

The theme for this month is freedom. Part of the freedom of being in a Unitarian Universalist community is the freedom and responsibility to authentically acknowledge who we are. Are we truly free at NWCUUC? Let’s see. Join Joanna as she Comes Out to the congregation.

 July 4, 2010
Outlawing Jellybeans and Other Injustices (Multigenerational Service)
Tracy Cook and Beth Hammer

How do we use our power? How do we respond to injustice? In this service, based on the story The Duke Who Outlawed Jellybeans by Johnny Valentine, we will see how we can use our shared power in the name of Love to overcome almost any obstacle.

As part of this service, there will be a collection of items for our monthly You Matter lunches. Please bring what you can from the following list. Remember, each month we will make 100 lunches to give out to area homeless folks. Cash donations will also be accepted to purchase perishables.

Honey (in squeeze bottles), Creamy peanut butter, 18 count chewy granola bars (Variety packs have several flavors), Sandwich bags with zip-tops, 24-packs of bottled water, Cheese and/or peanut butter crackers (the 6-in-a-pack kind), Paper lunch bags, Cinnamon disc hard candies.

 June 27, 2010
The Simple Joy of Fellowship
John Hammer

They say you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. Unitarian Universalists are famous for coffee and conversation, but we also come together for Fellowship. Come hear one UU's views on why our Sundays are more than a social event.

 June 20, 2010
Father's Day
Andre Brackett

Being a father is not the easiest job in the world. In fact, being a father is not just the hardest job a man can have during his lifetime, either. For those who have conceived a child or children, fatherhood is the single most important job in any man's life. This is why fathers are a very important part of every family.

 June 13, 2010
Soulforce & Nice Dead People
Rev. Phil Schulman

As we age there's a tendency to behave and live on other people's terms. How can we remember our power, freedom and vitality? What is soulforce?

 June 6, 2010
Gathered and Sent
Joanna Crawford

So what is the purpose of church? According to NWCUUC member and UU seminarian Joanna Crawford, “We gather to strengthen our souls, we are sent out to strengthen the world.” But the path to do so is often hard to find. Come prepared to wade in the water as we discuss how to do each.

 May 30, 2010
Memorial Day: Make it Personal
Allan Perkins

Allan Perkins discusses ways to make Memorial Day a very personal holiday and not just a date on the calendar or another day off.

 May 23, 2010
Our Flaming Chalice
Beth Hammer

What does our Flaming Chalice mean to you? It has been a source of comfort for many, and a guiding light for others. Come explore the idea of some symbolism within the symbol of our Chalice.

 May 16, 2010
Prayer, New Accessible Formats
Rev. Phil Schulman

If you think that prayer means asking the big daddy in the sky for special favors, then you haven't paid attention to the prayers being said in UU congregations. Come hear how this powerful spiritual tool is being understood by an array of religious liberals.

 May 9, 2010
Mother, Venerable Teacher
Rev. Phil Schulman

The job of mother is arguably the hardest and most important job in the world, and many moms wouldn't trade it for anything. This Sunday we will celebrate Mother's Day by remembering the venerable tradition of motherhood. We will look at motherhood in the light of faith and spirituality.

 May 2, 2010
How Love Brought Back the Flowers - a Beltane Story
Susanna Hill and Tracy Cook

Love and spring time is celebrated in many ways around the world. One way is the Maypole Dance. On Sunday, May 2, we will share a new perspective on this very ancient tradition. Susanna Hill and Tracy Cook, two members of our congregation, will present a play and music to welcome the season. Following the service, we will have a Maypole Dance!

 April 25, 2010
One Planet-One People
Lucia Bettler

After the long Winter, the Earth is straining to be born. The trees are a symbol of our life on earth...as they begin to leaf out and become shaded homes once again for the creatures of air and branch. We are also blossoming and being reborn with the coming of Spring... as we strive to find our interconnected place on this planet.

 April 18, 2010
Peace in the Middle East; What's It to Us?
Rev. Phil Schulman

Can UUs have any voice or influence in matters facing the Middle East? We are Peace lovers. Is peace even a possibility for Israel and Palestinians? Is it any of our business? What do our values and our faith ask of us with regard to this ongoing conflict?

 April 11, 2010
Pulling on the Strands
Christian Schmidt

We're all connected. That's what our seventh principle is all about, right? So what would happen if we lived our lives like we really believed that was true, that every one of our actions affects everything else? We will take a look at this way of living.

 April 4, 2010
The Magic of Worship and Ritual: The Flower Communion
Cheryl Perry

How our gatherings and ritual practices bring us to the present moment and increase our spiritual awareness.
Please bring some flowers to share.

 March 28, 2010
The Garden of Eden in Reverse: Advancing Economic Justice
Dana Ashrawi

With the economic crisis continuing to impact people, jeopardizing our well-being, now is a fitting time to do something about economic justice. Liberal Religion challenges the idea that all the world's evil resides in a supernatural being, or even that a person can be defined as an evil being. We see evil in the structures and systems that prevent people from actualizing their best selves and keep us out of right relation with all of creation. Our call as a Liberal Religious community is to work to transform these structures. Come learn how to help write the Garden of Eden story in reverse!
Justice Sunday, an event coordinated annually by the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, is an exciting opportunity to lift up an important human rights issue, learn more about it, and be inspired to act! By participating in Justice Sunday, our congregation is joining hands with other UU congregations across the country to promote justice.
Dana is a third generation UU who can claim the anti-slavery activist Unitarian minister Rev. Theodore Parker as part of her family tree, is Chair of NWCUUC Faith in Action, and was recently selected to join the national Board of UUs for Justice in the Middle East.

 March 21, 2010
World Community and UU Faith
Rev. Phil Schulman

UUs deeply value efforts to promote world community with liberty and justice for all. Is this religious concern or simply political? Religion has so often been the cause of division, oppression and strife. Yet the major traditions have also beckoned humanity to a compassionate awareness of its unity. In what ways does UU faith inform and challenge us to be members of a world community? What does it mean for us practically and personally?

 March 14, 2010
Is Sexuality Education Religious Education?
Katy Carpman

From the day we are born to the day that we die, we are all sexual beings. Unitarian Universalists (partnered with the United Church of Christ) hold this to be true, and thus we provide fact-based, principle-based sexuality education for all ages. Come learn more about the Our Whole Lives (OWL) program and see human sexuality education as far more than plumbing lessons!
Katy is the Religious Education Director of the Unitarian Fellowship of Houston. The OWL program is offered in several versions for different age groups. An OWL class for adults was the subject of an article in the June 2009 issue of the magazine O, The Oprah Magazine, at http://www.oprah.com/relationships/Adult-Sex-Education.

 March 7, 2010
Evolving Consciousness
Linda Eastburn

Linda Eastburn began her profession as a health intuitive after many successful years as an entrepreneur in the field of real estate. Her success allowed her to pursue her first love, the connection between mind and spirit. Today she is a world-renowned intuitive, instructor, and author. She is a certified hypnotherapist, with a nationwide clientele. She is the author of the acclaimed book, Riding the Intuitive Wave, Listening to What Your Body Already Knows. Linda hosted the internationally broadcast radio show Anomalies, and has been a guest on various national radio broadcasts. Linda is the founder of Intuitive Care, a line of distant learning courses. She is certified as a continuing education instructor for nurses on the health benefits of intuition. Today she has students around the globe learning to use their intuitive abilities in work, personal healing, and self-understanding.
Linda’s message will be on evolving consciousness. Humankind's evolution is always responding to environmental influence. Intuition will either be part of this or it will die out. As a health intuitive she will show the value of using this primal from of communication with the direction of our more evolved reasoning intellect.

 February 28, 2010
Why Can’t I Just Wallow in the Mud?
Tracy Cook

Sometimes we fall down, and sometimes we are pushed. We know we are supposed to just pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start down our path again. But what if we land in a mud puddle, and things don’t just brush off? Or what about those times when it feels good to wallow in the mud?! What then? Come in, listen, and if you wish, share your thoughts during Corner Forum. Tracy is President of the Board of the Northwest Community Unitarian Universalist Church and has completed the Dwight Brown Leadership Experience course.

 February 21, 2010
Love Makes a Family (Thrive)
Rev. Phil Schulman

Come hear some good news about the changing picture of American family structure. We will celebrate that families come in many shapes and sizes.
My title and blurb above are intended to challenge fundamentalist assumptions of what a family "should" look like. If you would like to help me spotlight positive changes (or challenges) please email me your thoughts, stories or questions regarding the changing picture of family life in the 21st century.
I'd especially appreciate hearing from single parents, blended families, adoptive or foster families. What does your family look like? What's been good about being that way? What's been difficult about it? (include how your family has been treated) What do you wish everyone would remember? What would you like to never hear again? What would you like to hear or see? PLEASE reflect and comment. Educate me, share your stories, conclusions, questions, concerns, ...
I will be happy to keep private any information that you share with me, if you let me know that is your wish.
BTW, whether you appreciate or regret these social changes, your input is much appreciated. I trust that we can present our doubts and concerns respectfully. I trust that we can engage in compassionate dialogue. I know that we can be open minded and hearted, that we can support learning and growth together.
Let's hear from UU!

 February 14, 2010
Born To Love
Rev. Patti Henry

We love because it is the only true adventure.
--Nikki Giovanni
The most powerful energy on the planet is love. Let us find ways to hook into it and live in it. Let us find ways to use our right of conscience and the democratic process to use love to heal the world. Let us come to church on Valentine’s Day to hear psychotherapist and author Patti Henry speak about the necessity of loving in order to fully experience our highest selves, both individually and collectively.

 February 7, 2010
One UU's Take on Racism
Tom Parker

UUs have a long history of taking a stand against racism and some acts are clearly and egregiously racist. But what about the grey areas, the more challenging aspects of racism we deal with both publicly and privately? Is racism ever justified? How does racism manifest itself in your life? To what extent are you a racist? Join us as Tom Parker addresses these and other questions and gives us his take on what UUs can do.

 January 31, 2010
Music Communion
Joanna Crawford

Music has long been a part of religious ritual and always been a part of community. In addition to the talented musicians of NWCUUC sharing their gifts, we invite all to share their musical taste. Please bring either a "mix CD" of your favorite songs or a CD that has special meaning for you. Like our flower communion, these CDs will be gathered together so that everyone may take a different CD than they brought, to take home and enjoy.

 January 24, 2010
The Stories We Tell About Meaning
David R. Throop

David Throop is a local UU who will be presenting the talk on January 24th.

 January 17, 2010
Transforming Pain to Power and Peace
Rev. Phil Schulman

Often we arrange our world to try to avoid things that trigger our pain. It ends up blocking us from embracing live's deep joy and fulfillment. As we begin a new year, let's consider some ways to make peace with the events or parts of ourselves we would lke to banish. When we come home to ourselves, we will find freedom and unleash our creative power.

 January 10, 2010
A Spiritual Solution for Every Problem
Rev. Phil Schulman

As we begin a new year, let's consider putting this horse before our cart. What is our spirituality and how could we use it for the basis to face all of life's challenges?

 January 3, 2010
Meet Me in Baggage Claim
Rita Cusack and Joanna Crawford

Here's two New Year's Resolutions :In one year, I will be a better person.  In one year the world will be a better place because of something I did.  

Sounds great but what's the first step?  First step unpacking some baggage-those things that hold us back from becoming the person we want to be.  Come join us as we - literally - burn through those things we wish to get rid of, to make space for what we want to acquire.

 December 27, 2009
Help! Why won't someone help me?
Earle Canfield

Ever get the feeling that we are dangling on the end of a rope and someone on top keeps throwing money over the cliff to help us climb back up! Well, you aren't the only one! What we really need is someone to grab hold of the rope and pull us back on to solid ground. Let's stop wasting our time and money, and start doing something effective. Lessons from Nepal.

 December 20, 2009
Still No Room at the Inn?
Rev. Phil

Are we so resentful of what has been done in his name, that we close our hearts and our eyes to the miracle of the Christmas spirit that emerges this time of year? Yes ye religious liberals, verily I say unto you, "prepare him room." Hint: If getting stuck on literalism is making you a Scrooge, it's not religious liberalism.

 December 13, 2009
Lessons and Carols, a Holiday Celebration
NWCUUC Worship Team

December is one of the most festive times to be a Unitarian Universalist. We have what A. Powell Davies referred to as the “privilege of the illimitable mind” – we get to celebrate and find value in all the holidays of the season. Come see why, when a UU says, “Happy Holidays” it really means something!

 December 6, 2009
The Battle for Christmas
Joanna Fontaine Crawford, UU Seminarian

There has been talk in the past few years about the “War on Christmas.” However, if you look at the history of Christmas in the United States, you’ll discover that the reality is different than some would want you to believe. Make no mistake – this is a subversive holiday, highly influenced by Unitarian Universalists. In fact, without Unitarians and Universalists, Christmas as we currently know it wouldn’t even exist!

 November 29, 2009
Bread Communion
Rev. Phil Schulman

Whether you were with your family or not for Thanksgiving, finish out this holiday weekend with us. Come back or enter into our spiritual community, and we'll break bread. Phil will talk about the miracle of leavening, and we will reflect upon what we are baking in our lives, and what is rising in the world.

 November 22, 2009
The Church's One True Foundation
Bil Cusack

Ever wonder what it is that really makes things continue? What is it that we could never do without?" Inspired by sermon given by Dr. Web Kitchell many years back at First Unitarian Houston, Bil Cusack delves into this rich topic.

 November 15, 2009
Planting Seeds of Soul: The Seed of Self-Knowledge
Rev. Anthony David

In Jonathan Haidt’s book The Happiness Hypothesis, he writes, “Suppose you read about a pill that you could take once a day to reduce anxiety and increase your contentment. Would you take it? Suppose further that the pill has a great variety of side effects, all of them good: increased self-esteem, empathy, and trust; it even improves memory. Suppose, finally, that the pill is all natural and costs nothing. Now would you take it? The pill exists. It is meditation.” Let’s take a look. It’s right in line with what Thoreau once urged, “we must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake.”

 November 8, 2009
Sacred Space
Del Gault

This service will explore Art, Architecture, and Sacred Spaces from around the globe. We will be including other faith traditions in our discussions of Sacred Spaces. After the services, there will be a discussion of the similarities shared in all faith traditions. This will include ideas about our interactions with the Divine, beyond the Western (Judeo-Christian) perspectives we traditionally hold. Come and stretch your spirituality with us!

 November 1, 2009
Mountains of the Bible
Del Gault

"Mountains of the Bible" will include exploration of the physical landscape mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. The physical landscape will be our background for a liberal interpretation of Moses and Jesus as main lawgivers in the Bible.

 October 25, 2009
To Dream the Impossible Dream
Lucia Bettler

Honor, nobility of spirit, idealism---all qualities related to justice, equity and compassion in our lives.  These are eternal themes in literature, drama and song.  It's not easy being human, not always easy having compassion for others when we are struggling ourselves with the complexities of life.  Join Lucia Bettler as she shares her vision of what it is that keeps us awake and alive to one another in these challenging times.

 October 18, 2009
A New Religious Identity
Rev. Phil Schulman

Our living tradition continues to change. Do you? A generation ago people came to us charged with negative energy about the religions they had left behind. We called ourselves religious liberals but often the religious part was missing. Today the people knocking on our doors are hungry for spirituality and alternatives to fundamentalism and market place culture. Being a religious liberal takes effort, but yields rewards. Are you willing to grow with our faith?

 October 11, 2009
Remembering, Letting Go, Starting Fresh
Rev. Phil Schulman

Last month Rev Phil shared with us the Jewish high holiday tradition, known as the Days of Awe. We were asked to reflect upon the past year, our moral victories as well as the ways that we fell short of being the UUs we want to be. Today we will complete the process remember, let go, put the past behind us and start fresh.

 October 4, 2009
To Dwell Together In Peace
Christina Branum-Martin

The task of peacemaking is arduous for governments, communities and individuals. Ghandi said “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Yet it takes practice to become the person we each aspire to be.
Christina Branum-Martin is 4th year seminary student at Meadville-Lombard Theological School in Chicago. She is in a non-resident student and lives here in Houston during her studies.
She shares her life with her husband and 9 year old daughter.

