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Community Calendar
Tapestry Members are encouraged to add any and all events to the calendar that may be of interest to other members. For assistance, please email calendar@uutapestry.org.
UU Network of Houston Luncheon
Start Date/Time: Saturday, January 25, 2025 10:00 AM
End Date/Time: Saturday, January 25, 2025 2:00 PM
Recurring Event: One time event
Importance: Normal Priority
Other Events
Location: Offsite

Growing and Unifying Our Liberal, Inclusive, Loving Message!

Please attend the UU Network of Houston annual Leadership Luncheon at

Emerson UU Church Westwood Hall
1900 Bering Dr. Houston, TX 77057

on Saturday January 25, 2025 from 11 AM to 3 PM for presentations and a lively discussion/brainstorming about digital media, communications, social media and digital privacy. Every UU Member and friend of Unitarianism who is interested in communications, social media and digital privacy is encouraged to attend. So we can provide lunch for everyone, please register at https://www.uuhouston.org/register/.

With the new administration, it is likely that there will be significant social justice and privacy concerns especially for liberal religions. Effectively planning, growing, and unifying our message needs active social and digital media participation - from participating in social media usage that focuses on consistent UU messaging to counteracting the potential injustices and privacy violations will require prompt social media "campaigns" with consistent messaging that's securely coordinated.

This luncheon will have speakers and videos from the Texas UU Justice Ministry, from the Southern Region district of the UUA, and from our own congregations. The presentations will focus on challenges we face. UU members are encouraged to share their digital communication and social media/social justice success stories. The brainstorming will focus on potential social platform usage ideas, digital privacy, and campaign slogans for Houston area UUs. After brainstorming, we will discuss the steps we should take to further our UU faith.

Please plan now to participate in this stimulating event.

News from Our UU Community

Check out UU Houston for more news from other UU organizations around Houston!

How to Add Your Event

Send an email to calendar@uutapestry.org and we will add it to our community calendar.

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