Weaving a Tapestryof LOVE and ACTION!
Our address is 5400 Fellowship Ln, Spring, TX 77379, inside Congregation Jewish Community North (CJCN)
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Join us for an exploration of five women and their creative contributions to the arts and spirituality. Hildegard Von Bingen's mandalas, Anne Bronte's writing on universal salvation, and Nikki Grimes's beautiful story about the ancient art of weaving. We aspire to inspire your creative spirit or exploration of creative women all around you.
Click HERE for our current Order of Service.
If you're unable to join us in person, Zoom is still an option by clicking HERE.
Join us at 11:00 am Sundays at 5400 Fellowship Lane, Spring, Texas, inside the Congregation Jewish Community North synagogue.
Physical Address:
5400 Fellowship LnSpring, TX 77379
Mailing Address:
PO Box 11047Spring, TX 77391
Email: admin@uutapestry.org
Phone: (281) 301-7999
If you would like to receive our weekly newsletter just register on our website by clicking on the Subscribe button at the upper-right corner of any page. Here are more ways to contact Tapestry UU Church of Houston through social media: