The concept "environmental justice" requires
us to notice connections with many different
forms of injustice and oppressions and
address them synergistically. It requires us to
be sensitive to cultural and spiritual concerns
and bring our emotional intelligence to bear
upon our organizing, advocacy, and service
efforts; religious education; worship; and
congregational leadership. All across North America, UUs are
bringing dedication, persistence, courage,
vision, creativity, love, passion, knowledge,
relationships, and financial resources to
environmental justice struggles. Examples
are numerous! Here are a few:
The human right to water. Water is
necessary for life, but not everyone in the
U.S. and around the world has access to
safe and affordable water. Water insecurity
aggravates international conflicts, jeopardizes
traditional forms of agriculture, undermines
the health and academic achievement of
children, and threatens the value of homes
and business and even the very existence of
some communities due to tracking and oil
and gas pipeline construction. The Unitarian
Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)
provided critical assistance and support to
local partners who advanced water rights in
such countries as Mexico, Peru, Argentina
and Kenya. UUSC, the Unitarian Universalist
Ministry for Earth (UUMFE), UU Young Adult
Climate Justice Network, and UU state action
networks and various congregations are
playing vital roles in a variety of U.S. states
and Canadian provinces.
Farmworker rights. UUs are backing
farmworkers who are organizing to obtain fair
wages and safer working conditions, namely
protection from pesticide poisoning and
sexual harassment in the fields.
Disaster relief. For years, UU congregations
from around the country have raised money
and made pilgrimages to New Orleans to
help rebuild homes lost in Hurricane Katrina,
and they have generously responded to
UUA and UUSC calls for other disaster relief
contributions. UUs in Florida are working
with coastal low-income communities of color
on better disaster planning and equitable
rebuilding after Hurricane Matthew and the
health impacts of climate change.
Climate-forced displacement. Under the
auspices of UUSC, Indigenous peoples in
Alaska, Louisiana, Washington, the South
Pacific, and Bangladesh are meeting to develop
strategies and share wisdom about resiliency,
displacement, and community building.
Indigenous rights. UUs are building respectful
solidarity relationships with Indigenous tribes
in the Pacific Northwest, the Dakotas, and
other locations. The UU congregation in
Bismarck, South Dakota, played a critical role
in establishing a base for activists coming to
Standing Rock. UUs are supporting seven
tribal members prosecuted for their roles in
that protest. Meanwhile, UUA and UUMFE
staff are working with Lakota leaders on longer-term
bridge building through the Inter-National
Initiative for Transformational Collaboration.
Lack of affordable housing and access to
healthy food. Many congregations invest in
affordable housing funds and work in interfaith
coalitions to advocate for better local affordable
housing policies, including initiatives to upgrade
or build homes with greater climate resiliency
and green energy sources. Others collaborate
with low-income neighbors to address local
hunger and nutrition needs.
Intergenerational justice. A UU youth is one
of the plaintiffs in Juliana v. the United States--a
path-breaking court case in which the U.S.
government is accused of violating the constitutional
rights of life, liberty, and property for
our youngest generation and failing to protect
essential resources within the public trust by
not effectively addressing climate change.