Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston
Weaving a Tapestry of Love and Action
January 19, 2025

Guest Speaker:Rev. Alisha Mills

* Gathering Chant - Weavers


Prelude – "Gather the Spirit", Grey Hymnal # 347

Opening Words

* Opening Hymn – "Cuando El Pobre (When The Poor Ones)", Teal Hymnal # 1027

* Lighting the Chalice
We kindle this light in celebration of the life that we share!

Reading of the Covenant

Joys and Concerns


Dedication of the Offering
To the work of this church, which is weaving a tapestry of love and action;
We dedicate our lives, and these, our offerings.

Call to Reflection

Moment for All Ages

Sermon - Intentional Multicultural Inclusion for Tapestry UU of Houston

Closing Hymn – "Our Faith is But a Single Gem", Grey Hymnal # 193

Closing Words

Extinguishing the Chalice
We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment.
These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.


* Please rise in body or spirit.
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