Weaving a Tapestry

Pathways to Membership

First, Get To Know Us!

Attend our Sunday services. Enjoy refreshments with us after the service. We are very friendly! Choose a table and join the conversation. A great opener is "How did you end up at this church?" Attend the Corner Forum Discussion that starts about 15 minutes into refreshment time.

Read our newsletter, available on our website at https://uutapestry.org/Newsletter. Sign up for our newsletter emails by emailing newsletter@uutapestry.org. Find out what's going on when, and attend some church groups or functions. Sign up for an ongoing group. Check out Team FUUN activities! Our first outing was to a skating place next door. Those not skating were welcome to be onlookers. 

Join us in service. We have several service projects planned for the upcoming year. See the newsletter and calendar for details. We currently do all-ages worship, and mindfully prepare a cart of manipulatives available for people of all ages to quietly enjoy during the service. We always need people willing to provide fun activities for the worship cart, and sometimes for the refreshment hall activity table. In the future, we will develop family-friendly and child-friendly offerings outside of the worship time.

Get To Know Unitarian Universalism

Meet our Minister. She's awesome! Reverend Alisha Mills is here most Sundays and can tell you more about us and Unitarian Universalism. Email her at minister@uutapestry.org.

Attend a “Pathways to Membership" class that we offer a few times a year. Someone on the Membership Team or the Minister reaches out to people who have visited several times to ask if they are ready for a class. This two-hour class covers a short history of Unitarian Universalism as well as the history of our congregation. Attendees will share about their journey leading toward our congregation. We’ll describe how Tapestry UU Church works, how it is “governed”, detailing the teams and committees and their functions. After these classes, you’ll have a better idea about how we do things, and how your passions might find a home here. You'll be given an opportunity to join at the end of the class. Of course, you can think about it and sign up later.

Rights and Responsibilities of Membership

As a member, you may vote at congregational meetings for items such as calling a minister, approving budgets, determining leadership and acquiring property. Leadership positions such as board officers and standing committee chair are held by members, generally nominated from those who have been members for six months to a year. We hope that if you feel called, you will eventually offer to be considered as a nominee for an elected position.

Member responsibilities include exercising your right to vote and making a commitment to the church. While Unitarian Universalists do not tithe, we do ask that members consider financially contributing what they can to support our staff and programs. A Fair Share Guide for pledging was developed as a guideline by our area sibling church, Thoreau UU, in the southwest part of the Houston area. Read the guide and see what makes sense for your budget and needs. Contributing what you can of your time and talents is another way that we ask members to be involved.

Talk to the Minister and Become a Member!

Are you ready? Is it time to become part of the Tapestry commjunity? You spoke with the minister, met other people in the congregation, attended a Pathways class and are considering your commitment. If you say yes, you’ll be scheduled to sign our membership book as part of the next new member service. We welcome you joyfully to our beloved community!

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