As a Unitarian Universalist minister, I have
talked with so many members, some
long-term but mainly newer folks, who
are excited and eager to get involved in
the congregation. After encouraging people
to listen deeply to what their gifts and
passions might be, I invite them to be creative
in thinking how they can serve with
love and grow in spirit. Look at the ministry
areas that already exist in your local congregation.
You might feel drawn to share
your gifts in an area in which you are already
skilled, or perhaps to spend more time
serving and learning in an area that would
help you explore something interesting and
new. Some options might include singing
in the choir, caring for the building, mentoring
young people, working on a congregational
social event, or organizing a group to
work on some aspect of the congregation's
social justice mission.
Sometimes the actual activities you are
involved in will help you grow, but what I
have noticed is that more often than not,
the deep meaning and growth come from
the connections you can make with others
along the way. It's sort of like that saying
about the journey being more important
than the destination. I marvel at the beautiful
relationships that are nurtured when
people come together to serve the community.
Each of us can grow as individuals,
but service in a religious community offers
spiritual growth in meaningful relationship
with others.
But what happens if you feel that the
options for serving in your community do
not bring out your best when it comes to
your gifts and passions? Sometimes there
just isn't a program or leadership opportunity
that is aligned with your gifts. The
beauty of our living tradition is that it is
living, which means it can grow and change
with the gifts we each bring to it. If there
is not a way to serve in the way that will
best help you grow, consider the kind of
program that would help you grow and find
others who can help you make it happen.
The creative spirit of service can unleash a
wellspring of untapped human possibility.
When you listen deeply to your inner voice,
you can not only share your gifts and grow
in spirit but also open the doors to a more
vibrant congregational life for others in your