 September 27, 2009
The Semantics of Religious Language: Transcribing the World to Our UU Perspective
Julian Moore

You say tomato, I say tomahto... should we call the whole thing off? Of course not.

Although we may see the same thing, we might call it by different names. For instance, some languages such as Spanish use the word Dios for God, Arabic uses the word Allah for God and others to describe The Divine or Supreme Being might call it by another name.

Unfortunately it isn't always as easy in one's own language. It is our abstract concepts of faith and our attempt to attach words to describe them that can often times create tension, misunderstanding and dismissal of growth opportunities.

Join us as we delve into the different aspects of religious speak and how honing our ability to transcribe the faith language of others will help us grow as UUs.

 September 20, 2009
Days of Awe
Rev. Phil Schulman

The Jewish high holy days are a time of reflection, remembering, making amends and letting go in order to enter at-one-ment with the source of life, with our neighbors and our self. Come home to the land of your soul where life begins anew.

 September 13, 2009
What's a UU?
John Hammer, Rita Cusack, Susanna Hill

Based on a service given at First UU Church of Albuquerque, our ensemble of speakers address in a snappy informative way what Unitarian Universalism is and what Unitarian Universalists do.

 September 6, 2009
Beyond Tolerance
Susanna Hill

Inspired by Rev. Marlin Lavanhar’s sermon, Susanna delves into what tolerance means for a Unitarian Universalists. Are there limits to tolerance? Are we really as tolerant as we think we are? And is tolerance the goal, or merely a step in the right direction?

 August 30, 2009
You Are Loved!
Joanna Crawford

You are surrounded by love – do you recognize it? Do you realize how much? As humans, we have both a need to give love and receive love. As Unitarian Universalists, we say that “love is the spirit” of our church. What do we do with this love? What is the real power of the love within? And if we want more love in our lives, where do we find it?

 August 23, 2009
Cheryl Perry and Rita Cusack

A Homecoming and Water Ceremony
Cheryl Perry and Rita Cusack will lead a worship service celebrating our summer travels and homecoming. Bring a bit of water (real or symbolic) representing a place of spiritual significance so that we may once again come together through the water communion ceremony.

 August 16, 2009
The Power of Positive Feeling
Rev. Phil Schulman

Much has been written about positive thinking and visualization. The missing piece for nurturing our souls and healing the world may lie with our feelings. Bring us your tired weary spirits, bring us your contentment or your excitement. Together in our sanctuary of acceptance, we will sing a new song to creation.

 August 9, 2009
The Art of Being Hip Hop
DJ Sama'an and Friends

Popular culture has everything to do with the way that each new young generation communicates with itself and about itself. Hip hop has been around for more than one new young generation, but continues to evolve and become more and more meaningful to people across the planet. Come to this sermon to find out what the hip hop culture has to tell us about spirituality and how it relates to the UU faith. Be prepared to hear some good beats and to move around as you are willing and able.

 August 2, 2009
Ware Lecture 2009: Faith and Reason: Race, Justice, and American Political Life
Rita Cusack

Associate Professor of Politics and African American Studies at Princeton University, Melissa Harris-Lacewell, this year's Ware Lecturer, challenged us to pause in the moment of American racial transformation and ask about how faith and reason can guide our politics toward more just ends. We Americans do use religious and rational justifications for democratic processes, policy directions, and political goals. In fact, in many ways the American state is the God figure in our nation's civic religion. But the realities of black life in America have historically served to challenge the American project in both moral and secular realms.

 July 26, 2009
The Four Spiritualities
Michelle French

What is the type of spirituality that feeds you? Rational Mind? Spiritual Mind? Service? Love? Come join us as we learn from this not-to-be-missed sermon, written and first delivered by Rev. Anthony David, today pulpiteered by Michelle French.

 July 19, 2009
Talkin' Theology
Christian Schmidt

Guest speaker Christian Schmidt will give the world's fastest introduction to theology, tell you why you should care, and then discuss a basic theological framework that UUs (yes, all of us) can agree on. Also, there will be a play, and you'll love it!

 July 12, 2009
Urgency, Reaction and Faith
Rev. Phil Schulman

How often are we in a reactive mode, seeing things we don't like and railing against them? How often do we proceed from a song, dream or vision that arises in us, and stroll gently down the path toward fulfillment. Can we learn to act more often from our faith than from fear?

 July 5, 2009
A Fifth of July
John Hammer

There’s a lot to embrace this Independence Day -- a country of rebels, heretics, and other visionaries! Join us as we celebrate the United States of America through music and word.

 June 28, 2009
Into the Spiritual Groove
Nadine Morandi & Ecstatic Dance Houston

Gently awaken the body and spirit through sound and movement.
Allowing the vibrations and rhythms to move you and move through you facilitates subtle changes to body, mind and spirit. Come and experience the joy of a community in motion.

 June 21, 2009
A Little Thing Called Love
Rita Cusack

In Love's Garden there is beauty and growth but there are also weeds and thorns. How do we continue to do this thing called love and when loving gets tough? Together we will delve into the hard truths about love and what keeps us going.

 June 14, 2009
Good Lives For Dads
Rev. Phil Schulman

Males are deeply conditioned into an orientation of dominance. We end up dominating and forcing ourselves to buck up and get with the program. Can dads learn to influence themselves and their children with ease, love and cooperation? Can men movefrom inspiration with less perspiration?  As a gift to fathers, let's support and encourage them to lead lives more deeply connected to children, community and faith.

 June 7, 2009
RE Year in Review
Kim Wickwire

It’s been a wonderful year as we explored Michael Josephson’s Pillars of Character through an interage, rotational model of religious education. Join us for skits and songs that illustrate what we’ve learned.

 May 31, 2009
The Thawing of God's Frozen People
Rev. Phil Schulman

UU Congregational life has been growing beyond the bounds of our English Protestant history and culture. We are are embracing multicultural spirituality and learning to express our Principles and Purposes in new and exciting ways. Come experience it.

 May 24, 2009
Memorial Sunday Remembrance Service
Joanna Fontaine Crawford

On this Memorial Sunday, we gather to remember those who have given their lives in military service to our country. Please join us in honoring their memory.

 May 17, 2009
Laura Emerson

Leviticus: Its most widely cited verse is used to condemn homosexuality, but since it is one of the most boring books in the Bible, few people know what the other thousands of verses say about the time and place, so long ago and far away, in which this book was written. If the rest of Leviticus were similarly applied to contemporary discourse, football wouldn't be an American pastime, fashion wouldn't be much of an industry, and agriculture wouldn't support as large a population. If you were to draft such a detailed book for UUs, what would it include?

 May 10, 2009
Flower Communion + Mother’s Day
Rita Cusack, Tracy Cook, Susanna Hill

Flowers are a symbol of all things which unite us with each other and with the eternal order of the Universe. In our Flower Communion this year, we will celebrate the beauty of the flowers, the beauty of those who are touching our lives now and the beauty of those who have touched our lives along our life’s journey. As we gather together for our Flower Communion on Mother’s Day this year, we will also be celebrating the sacredness of Motherhood.
We ask that you bring a flower that represents someone, female or male, who has Mothered you on your life’s journey. This could be someone who has nurtured you or whose wisdom guided you or whose love gave you the strength to move forward.
If you are so moved, you also may bring an object or a picture to place on the altar that represents the beautiful soul who has mothered you.

 May 3, 2009
I Want My Maypole
Rev. Phil Schulman

Long before Judaism and Christianity emerged, Pagan, Wiccan, Goddess religions and indigenous cultures honored, celebrated and discovered an awesome, sacred and transcendent mystery in nature. Let's celebrate Beltane together. It's a Gaelic and Pagan holiday invoking and acknowledging fertility. What in your life needs spawning? What didn't make it through the winter, that needs to be cleared away in order to make room for new life? We'll look to the marvels of nature in Spring. Wanted: dancers for the Maypole.

 April 26, 2009
Taking a Bet on the Truth
David R Throop

'The search for truth is our sacrament. And service is its prayer.' We are called to action, based on the truths we know. But there's a catch. Revelation isn't finished - tomorrow may prove today's truths to be partial, provisional. Or just wrong. Our free churches have struggled with the question ever since the Pilgrims -- How do act boldly, faithfully, given that we might be in error? This Sunday, we look back to our Unitarian roots to learn how UU's serve with confidence even as we walk in doubt.

 April 19, 2009
What Every Religious Liberal Should Know About the Bible: The Book of Revelation
Laura Emerson

To engage in contemporary religious discussions, we, as UUs, need to be familiar with references in the Bible, as read from a religious liberal perspective. So what do you know about "end of the world" references you may hear from friends, relatives, and coworkers, including the point that Bellaire, TX has the "devil's number" because the prefix is "666." What does the Book of Revelation actually say, and significantly, what is NOT in there? Does a well meaning loved one fear for your afterlife? Attend this service for a UU response.

 April 12, 2009
An Easter Melody

Come join us as we celebrate Spring, Solstice, Rebirth, Easter – in music. Easter bonnets optional!

 April 5, 2009
Rev. Patti Henry

Aretha Franklin is just asking for a little respect for women. Author and psychotherapist, Patti Henry, is talking to us on April 5 about gaining a little of that respect for yourself. Inspired by women who have made a difference, Patti will share with us how you, too, can make a difference in the world by following the light within.

 March 29, 2009
Faith in the Unitarian Universalist Church
Rev. Eric Posa

Ours is a rational religion, and many within our churches hesitate to describe UUism as a "faith." We'll consider a way of viewing faith as fully consistant with Unitarian Universalism, and also reflect on what faith has to do with trust.

Rev. Eric Posa serves the UU Church of the Brazos Valley in College Station. He lives in Bryan with his wife, Suzi.

 March 22, 2009
Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Or “So What’s the Good News About Unitarian Universalism and Why/How Should I Spread It?”  Joanna will testify, exhort you to evangelize, discuss Holy Spirit and even give some tips about getting through those “What do you believe?” conversations.


Jennifer Armentrout had to cancel due to a family emergency.  Our prayers go out to her and her family.

 March 15, 2009
Becoming Trustworthy People
Sermon by Rev. Tom Owen-Towle, pulpiteered by Allan Perkins

The basic task of all religion is to reaffirm the first relationship of trust between mother and child. Easier said than done, nonetheless crucial in the shaping of our personal and social worlds. This sermon, delivered by Rev. Owen-Towle last June at the UU Fellowship of San Dieguito addresses the trust we need in each other to grow as individuals and as a congregation.

 March 8, 2009
Craving the White Space
Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Sometimes, it’s just too much. Too many activities, too much clutter, too much stuff. Sometimes, what we crave is a little bit of emptiness … room in our schedule just to daydream, room in our bookcases for future reads, room in our heads for new thoughts.

Come get motivated to get rid of the literal and metaphorical clutter that you no longer love or that no longer serves you well. Empty cardboard boxes will be provided.

 March 1, 2009
Love is the Spirit
Sermon by Rev. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister, pulpiteered by Rob Barreda

What is the purpose of church? Different people have different ideas – in this sermon, delivered at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma on February 1, 2009, Rev. Lavanhar pulls together the disparate ideas, arguing that love helps us in our business of “creating spiritually mature people.”

 February 22, 2009
It's the Best Day Ever
Mary K. Isaacs

Spongebob Squarepants seems an unlikely spiritual guide, but he has some important lessons to offer about hard work, loyalty, living in the moment, and - especially - caring. I mentioned the Spongebob idea in a sermon last year and multiple people have requested it since ... its time has arrived! Come join me to explore what we can seriously learn from this comical little guy.

 February 15, 2009
The History of Religion, The Musical
Cheryl Perry

Come join us for our second play directed by Cheryl Perry as she covers The History of Religion, from the Big Bang to the Second Coming as only the Unitarian Universalists can tell it!

 February 8, 2009
The Heart of the Matter is Love"
Lucia Bettler

Many spiritual traditions speak of kindness and love...that deep caring that comes from the depth of our souls. In our world today there are many inspiring stories about how people dig deep and step forward to help individuals in need. We must live with open hands and hearts even when it is difficult. Join Lucia today to explore how "loving kindness" lives in all of us......and how we can help one another to keep it flowing into our changing world.

 February 1, 2009
Turn The Tables, or Turn The Other Cheek?
Rev. Chuck Freeman

Like all of you, Chuck has been observing candidate and now President Obama in his style of engagement and early governing strategies.  Freshly back from broadcasting and blogging at the Inauguration Chuck will distill practical spiritual lessons from Mr. Obama's words and deeds.  What can we glean from President Obama that can help us be better UU's, citizens and human beings?

 January 25, 2009
You Can't Rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd
Katy Carpman

In 1966, Roger Miller explained that "Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to" --How can we choose happiness? Is it really as simple as "Knuckle down, buckle down, do it, do it, do it"? How can a change in personal outlook help each of us to change the world?

 January 18, 2009
Martin Walked So Barack Could Run
Joanna Fontaine Crawford

January 19 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and January 20, the first African-American citizen will be sworn is as President of the United States. This is a time of pride and hope for many who have worked for civil rights, but they are quick to point out that there is still much work to be done. What steps do we take now that will affect people 45 years from now?

 January 11, 2009
The Fulcrum and the Snow Ball: Overturning the Caste System in Nepal
Earle Canfield

This time last year I visited NWCUUC and talked about the power of our deeds (Karma); I talked about how personally fulfilling it has been in my life and in the lives of our sponsors. Such a deed gives blighted children a chance to blossom: to go to school, attend college, attain careers, and to break the poverty cycle their families had been entrapped for generations. However, the power of Karma is not evident in simply transforming people individually, but it can gather momentum and transform an entire society. Malcolm Gladwell's book The Tipping Point shows how this transformation can happen overnight: how epidemics begin, fads and fashions take off, and a freshman senator from Illinois can become President. Today's sermon reveals how ANSWER is not just educating a few hundred children, but it is undermining the deeply ingrained caste system in Nepal. The conditions are ripe, the ball is gathering speed, and the balance is about to tip to bring about a social revolution that may bring real opportunity and true democracy to millions on the subcontinent.
ANSWER: In 2001, after enrolling a little street girl in a high-caste school and witnessing her amazing progress in three short years, Earle, his wife Mary Jane, and Som, a native hospital worker in Nepal began talking about starting an organization ANSWER to educate disadvantaged children. As more and more children became enrolled and excelled, it became clear that these students needed to go on to college and break the poverty cycle. About 3 years ago, we wanted our students to do more than simply contribute to family wealth, but to model themselves on the generosity of their sponsors and give back to society as a whole. Now that our students are graduating as businessmen, nurses and other health professionals from the lowest castes, a social reformation is in the offing.

 January 4, 2009
2009: Year of Hope or year of Crises?
Rita Cusack

Pity the news-addicted, so many messages of gloom and doom! Every episode has the latest bad news with the inference that if you haven't been defeated yet, you soon will be. Contrast that to the message of the presidential election; "Hope and Change". Now is the time for all good men to... sort out what really matters (again). Please join us in this annual "Housekeeping for the Soul" service.

 December 28, 2008
The Center of the Holidays

This Sunday falls between Christmas & New Years.  It is both a time of rest after the holiday hustle-bustle, & anticipation of beginning a new year.

 December 24, 2008
Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

The 12th annual Traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve service.

 December 21, 2008
A Very Festive Season

Certain songs & stories make up a common heritage that we share & form much of the framework for how we view the holidays.

 December 14, 2008
The Joy of Giving

Presented by Children's Religious Education

 December 7, 2008
A Christmas Story: A Man Named Charlie
Teri Massengale

A true Xmas story about the mystery & sacredness of life & death as shared by individuals whose paths just happened to cross.

 November 30, 2008
Breaking Bread Together

Thanksgiving Sunday - Bring a loaf of bread typical of your heritage or your upbringing to share as we give thanks for the blessings in our lives.

 November 23, 2008
Unitarian Universalism & the Working Class
Tom Parker

Do we surrender the working class to conservative religion? Should we attempt to broaden our appeal to include more of the working class?

