Unitarian Universalism
welcomes you.
Whatever your gender identity, gender
expression, sexual identity, affectional or
sexual orientation, family or relationship
structure, you can be at home here.
Are you seeking a faith community that
affirms each person as an individual?
Do you long for a spiritual home that
invites your full participation, one that
honors your affectional or sexual orientation,
gender identity or expression,
sexual identity, and family or relationship
structure, as well as your racial/cultural
identity or background, mental/physical
health and ability, age, language, citizenship
status, religious background, economic
status, and national origin?
Are you looking for a community of
seekers that doesn't require adherence
to any one religious belief or creed, a
community that agrees that we need not
think alike to love alike?
If so, you have found it in Unitarian
In fact, Unitarian Universalist congregations
are so serious about including
you, it is now a part of the bylaws of the
Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)
(as amended July 1, 2014):
Systems of power, privilege, and
oppression have traditionally created
barriers for persons and
groups with particular identities,
ages, abilities, and histories. We
pledge to replace such barriers
with ever-widening circles of solidarity
and mutual respect. We
strive to be an association of congregations
that truly welcome all
persons and commit to structuring
congregational and associational
life in ways that empower and
enhance everyone's participation.
As this statement indicates, inclusion
is not just a business practice, it's
a spiritual practice. By replacing barriers
to inclusion with circles of solidarity and
respect, Unitarian Universalists invite you
to share in the leadership, ministry, fellowship,
worship, responsibilities, blessings,
and joys of congregational life.