 November 16, 2008
Good Grace: Sharing Your Blessings
Lucia Bettler

Lucia will share some of the challenges, inspirations & miracles that have come her way, & encourage us to continue to solve our problems with gratitude, creative thinking & hope.

 November 9, 2008
Growing Our Spirit … Together
Joe Sullivan

In recognition of Association Sunday 2008, we will explore our ways of denominational connection & how together UU congregations grow in spirit & become effective in our work in the world.

 November 2, 2008
Why a Nice Jewish Boy does Interfaith Work!
Elliot Gershenson

There has never been a time … that people of good will have [not] needed to come together in a sign of unity and peace.

 October 26, 2008
Practice, Practice, Practice
Cheryl Marshall

A review of our 7 principles and renewal of our covenant of mutual love & support

 October 19, 2008
Teri Massengale

Responsibility, one of Michael Josephson's "Six Pillars of Character."  Teri talks about its deeper meaning in U U'ism

 October 12, 2008
"The Land of Enough" by Cecilia Kingman Miller
Geoff Sanders

Award winning sermon asks "How can we possibly practice generosity and a belief in abundance amidst a barrage of scarcity?"

 October 5, 2008
Are You Preparing to Fail?
Christian Schmidt

Why is it so easy to fail to prepare ourselves for spiritual growth?

 September 28, 2008
The Evolution of God
Marti Nelson-Frazier

Exploration of words and effort to find common ground to better understand & respect all religions & the people who practice them

 September 21, 2008
Satirical Songs
Roy Zimmerman

What's funny about war, poverty, ignorance, bigotry, neo-conservatism, homophobia, greed, lust & fear?

 September 14, 2008
Hurricane Ike

Church without electricity for three weeks!

 September 7, 2008
Sacred Spaces
Rob Barreda

Exploring the idea of where one finds peace, respite, safety & the spiritual

 August 31, 2008
Humanist Spirituality
Tracy Cook

DVD presentation by Rev. Christine Robinson: What it means to be a Humanist & how Humanists can live a life rich in spiritual practices

 August 24, 2008
Water Communion
Rita Cusack

Sharing of actual and symbolic water from everyone's summer travels

 August 17, 2008
Got Vision?
Tom Parker

Sermon by Rev. Marlin Lavanhar, All Souls Unitarian Church, Tulsa, presented by Tom Parker

 August 10, 2008
It Matters Most What We Love
Susanna Hill

Sermon by Rev. Alice Blair Wesley, First Parish Norwell UU Church, Norwell, MA, presented by Susanna Hill

 August 3, 2008
Drawing from Our Six Sources
Tracy Cook

Overview of UU's Six Sources

 July 27, 2008
Christine Robinson

DVD of Rev. Christine Robinson of 1st Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, a church w/ 700+ members & 200 children

 July 20, 2008
Unitarian Universalist Theology
Katy Carpman

Examination of rich UU history & "what Rebecca Parker (Pres. Of Starr King School for Ministry) calls our 'theological house.'"

 July 13, 2008
Living in Covenant
Eric Posa

Our Unitarian Universalist tradition has a 400-year long heritage of affirming the importance of covenants over creeds.

 July 6, 2008
Interdependence Day
Marti Nelson-Frazier

Marti w/ Tracy Cook: Although Uus are often recognized individuals w/ a strong sense of personal identity, we also need t work together to achieve common goals.

 June 29, 2008
The Business of the Church
John Pepper

Ideas to explore on how to grow & build YOUR church

 June 22, 2008
Magic, Deeds, & Universalism
Ken Vincent

Afterlife in the World's Religions. A 3-layer view of how people-both ancient & modern-have viewed Afterlife.

 June 15, 2008
Father's Day
Rob Barreda

Celebrating Father's Day & reflecting on the meaning of the holiday, the meaning of fatherhood

 June 8, 2008
The Spirit of Unitarian Universalism
Teri Massengale

I have been accused of being a UU evangelist … because I love all the facets of this great religion & take every opportunity to share my enthusiasm.

 June 1, 2008
The Children's R.E. Experience
Kim Wickwire

Bridging ceremony & lessons learned by students & teachers this year

 May 25, 2008
What Have We Done for Our Veterans? Then & Now
Allan Perkins

A contemplation of the sacrifices made by our military personnel & what they want.

 May 18, 2008
A Tale of Two Meetings
Margaret Anderson

Tips for effective communications by a Harvard-trained negotiator

 May 11, 2008
Mother's Gift

Several church members share how their mothers influenced those values as we celebrate Mothers Day

 May 4, 2008
Flower Communion
Tracy Cook

Share our individual gifts, and celebrate the beauty of our community

 April 27, 2008
Thoreau: Our Hapless Prophet
Laura Emerson

Take a lesson or two from one of our more famous & multi-faceted Unitarians.

 April 20, 2008
A Feast of Flowers-Gifts from the Earth
Lucia Bettler

Learn to listen to the many ways in which our beloved planet communicates with us…and also shows us the goodness & abundance the Creator showers on us.

 April 13, 2008
Universalism Today
Kalen Fristad

Reflections of a Traveling Universalist

 April 6, 2008
Forget Serious
Woody Forrieter

Seriousness is often touted as a virture, but there is way too much seriousness - it's an epidemic

 March 30, 2008
We Can Be Heroes
Cheryl Perry

Look into the eyes of your family members, neighbors and friends and find the hero waiting there for the right moment to surface and save the world.

 March 23, 2008
How One Can Be a Christian Without Believing
Paul Looney

Easter.  How One Can Be a Christian Without Believing in the Virgin Birth Nor the Infallibility of the Bible.

 March 16, 2008
Joanna Crawford

Experience Hallelujah in work and song with Joanna Crawford and Bil Cusack

 March 9, 2008
Karma is a Funny Thing
Earle Canfield

This multimedia presentation centers on how our actions not only have an impact on others, buy on ourselves as well.

 March 2, 2008
Joy & Laughter
Christina Webb

Christina is a spiritual teacher at Unity Church of Christianity in Houston. A charismatic and heartfelt speaker.

 February 24, 2008
Remembering Gandhi
Rev. Patti Henry

Following the 60th anniversary of Gandhi's assassination on Jan. 30th, let us be reminded of his teachings and his light

 February 17, 2008
Present Moment; Wonderful Moment
Phyllis Hubbell

Revs. Phyllis Hubbell & John Manwell of the 1st Unitarian Church of Baltimore tell how we might find depth & meaning in all our moments

 February 10, 2008
John Milton & his Unitarian Sympathies
Deborah Rogers

The Blind Leading the Blind or How do I get to the 'War in Heaven'?  How this 17c. Poet can inspire us to move forward in social justice

 February 3, 2008
Moderation: One Way to Discover the Happy Medium
Don Levit

You may be surprised what options the straight & narrow path may open for you

 January 27, 2008
What the World Needs Now
Jack Segal

Rabbi Segal is a national speaker, author, radio show host and entertainer

 January 20, 2008
This I Believe
Allan Perkins

Inspired by the NPR Radio Show

 January 13, 2008
A Voice for Justice
Paul Anderson

Paul's amazing encounter with his Homeowner's Assn.

 January 6, 2008
New Beginnings
Rita Cusack

Bil & Rita look at where we've been and where we're going

 December 30, 2007
Coffee and Conversation

Informal service with opportunity for thought-provoking, thought-sharing good time

 December 23, 2007
Jesus: What Does it all Mean?
Rev. Patti Henry

Story of Jesus and Christmas Carols

 December 16, 2007
The Holidays are Here by Our Religious Ed. Classes
Tracy Cook

Annual Holiday Program presented by R.E. Classes.  Also Congregational Meeting Day

 December 9, 2007
My Path to Dharma
Alok Kalia, MD

What the law of Karma really means and why Dr. Kalia chooses to live his life as if reincarnation exists

 December 2, 2007
On the Road to Amory
Chuck Freeman

How can we grow spiritually & emotionally with the deep mixed emotions evoked by family holiday time?

 November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving - Abundant Greatfulness
Lucia Bettler

How Can We Repay the Earth for All Her Goodness to Us?  This rich season is a wonderful time to be grateful for the precious life we share; for the sustenance the Earth gives us; for daily grace. It is also the time to stop hiding our light---we must be the light and love the world needs.

 November 18, 2007
The Mick Jagger Theory of Life
Kathi Appelt

Transformational experiences typically occur on a stroll along a beach or in the presence of a beautiful sunset or on the top of tall mountain. Can they also happen at a rock and roll concert? Why not? And what does Mick have to do with anything?

 November 11, 2007
The Interconnected Web of all Existence
Heloise Lynn

The UU search for truth and meaning is made manifest in different ways. All of us, consciously or unconsciously, are searching for truth and meaning, for from these, purpose usually arises.

 November 4, 2007
Turn the World Around
Gail Marriner

We all recognize our culture's broken-ness. The question is what can we as individuals and Unitarian Universalists do to change things and turn the world around?

 October 28, 2007
My Secret Journey
Margaret Anderson

Ms. Anderson, a persuasion trainer, discusses how the popular little book, The Secret, holds an important message for Uus

 October 21, 2007
Forgiving Life
Joanna Crawford

What does forgiveness mean to us, and how do we learn to forgive God, forgive others and perhaps most difficult, forgive ourselves?

 October 14, 2007
On Becoming More Awake
Rev. Patti Henry

UUA's first-ever Association Sunday. Development of our faith as well as our own personal development.

 October 7, 2007
A Thousand Lights for Peace
Atul Kothari

Mahatma Gandhi demonstrated to the world that nonviolent methods and Satyagraha (Holding to the Truth) can be used to bring about profound social change and lasting peace.  Mr. Kothari is Founder of Mahatma Gandhi Library.

 September 30, 2007
We are the Keepers of the Dream
Matt Tittle

This sermon compares Theodore Parker, M. L. King, Gandhi, and Jesus.

 September 23, 2007
Compassionate Communication
Bren Hardt

Bren Hardt is the Peace with Justice Coordinator for the Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church

 September 16, 2007
What's so funny about Unitarian Universalism?
Rev. Patti Henry

Fill in for Rev. Teri Massengale

 September 9, 2007
UU Home Companion
Cheryl Perry

An Old Fashioned Radio Show brought to you by the folks at WNWC radio featuring: Tom Parker as Strom Darker, private eye

 September 2, 2007
Peace Dancers
Sunshine Sydney

Dance creates Peace within Ourselves, Peace in our Communities, and Peace in our World

creates Peace within Ourselves, Peace in our Communities, this as we Dance Together!

 August 26, 2007
The Four Noble Truths
Jill Carroll

Dr. Carroll discusses these central truths of Buddhism & how they can transform our lives

 August 19, 2007
Homecoming Sunday & Water Ceremony
Rev. Patti Henry

Annual Service welcoming congregants & friends back from the summer & water service

 August 12, 2007
The Joy of Music
Bil Cusack

Exploring the wonderful way music plays a role in UU traditions

 August 5, 2007
Kurt Vonnegut, Religion & The Meaning of Life
Hallie Moore

Join Hallie Moore (half humanist, half believer in the Force) to ponder the seriousness of these thoughts together

 July 29, 2007
The Dangers of Religious Fundamentalism
Jan Brahms

Exploration of dictates & dangers of conservatism & literalistic viewpoints of religion

 July 22, 2007
How can the painting ever hope to know the painter
Mark Webber

A glimpse into the teachings of the Baha'I faith

 July 15, 2007
The God Dialog
Judy Bunch

w/ Bennie Grezlik: Dialogue between the God of the Old Testament & a new, improved model

 July 8, 2007
Tolerance? Acceptance? How are Your -isms?
Cheryl Marshall

Think about the UU dedication to diversity, prejudice and what we mean by "acceptance"

 July 1, 2007
Conversation and Coffee

Conversational service discussing topic of the day

 June 24, 2007
Summer Solstice
Lucia Bettler

Summer urges us to grow - it is the season of fullness & productivity on the earth.

 June 17, 2007
Low Self Esteem & Fatherhood-The Crucial Connection
Rev. Patti Henry

Fathers Day: Patti & Bob Pryor discuss how the "Father" figure in the family can be an instrument of support & healing to the child.

 June 10, 2007
Spiritual Transformation & Healing
Liz Steele

Spiritual truths that we can draw on during our most challenging nights of the soul

 June 3, 2007
A Safe Place for All
Russell Erwin

Several speakers sharing thoughts & experiences about the Welcoming Congregation workshops

 May 27, 2007
Flower Communion
Rev. Patti Henry

Celebrating nature' extravagance & humanity's oneness

 May 20, 2007
Life's Transitions (& Bridging)
Tracy Cook

Celebrate the continuing spiral of our children's Religious Education

 May 13, 2007
Mothering the Mother
Joanna Crawford

Motherhood - the largest sorority in the world.  Celebrate the sisterhood it engenders.

 May 6, 2007
NWCUUC Youth: How Paganism Relates to Unitarian Universlism

How pagan beliefs & rituals relate to the seven principles of Unitarianism

 April 29, 2007
Living a Peaceful Life in a Turbulent World
Glenda Taylor

Balancing pressures from many different & often conflicting aspects of our world-inner & outer.  Creative juggling, different ways of approaching & definng reality.

 April 22, 2007
Love Will Guide Us
Era Buck

Strategies for using love as a guiding priciple in our lives

 April 15, 2007
Medical Ethics & Loving Choices
Scott Medlin

Rev. Medlin talks about loving & living life to the fullest & medical ethics related to "dying with dignity."

 April 8, 2007
Easter Sermon
Rev. Patti Henry

Celebrate Easter! What we can glean from this miraculous story of death & resurrection

 April 1, 2007
UU Wisdom From Middle Earth
Margaret Anderson

Were Frodo & Gandalf among the first Unitarians?  Frodo's Fellowship used many UU traits to cope, traits that can supply us with comfort, direction, beauty, and even fun as we work towards a better world

 March 25, 2007
Idealism & the "Real" World
Chris Cusack

The role of idealism in world where things don't always seem so hopeful

 March 18, 2007
Rob Barreda

How UU Faith brings balance to ourselves & community, nation & world

 March 11, 2007
Musical Service (Date of AIDS Walk, 2007)
Mad Agnes

Eclectic mix of contemporary singer-songwriter material w/ influences of classical, Celtic, folk/rock, PDQ Bach, & a touch of street theatre

 March 4, 2007
Is the Free Church Really Free
Dr. Claudett Peterson

Is all the freedom we enjoy really free of charge?

 February 25, 2007
Spirituality and Atheism?
Marti Nelson-Frazier, Russell Erwin & Daniel Jackson

This discussion presented by three members of our church. We will be challenging the stereotype of the atheist and learning how atheists can have a moral grounding and look for meaning in life as well as having a sense of the sacred. Various scenarios regarding this topic will be explored offering different perspectives.

 February 18, 2007
Too Much Fear,Too Little Love
Rev. Patti Henry

What would it take to move from fear ruling our lives to love ruling our lives? Too often fear keeps us from becoming our best selves. It keeps us from loving others. It keeps us from being a healing force in the world. Inspired by Nelson Mandela and the work of The New Warrior Training, psychotherapist and author Patti Henry will share thoughts on why it is essential that love triumph -- and how we can make that happen.

 February 11, 2007
Belly Laughs
Joanna Crawford

Noted Unitarian Rev. A. Powell Davies once said, "When we see our own grotesqueries, how quaint we are, how droll our ambitions are, how comical we are in almost all aspects, we automatically become more sane, less self-centered, more humble, more wholesome. To laugh at ourselves, we have to stand outside ourselves - and that is an immense benefit."

grotesqueries, how quaint we are, how droll our ambitions are, how comical we are in almost all aspects, we automatically become more sane, less self-centered, more humble, more wholesome. To laugh at ourselves, we have to stand outside ourselves - and that is an immense Noted Unitarian Rev. A. Powell Davies once said, "When we see our own grotesqueries, how quaint we are, how droll our ambitions are, how comical we are in almost all aspects, we automatically become more sane, less self-centered, more humble, more wholesome. To laugh at ourselves, we have to stand outside ourselves - and that is an immense Noted Unitarian Rev. A. Powell Davies once said, "When we see our own grotesqueries, how quaint we are, how droll our ambitions are, how comical we are in almost all aspects, we automatically become more sane, less self-centered, more humble, more wholesome.

 February 4, 2007
Finding My Dharma
Alok Kalia, MD

By becoming a member of a Unitarian Universalist congregation, I asserted my right to search for my own truth, to take responsibility for my actions, and to control my own destiny.

 January 28, 2007
Eradicating World Poverty
Cheryl Perry

Congregational Mtg. w/ Dr. Karin A. Klieman: Eradicating World Poverty: What Can I Do As Only One? We are pleased to have Dr. Klieman, Associate Professor (Africa) from the University of Houston

Houston as our speaker. Associate Professor(Africa) from the University of Houston as our speaker.

 January 21, 2007
Legalizing Drugs To Heal Our World
Dean Becker


 January 14, 2007
Interfaith Lessons From the Qur'an
Mustafa Yigit

The theme of "Peace and Living Together" in Islam and its Holy book Qur'an

 January 7, 2007
On Being Intentional
Bil Cusack


 December 31, 2006
Take a Good Hard Look
Rev. Patti Henry

Encouraging us to get out of our denials and into integrity

 December 24, 2006
Conversation and Coffee

Conversation and Coffee in am; traditional Christmas service in pm

 December 17, 2006
'Tis the Season
Liz Steele

RE Holiday performance following service

 December 10, 2006
Singing for Her Sanity
Lu Mitchell

Congregational meeting following service

 December 3, 2006
Ann Baker

A sermon about when your child tells you he is gay

 November 26, 2006
A Brand New Canvas to Paint
Rev. Patti Henry

Embrace the new canvas you face each morning

 November 19, 2006
Lessons From the Russian Orthodox Church
Olga Pelecky

Life in Russia can be hard, but religion has helped the people to survive even the darkest times

 November 12, 2006
On Being Imperfect
Tracy Cook

We all do such a wonderful job of hiding our imperfections. We hide bulges, bumps, and wrinkles behind the latest fads. We hide our clutter behind closet doors and entire garages. We hide our feelings behind elaborate masks. But what are we missing? What have we lost, buried under so many layers? Come, take your seat, and learn how our imperfections can change the world!

 November 5, 2006
The Church of Personal Responsibility
Joanna Crawford

What is personal responsibility for a UU and how can we use it to live an authentic life filled with UU values?

 October 29, 2006
Day Of The Dead Celebration
Marti Nelson-Frazier


 October 22, 2006
Journey To Love
Woody Rae Forrieter


 October 15, 2006
A Time To Give, A Time To Receive
Rob Barreda


 October 8, 2006
The Inherent Worth and Dignity of Hitler?
Rev. Patti Henry

Figuring out difficult relationships

 October 1, 2006
The Language of Religion
Cheryl Marshall


 September 24, 2006
Conversation and Coffee

Speaker No-Show

 September 17, 2006
Autumn Equinox

A time to remember cycles, seasons, and the inevitability of change

 September 10, 2006
Reflections Post 9/11


 September 3, 2006
Conversation and Coffee

U-U Weekend

 August 27, 2006
21st Century: Living Crazy Busy
Rev. Patti Henry

The hurried life so many of us are trapped in

 August 20, 2006
Cheryl Perry

In this annual service, we welcome congregants and friends back from the summer and mark the beginning of the religious education year. Please bring your actual or symbolic sacred water collections from your summer travels to contribute to the water ceremony that is part of this traditional service.

 August 13, 2006
Omelet Spirituality
Bob Tucker

Spirituality is such an elusive term, taking on meanings that reflect the proclivity of each individual. For me, a large part of spirituality is our connection with the often difficult-to-articulate values, meanings and visions of our mortal lives. Attempting such articulation is an important part of our spirituality, as are the sermons we prepare and to which we listen.

 August 6, 2006
Faith in Action: How and Why to Grow our Congregation
Rob Barreda

For the Christian it is living a Christ-like life. In Islam it is showing complete surrender to Allah. In Buddhism it is outwardly living by the 10 precepts. Living your faith by example, a UU-like life, can save the world and grow our church.

 July 30, 2006
Church of the Larger Fellowship Sermon: Meant to Be

How can UUs reconcile that within their congregations some members believe in destiny/predetermination, while others do not? Are coincidences just that?

 July 23, 2006
More conversation and coffee
Rob Barreda


 July 16, 2006
Too Fat to Fly
Rev. Patti Henry


 July 9, 2006
For the Sake of the Song
Steve Brooks

Songwriting as a Spiritual Path

 July 2, 2006
Conversation and Coffee
Rob Barreda


 June 25, 2006
Finding Freedom with Prisoners
John Speer


 June 18, 2006
Father's Day: Wisdom Fathers Pass Down
Rob Barreda

Summary: In this sermon you will hear an important UU message about fathers and the non-material gifts they bring. All fathers and father figures welcome, as well as their networks of nurturees.

Bio: Rob, a member of this church, serves as Chair of the Membership committee and is active in many other roles within our congregation. His career has included stints as a member of the military, a musician, a photographer, and a journalist. He is the father of Heather, who attends our middle school R.E. class.

 June 11, 2006
Spiritual Journey Testimonials
Angela Jackson

What path brought you to this church, as a member or as a friend? This Sunday you will hear about the spiritual journey of two people in our church community. Dan and Angie began their spiritual paths growing up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, more commonly known as the Mormon faith.

Our Music Fellowship Covenant Group will be playing prelude and postlude on June 11.

 June 4, 2006
Magical Mystery Tour
Chuck Freeman

Ways of hearing and relationship exist which are beyond human voice and presence. If we limit our reality to the concrete and human, our outlook may become grim. When we expand our circle, a vastness is opened.

Rev. Chuck Freeman shares the Austin Live Oak UU Church ministry team with the Rev. Kathleen Ellis. Like many ministers of Unitarian Universalist churches, Chuck was ordained in another faith; however, he took all the classes and passed the exam to at last attain the rank of preliminary fellowshipped UU minister. In late June of 2000, he marched at the General Assembly, got his official certificate, and completed the final leg of his journey to UU ministerhood. Chuck has a radio show, Soul Talk, live on KOOP 91.7 FM in Austin on Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. You can find it on the Internet and listen to the program live on streaming audio.

 May 28, 2006
The War Within
Woody Rae Forrieter

What do you think about the war in Iraq?  What do you think about war in general?  On this Sunday before Memorial Day Woody Forrieter will talk about achieving peace in your lifetime.  Prediction:  No weapons of mass destruction will be found in this sermon

 May 21, 2006
Children's Religious Education End of Year Service
Katy Carpman

Join us for an intergenerational celebration--remembering the year, honoring our RE teachers, and bridging our students on to the next level in their religious explorations.

 May 14, 2006
Mother's Day
Rev. Patti Henry

All moms and people who have had moms are invited today to explore birth stories, the wisdom of mom, and how much the world is in need of mothering.  Please join Liz Steele and Patti Henry in looking at using female energy and intuition to heal the world. Hats and gloves are welcome.

 May 7, 2006
Congregational Transitions
Dana Ashrawi

Our church has been growing! Come hear about signs of congregational growth transition, theories of conflict, and methods for navigating change and conflict.

 April 30, 2006
What Do We Worship

NWCUUC Youth: What Do We Actually Worship After the Call to Worship

 April 23, 2006
Kristen D. Shellenberg

Earth Day and Native American Spirituality

 April 16, 2006
Easter - Raised from the Dead: A Celebration of Life
Rev. Patti Henry


 April 9, 2006
Flower Communion
Liz Steele


 April 2, 2006
Justice Sunday
Pamela A. Bryson


 March 26, 2006
Hope for the Earth
Cath Conlon

Don’t miss this Sunday with environmentally correct contractor Cath Conlon -- who builds using no carcinogens -- and hear the good news that is happening around the globe to save the earth.

A dynamic, passionate speaker, Cath Conlon, is an active member and supporter of the Bioneers, plus the owner of the Blackwood Land Institute where thousands of students come to study the land each year. Find out what you can do to think globally and act locally!

 March 19, 2006
Building a Life, One Brick at a Time


 March 12, 2006
The Bible and Homosexuality
Christopher McCarthy

Sermon by Rev. Mike Morran

Why is so much time, energy, and effort directed by the far Christian Right organizations and many of their deeply conservative politician associates to keep gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered persons in permanent secondclass citizen status? Learn about some of the common Biblical quotations used in the discussion, and how to respond from a liberal religious point of view. Chris McCarthy will deliver a sermon by Rev. Mike Morran given to the First Unitarian Church of Denver, Colorado, October 19, 2003.

 March 5, 2006
Clear Your Clutter
Cheryl Perry

Come hear about more ways of achieving peace in your life. Cheryl Perry has studied yoga and meditation for 14 years. She is currently a student of Human Development at the University of Houston and a part-time yoga teacher.

 February 26, 2006
Being a Reluctant Radical
David Pyle

William Ellery Channing is often called the "father of Unitarianism", and yet his theological beliefs were quite different than that of many UU’s today. Does Channing have influence on modern Unitarian Universalism? We will explore how the example of Channing is the inspiration for how we Unitarian Universalists conduct Social Action and Social Witness.

David Pyle is the Administrator of the UU Fellowship of Galveston County. A UU Seminary Student at the Meadville Lombard Theological School, David plans to return to the U.S. Army as a UU Military Chaplain. While on Active Duty, David served in Panama, El Salvador, Colombia, and Bosnia. He holds a Bachelors degree from East Tennessee State University in History and Political Science, and is active in social witness in Galveston.

 February 19, 2006
Keeping the Faith: One Woman’s Journey
Anne Feeney

For more than 30 years Anne Feeney has made a career of comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. As an activist, an attorney, a writer, a songwriter and a mother, she has spent her life on the frontlines. She will share what keeps her going - her inspirations and motivators.

From Anne’s website, www.annefeeney.com: I’m an activist, organizer, songwriter, folksinger, troublemaker and hell raiser from Pittsburgh, PA. I graduated from high school in 1968 and worked for a year to save up enough money to buy the beautiful Martin D-28 guitar that I still play. The Vietnam war and the Civil Rights Movement shaped my conscience and consciousness. I worked for a dozen years or so as a trial attorney and I have two great kids, Dan and Amy Berlin.

Now, I’m on the road 200+ days a year... all over the US and Canada, and more recently, Sweden and Denmark. If you’re on strike, or in an organizing drive, or doing community organizing for women’s rights, the environment, human rights, anti-poverty or anti-racist work, I want to be there. The most current news about what I’ve been up to is on my blog (http://fellow-travelers-advisory.blogspot.com).

Reviews: "Anne Feeney is the best labor singer in North America." - Utah Phillips

"If I had a cause - and who doesn’t? - I’d want Anne Feeney singing for me." - Stephen Ide, Dirty Linen Magazine

"Congratulations on your fine songwriting!" - Pete Seeger

"Anne is a role model for us. She has lived her songs." - Peter Yarrow (Peter, Paul and Mary)

 February 12, 2006
This Too Shall Pass: The Concept of Impermanence
Rob Barreda

For some people, one of the most difficult things to realize is that everything in our lives is temporary, from the struggles, adversity and sadness in our lives, to our successes, triumphs and joy. In embracing this concept, we can discover a sense of comfort, humility, and, hopefully, contentment and balance.

Rob, a member of this church, serves as Chair of the Membership committee. His career has included stints as a member of the military, a musician, a photographer, and a journalist. He is the father of Heather, who attends our middle school R.E. class.

 February 5, 2006
Rev. Patti Henry

Recently, several members and friends of our beloved congregation have developed health challenges. Perhaps you or a loved one in your circle may also be dealing with a health problem. We have enjoyed sermons on the power of meditation and mindfulness in healing. In this service, learn about how you can help yourself and others with some other powerful yet surprisingly simple acts.

Patti Henry, psychotherapist and marriage counselor, is a member of this church, active in many roles, and is the author of The Emotionally Unavailable Man, a Blueprint for Healing. She has delivered numerous sermons at this church.

 January 29, 2006
Tracy Cook

As a small (but growing!) lay-led community, we are often asked to help with the running of our church. We need volunteers to do this and that, committee members and chairs. And have you purchased the latest whatnot? It can be overwhelming at times. But this church also has a lot to fill you back up. Want to know more? Come and take your seat. Tracy Cook has been a member of this church for 2 years. She is married and has two sons. She is an elementary school teacher. She likes to read, coo, and eat.

 January 22, 2006
Becoming Welcoming
Ron Bosch

Northwest Community UU Church is exploring becoming a welcoming congregation. We are vibrant, and outgoing. Most of us are interested in growing the church, and many are heavily invested in growing our UU faith. All of these ideas start with us being a friendly place for others to experience. In a word, welcoming. So, are we welcoming? We need to decide what exactly welcoming means to NWCUUC before we can determine whether we in fact are. Then we need to find out how to become more welcoming. Only then can we reach our full potential.

Ron Bosch is a fun, smart, and caring fat guy. He has four kids who are amazingly well adjusted, considering they have lived with him for their whole lives. He has an amazing, talented, beautiful wife who thinks she is none of those things. Ron works as a Development Chemist for an oilfield chemical company, and spent twelve years in the U.S. Navy on Nuclear Subs and in Law Enforcement. He has been a UU for 5 years after taking a decade to recover from a bout of lukewarm fundamentalism.

 January 15, 2006
Taking Our Measure (UUism)
Alok Kalia, MD

Dr. Kalia identifies the seeds of our current beliefs in the Universalism and Unitarianism of 200 years ago, takes stock of where we are today, and attempts to define our future path.

Alok Kalia, MD is Director of the Division of Pediatric Nephrology at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. He is a member of the Bay Area UU Church where he has served on the Board of Directors and chaired the Committee on Ministry and the Community Service Committee. He considers himself a Hindu and feels very much at home in the UU environment.

 January 8, 2006
Being Peaceful
Cheryl Perry

We live in one of the most violent cultures on earth. How do the attitudes of a violent culture affect us and in what ways can we remain at peace with ourselves and others? Learn some useful methods that we can use to bring the yogic concept of ahimsa (non-harming) into our troubled world and apply it to our daily lives.

Cheryl Perry has studied yoga and meditation for 14 years. She is currently a student of Human Development at the University of Houston and a part-time yoga teacher.

 January 1, 2006
Housekeeping for the Soul
Bil Cusack

Rita & Bil Cusack did this service

 December 11, 2005
Childrens' RE Holiday Program
Katy Carpman

Best Christmas Pageant Ever

 December 4, 2005
Advent 1: Waiting
Lucia Bettler

Lucia Bettler - For centuries, Advent has been a time of spiritual reflection as well as cheer and anticipation

 November 27, 2005
Boosting Your Spiritual IQ: Part III
Rev. Patti Henry

Growth Choices vs. Fear Choices

 November 13, 2005
The Dreamtime: Part II
Heloise Lynn

For Those Who Find the Journey as Important as the Destination

 November 6, 2005
The Dreamtime: The Australian Aborigines
Lynn, Heloise

First of two sermons on the aborigines worldview

 October 30, 2005


 October 23, 2005
The Power and Practice of Prayer
Liz Steele

Prayer as a spiritual connection to all that is sacred and holy in our lives

 October 16, 2005
Sex and the Sanctuary
Joanna Crawford

A frank and provocative talk about taboos

 August 28, 2005
The Difference: A Mixed Blessing
Ann Baker

Author of "Walk Like A Man: A family's walk with Clay and his walk with being gay and living with AIDS"

 August 21, 2005
Homecoming & Water Sunday

RE Coordinator, Teacher & Students

 July 3, 2005
A Spirituality of Imperfection
Rev. Liz Brown

Rev. Liz Brown

 May 22, 2005
Katy Carpman

Celebrating our children moving from one grade to the next

 January 23, 2000
Rev. Alisha Mills


 January 9, 2000
Rev. Alisha Mills


 January 2, 2000


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